1944 Words

Scarlet's POV “What did you just say?” I asked in utter disbelief as I stared at Harper. She scoffed as she tried to get my hand away from her body, but I didn't give her the chance to. I held onto her hand, but she successfully escaped from my grip and that was because I decided to let go of her hands . I wanted to know what she meant by her words. She didn't reply. She just winked at me as she tried to walk away, but I held her back by her hands and she winced in pain. “You didn't answer my question, Harper. What did you say about Daren? He is looking for Fiona? Did I even hear you properly?” I asked breathlessly, eager to know what she meant. She peeled her hand away from my grip. “The last time I checked, Scarlet, you weren't deaf, or were you?” She asked. It was funny how she was

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