1440 Words

Don't say that, Fiona. You can't be a rogue when you have a place to sleep and lay your head. Alpha Adrian tried to make me change my mind, but I shook my head. If he wanted me to come with him, he would have to let Derek go his way. Then, if he doesn't release Derek, I won't come with him. I've made up my mind, Alpha. If you want me to come with you, then you will have to release the rogue, I said stubbornly. I didn't know why, but I just didn't want Derek to be arrested. I have a feeling that he didn't want to be a rogue at first, judging from the way he was acting so calmly. He joined them due to a situation, and I knew that my subconscious mind would never lie to me. Alpha Adrian sighed. Are you sure about it? What about the other rogues with him? Should I release them too? He asked

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