1669 Words

" I see," I said to Dorris. She smiled down at me. I was still lost in staring around the room when she tore me away from my thoughts. "That's the bathroom," She said, pointing at the door that was not far from me. As much as I would love to take a bath, I couldn't, and that was because I was still in my wolf form. I may love this new part of me, but still, I can't continue being in it forever. I want to change back. I miss my perfect body. My height, my beautiful face. I miss it all. I found myself wondering if Dorris was blind. How does she want me to bathe in this way? "Maya?" I called softly, and she replied almost immediately as if she had been waiting for me to speak up and say something. "Yes, Fiona," I want to shift back. Can't you help me in any way?" " I can't help you if y

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