1341 Words

Fiona What the hell was happening before my eyes? Callidora was on top of Alpha Adrian, and she was half naked? Damnit! This was what I had been feeling a while ago, but I couldn't place my hand on it. "What the hell is happening here?" I yelled as I took in the sight in front of me. Callidora spared me a glance, but she didn't even try to leave Alpha Adrian's body. She went as far as smirking at me. "What does it look like to you, b***h?" She asked as she winked at me. I could feel tears gathering in my eyes. Alpha Adrian….. What the hell? Alpha Adrian was sleeping with Callidora? My chest tightened more as I continued staring at them. Up till now, Alpha Adrian hadn't even acted like I was in the room. Heck, he didn't even act like he was staring at me. What broke my heart more

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