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Fiona "That b***h!" Alpha Adrian cursed under his breath, but I heard it clearly. "She is just as cunning as her sister," he added. He was furious, and his anger was understandable. "I just can't believe that someone was snuggled into my pack, and without my f*****g consent, and she has been living under my roof for all these years. Two f*****g years, and I have no damn idea about it," he said through gritted teeth. He was furious. I could sense it. I could feel it, but he was trying his best to rein in control, and that was the most matured thing I have ever seen in all two decades of my life. I'm sure that if it was Alpha Edward, by now, Dorris would have been buried six feet under the ground. Yes. The man sulks at controlling his temper and it is so annoying. He really sulks at it.

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