ABE can only look at him, white as a sheet. SWEDEN: I suggest we do something about that. What we need right now...is a distraction. ACT 2, SCENE 17 EXT. WILLOW-ISLAND APEX. LATE AFTERNOON. A tackle box is sat down hard on the rocks, opened. ABE and SWEDEN fly-fish from the shallow water near the bank. We can just make out the plastic-covered corpse far behind, the edge of its tarp flapping. The willows seem to vibrate in the breeze; the gong-like humming persists. Clouds have begun to mass all over the sky so that no trace of direct sunlight peers through. Very still, too, everything is, so that the river and the frogs have things all their own way. ABE and SWEDEN re-cast their lines, which whip like willow stems in the air; the lines plop into the water, making ripples. Little ora