1807 Words

Fiona's POV I made my way out of my room and to Callidora's room. On my way to her room, I met Ma'am Tiara. She was with Sophia, Dorris's little girl. The girl was crying and that broke my heart. “Will my momma come back to me?” She asked Ma'am Tiara and she nodded her head. I didn't like the fact that we were lying to her. We should have come out plain and told her the truth, but we didn't want to. She is too young to know that her mother is dead and never coming back. She is too young to go through that emotional heartbreak. My parents died at a young age, and I know the impact it had on me. “Yes, Sophie. Your mother will come back. She is just sleeping,” Ma'am Tiara said to the little girl. I felt the back of my eyes brimming with tears, and I closed my tears, in an effort to ease

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