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Her frail body was fast. I could almost lose her between the trees. If only she hadn’t seen her. If only I was one second faster. Now my plan has went downhill. I need to catch this girl, because her hunger is eternal, and she is my angel. Ever since we came back from our hike, she has been acting weird. Her hunger was insatiable, whatever I gave her, it never was enough. She said that she was pregnant. Finally, we can have a kid. I am full of joy and will do anything for my beautiful wife. Only if this girl could slow down. - Hey! - I yelled. - Stop! - Leave me alone, you creep! - she screamed back. - You are going to hurt yourself! Why are you even running? - f**k off! She was running deeper and deeper into the woods. On one hand, that was perfect, because it can look like she got lost, but on the other hand, something else might get to her before I do. I had to use my gun. I had to kill her. My feet slowed down until they came to a stop. Hers were not even touching the ground. My arms lifted the gun up. Her arms were removing branches in front of her. My eyes were focused on her. Her eyes were focused on the trees. My mind was thinking only about one thing. Hers was thinking about everything at once. I squeezed the trigger. A loud bang followed by her painful screech, as her body lost balance and she fell down. I slowly approached the weeping girl. - Please...don’t kill me. - her make up going down her cheeks, her face twisted in a grimace full of fear and regret. I lowered the gun for a second, but just before my morals kicked in, I raised the gun up and pulled the trigger again. Her body squirmed for one last time. It was like watching a car engine stop working. She completely froze up. They are getting harder to get now. I need to think of a new plan. I grabbed her by the leg and dragged her to an opening, where I cut her up and placed her in plastic bags, leaving behind some parts of her, to make it look like a wild animal got to her. After that I headed back home. - Love, I’m home. Where are you? - In the living room. Did you get her? I went in the living room, she was waiting for me in her arousing lingerie on the couch. I showed her the plastic bags. Her eyes widened out and started sparkling like a drug addict seeing a bunch of cocaine. She jumped up like a wild animal and dug in the bags. The first time she started eating raw meat I felt disgust, even kinda scared, but as time went on I got used to it. When she started pleading for human flesh I was again, kinda scared, but she is my love. I love her with all of my heart and will do anything for her, whatever she wants, she may have. A small part of me still thinks that if I stop giving her food, I may be the next meal. But as long as I give her what she wants, she gives me want I want too. My carnivorous princess, my mistress of death. The crunching sound the bones made between her teeth was attractive. A mouth that can be so violent, yet so angelic. Teeth so sharp they can tear flesh from bone in seconds, yet they can slide gently down your skin. Her face, covered in blood, striking fear yet highlighting her beautiful shapes. After she was done with her meal, it was time for dessert. She looked at me, wiping the blood off of her mouth. She looked at me casually, yet suggesting and full of love, pointing at me with her finger and ordering me to come closer. I could not stop myself even If I wanted to. No man could. I felt like her slave, abiding to her will. The love we made after her feeding time was the sweetest, the most fulfilling time of my life. At a certain point the sheriff will probably come look for yet another missing girl. I have to start taking them for another town, because people will start to figure out. I always clean thoroughly and get rid of all clues, but someday they will figure out how those girls die and more importantly, who kills them. If she’s this hungry now, I can’t imagine how I am going to feed her after a couple of months. As I foresaw, the sheriff is here. I could see his hat’s shadow over the door window, plus, he’s the only one that knocks slowly three times. - Hey, John. What’s going on? - his rugged voice, worn out from many years service and twice as many years of smoking. - Hi, Richard. What brings you here? - I wanted to come by and see you. - he said, pushing me away as he went inside the cabin. The tall man was looking around, checking every little thing. He then looked at my bedroom door and looked back at me. This was his way of telling you that he was going to check that room and if you showed uncertainty or declined in some way, he’d get more suspicious of you and check it either way. Richard didn’t know about Eleanor. In fact, her parents, as much as I know, didn’t tell anyone about our meet some months ago. His brow rose up the moment he opened the door. - And who is this beautiful lady? - she looked at my wife, who was standing with her back toward him, looking out of the window toward his car. - That’s… - Eleanor. - she turned at him. There was a short pause, in which Richard was constantly looking at both of us. He then let out a fake, short laugh, after which he looked at me. - Look, John. I know it was hard for you to accept that your wife is dead. - She is not dead. She is right there. - John. I lowered her casket. - An empty casket. - An empty...What are you even talking about? - his expression immediately went from a formal cop to a detective, given that he had almost 10 years of experience as a detective. - If she is dead, where is her body? - John. Maybe this forest drives you mad. Living secluded from society can-. - Her body is right in front of you. Which means that she is alive. He rose his eyebrow again. - John. This is not Eleanor. She somewhat looks like her, but it can’t be her. - Why are you so sure that she is dead if you don’t know where her body is? - I found her John. I found her in the woods near your cabin in fact. I froze. - Why didn’t you tell me? Eleanor was slowly moving in behind him. - Because it would have ruined you. She was a few hours away from this cabin, she must have died from the elements. Look, I am so sorry, but you need to move on-. - Where? - Hm? - Where did you find her? - I can show you, a deer path goes straight to it. There was a river nearby. The place itself was very beautiful. Full of flowers and-. - And wildlife. He stopped talking and looked at me. Eleanor stopped slowly moving and her eyes looked at me. - Do you know the place? - I have been there once. The sheriff’s eyebrows frowned. - What were you doing there? - Eleanor took me there. - You mean this girl? - he turned around and looked at Eleanor, who was ever so close to him. - Miss, can you take a step back? - I am sorry. - she said and sat on the bed. - Where are you from? She looked at me. - I am from here. - I haven’t seen you before. - You have definitely seen me before, Richard. - Well, I have seen a woman that looks like you, but she is dead. And you suddenly appeared after that. And are aware of the place where the woman died. So you better start talking or I will take you in custody for further questioning. - I don’t know who you have found, but I am alive and am here. I was noticing her constant eye contact with me, and Richard was seeing it too. I knew that she wanted me to stop him, but a part of me was curious too. - He won’t help you. - the sheriff quietly whispered to her. - John. - Answer me or I will place you under arrest for impersonating a deceased person, woman. - John. - Stop calling his name, if he makes me stop questioning you you automatically turn into a person of interest and I will arrest you. - John! - Okay, Rich, that’s enough. - John, you are defending someone who might have done something to your wife. Wake up! - Richard. I will ask you calmly to leave the premises of my property. - Do you want to get arrested for hiding a criminal, possibly a murderer? I looked away. - For f***s sake, John, she might have killed Eleanor! In a second, as she was sitting, she jumped against the tall sheriff, sinking her teeth into his neck, tearing his aorta out. He quickly pulled his gun and pulled the trigger multiple times in her abdomen area. She didn’t flinch and continued biting his neck. Richard looked at me in desperation, but I could not do anything. She is my wife. And as I was watching how my wife was decimating the poor man, I could only think about one thing – how beautiful she was.
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