1. Frostford

1461 Words
"Good morning, Echo." I smile at momma over the breakfast table. "I can't believe I'm finally done with school." Daddy laughs while he fixes his tie. "Not so much. It's a 3-month break before you move on to your secondary education. Have you made a decision about where you're going?" "Epirac. I want to help colonize Crucorix North. I'm going to dual major in terraform and colonizing." "You're definitely smart enough for it." Daddy kisses my head as the twins fall into the kitchen. "DADDY, I WANTED TO WEAR PINK TODAY." "IT'S MY SHIRT. SHE TRIED TO STEAL IT." "GIRLS." Momma puts her hands on her hips. "Breakfast now. You both look fine. It's the last day. We're going to get through this." "It's not fair that Echo doesn't have to go." I toss the last bite of breakfast into my mouth. "I'll be there this afternoon. Don't worry." Momma fixes daddy's tie. "Her ceremony is at 2. Do not be late." "I wouldn't dream of it." The servant carries Rune in and puts him down. "There's my little man." Daddy scoops him up. Rune fights him off and goes to the table. "Cleome, we have Echo's school ceremony today. I need you to be here at 1. We should be back by 5." "No problem, ma'am." There's a big crash and Rune is lying on the floor with eggs all over him. I try not to laugh and momma throws her hands up. "I swear, we're going to get through today. I love you, dear. Have a wonderful day at work. I'll see you at 2." She pushes him towards the door. "Sanya, Casdy, go. The school van will be here any second. Echo..." She stares at me. "I have no idea." "I'll find something to do, momma." "Yes, thank you. Do that." I grab a bikini and lay out by the pool. It'll be nice to have a 3-month break. Daddy was talking about me getting a job for the summer. I'm not so sure about that. But it would be different. I've never... "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "GETTING A TAN." I glance at Eriska and laugh my ass off. "What the hell happened to your hair? You look like you stuck your finger in the chrono." "I need help. I did a hair treatment last night. I wanted it to be soft and silky for the end of school ceremony." "You definitely didn't do it right. Let's fix it." 3 hours and 4 servants later, everything is fine. Then we get ready for the ceremony. Momma takes us to school, then she finds my dad. He showed up with about 8 people from his work. I guess when you're the boss, you can make the employees do whatever you want. I peek in the door to the auditorium. Our school is private and elite. Every student had to score high on an entrance exam and then their parents had to be able to pay for it. It's very expensive. So, everyone in the auditorium is dressed fancy. They are showing money and class today. Everyone here would be considered an elite. There is also an entire section of business people. They are headhunting. Hoping to recruit the brightest of our class into their companies. I've had 5 approach me in the last few weeks. I've made up my mind to continue with school. I turned them down. "Are you ready?" Teak takes my arm. I smile at him. "I've been ready for years." He chuckles and we walk to the stage together. The ceremony goes exactly like you would expect a ceremony to go. There are some speeches. Clapping. More speeches. More clapping. Stand up. Sit down. Stand up. Clapping. I'm picking out my classes for next year in my head when Teak elbows me. "Your turn." I stand at the podium and make a speech too. There are 8 kids in my class that got perfect marks. We're each required to make a speech. I keep mine short. We're tired of being here. Then everyone claps and I sit again. I'm about to fall asleep when finally. "I present to you the newest graduating class of Frostford High." All of us jump up and yell. Eriska and I pull each other into the hallway. "I didn't think that was ever going to end." "Me either. I picked my classes for the next 5 years." "I planned my wedding." I laugh so hard. "You don't even have a boyfriend yet." "Well, my wedding is planned when I find him." "I guess that works." "Excuse me, Miss. Kinnik. I'm Alder Colwort. A recruiter for Phade Enterprise. Do you have a moment to talk?" I freeze solid. Phade is the leading company for colonizing Crucorix North. This is the 1 company I would leave school for. The thought of going to another planet and helping make it another place for our people is overwhelming. It's my life's dream. To put my toes on another planet. He's standing right in front of me. Eriska grabs my arm. "She says, it's lovely to meet you, sir. How can I help you?" She nudges me. "Breath." I inhale. I could see what another planet is like. "I'm recruiting. It's front line work and a good opportunity for the right candidate. We need pilots for the suppra." "She says, no, thank you. She is going to continue her education for now." "Of course. Here's my card if you would like to chat more." I take his card. Then he goes after someone else. Eriska shakes me a little. "Good job. You left a good first impression." We look at each other and crack up laughing. "I couldn't speak." "Well, you didn't pee or pass out. That's good." "Yea, I guess it could have been worse." "What company was it anyway?" "Phade." "No wonder why you were speechless." "I think I would have taken a job opening the door for people." "That's probably what it was. He said, front-line workers. That's like ground level entry work. You're better off going to school. I'm surprised they're even recruiting entry workers here. Kagona gives a corner office and a 6-digit salary to anyone from Frostford." "You going to work there?" "Never. I'm following you to school. You're not getting away." I laugh and toss the man's card in the trash. Then I find my parents. I get home and put my bikini back on. I'm not going to think about school for 3 months. I am going to enjoy this break and lie by the pool all summer. I can't stop thinking about that recruiter saying they need pilots for the suppra though. That makes no sense. Phade doesn't work with suppra's. Eriska lies in the chair beside me. "What are we doing this summer?" "This." "Good plan." "ECHO. You are not doing that for 3 months." Daddy yells from the porch. "Come on. I got you a job." "UGH." Eriska cracks up laughing. "So much for our plans. Let's get dressed though. The party is going to start in an hour." "This is going to be one boring party." "Yep. But at least we get presents." "True." Eriska and I have our party together. We do everything together, so it's not a surprise. It's not even a surprise for the gift givers. Eriska's parents give us matching cars. Her mom calls me her 2nd daughter. I do love her family. They are amazing. They don't have as much money as my family, but they have enough to be considered elite as well. Not that it would ever bother me or Eriska. We're best friends forever. Daddy stands up and dings his glass. "For the graduating girls..." He points to the door. 2 suppra boxes get wheeled in. We jump up. "FOR US?" "Yes. I told you, you're not sitting by the pool for 3 months. I will get you out of the house 1 way or another." We hug him, laughing. "Thank you daddy." "Thank you, Mr. Kinnik." "It'll be good for you girls to learn to control them. Technology keeps evolving. We can't slow down." Eriska's dad comes over and agrees with my dad. Then they start talking about other dad things. We pull each other to the suppra's. "They look like real people." "Exactly like people." I rub the arm of 1. "They feel real." "Even the hair feels normal. I've never seen one this close." "We probably have. We just haven't been able to tell the difference." "Girls, you can't stand there and stare at those. People are here to see you. Don't be rude and ignore them." "Sorry, mom." We spend the rest of the evening chatting and visiting with the guests.
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