20. Wonderful News

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I spend as much of the next day as possible on Cru N. I tell everyone it's to find stuff. But I hope I see Malax while I'm there. I wish he liked me. I do like him. I stand up and rub my face. I need to do something and get my mind off him. I have no idea where Eriska is. I get in my suppra after dinner and leave on foot. I'll find something to do. The dance club is where I end up. I dance for a couple of hours with so many people. It's a lot of fun. Then I think about our oceans. There's 1 not far from here, so I call for a car and go to the beach. Our oceans are not near as fun and, turns out, they're black at night. I make my way home, soaking wet. It was still a fun night. The next day, I go back to the dance club. There's not as many people, but it's still fun. I get the attention of a boy too. He dances a few songs with me. Then a slow song comes on and he pulls me against him. "Are you here with anyone?" "No. I wanted to get out and do something today. Dancing sounded fun." "Can I have your number? I'd like to call you sometime. Or message you." "Sure. You seem fun." "How old are you?" "17. I'll be 18 in a month." He smiles. "I'm 19. We're close in age." I hug him. I'm not sure why. I think it was a reaction. "Sorry. I'm used to being told I'm too young for everything." "You're not too young. Maybe they're too old." "I agree." "Can I kiss you?" "Please do." He smiles, and his lips touch mine. It's nice to be held. Told I'm not a little kid. I like his arms around me. We dance and kiss all afternoon. "I thought you were lost." I jump into his arms. "Sorry, she scared me." "It's ok." Eriska rolls her eyes. "I thought you were lost or dead somewhere. But instead you went out and got a boyfriend. I've been worried sick." "She's my sister and a little dramatic." He laughs. She glares at him and he shuts up. "You could have answered your phone." "Sorry, the volume was down. I'm alive. I was searching for something to do. Dancing sounded fun. This is Jasper. We've been dancing for a while now. Hang on. I've got like 87 messages. What happened?" "Your dad and Malax are having a shared panic attack. I told them to stop being stupid, and I would bring you home. I'll text and tell them you're ok." "I texted too. They know I'm alive. The volume was too low for the dance club." "We have to go. It's almost dinner." Jasper pulls me closer. I give him another kiss. "Thank you for the dances, sir. Please don't panic if I don't answer your messages right away. I get busy and also have a job. Sometimes, I'm not even allowed to have my phone with me." "I understand. My job is the same way. I won't panic. I do hope to hear from you though. I hope I can take you out sometime." "I would really like that." He gives me another kiss. "Ok. Let's go, or I'm going to have to find someone to kiss too." We get to my house and Malax and daddy are giving me dirty looks. "Oh, knock it off. I'm allowed to go out and have fun. I'm not 12. And I'm on the suppra. You know damn well I'm only down the steps for real." Eriska plops down in her spot. "She found a new boy to like. We don't have to hear about Scotch anymore." Momma smiles. "Well, that's wonderful news." Daddy stares at Malax then cracks up laughing. "Sorry, this was the highlight of my month. Am I still losing?" "Yes, Braxtin. Knock it off. You're still going to lose." He pouts and stares into space. Malax rubs his eyes and growls. Momma nods and signals for the food. After dinner, I go to Cru N. I give myself a tour of the camp. It's a nice place. There's a big shower room. A big cafeteria to eat in. The kitchen in the cafeteria is amazing. The sleeping arrangements are terrible. They are big rooms with bunk beds. Everyone gets a chest for their stuff. I've seen the storage area already. The greenhouse is beside the kitchen. That makes sense. Then there is a big room for relaxing. No real office area here. I get a few ideas to make it better. Then I think about teams. Other companies could come here and study stuff too. I lay on the stage and draw my ideas. Malax sits beside me. "What are these?" "Well..." I get up on my knees. "I was thinking. We... Well, you. Could make rooms for teams. They could pay you to be here and study what they wanted. Also, you need a big office in the middle. This isn't working the greatest. My papers keep blowing away. The storage room has no light. I'm about to set up an office in the girls' shower room." He chuckles. "What's this?" "House. They're small. Good for a family or even 1 person. You could have them in different sizes. People could pay to live in them. Or take a pay cut. Or get more pay to live in bunk bedrooms. That seems horrible. I don't think I could do that." "Officers or higher ranks could stay in the houses. I'll show your ideas around. Maybe we can come up with something. We have been thinking about people living here after the lizard threat is over. A lot of people want to. Houses would come in handy for that." I give him a hug. "Glad I could help. And this is your office. Build it so I can stop chasing my papers around." "This I do love. 1st level for storage. 2nd level for a big open office." I smile. "You'll be able to see out over everything. You could even make it taller, so you could see over the walls. It's only an empty area on the 1st level. Just make it a tall open area." "It's perfect. Thank you." "You're welcome." I hand him the papers. "Not sure why I drew them here. Not like we can take them back." "I'll put them in the storage room. Everyone can see them tomorrow." I smile as we go to the storage room and wonder if Jasper sent me a message. "Do you like him?" "I do. I hope I get a date this time." He rolls his eyes. "You and dates. How many dates do you go on in a month?" "I've never been on a date. That's why I was so excited about Scotch. My first date. I guess some things aren't meant to be. I'm hoping it works out this time." "Never?" I shake my head. "Boys run from me. Or see me and ask Eriska. Boys actually see my suppra for some reason. I guess she's prettier, but it's only a date. He doesn't have to know who I really am. I am determined not to f**k this one up." "But ever?" "Nope. Not like I can go to many places anyway. A picnic in the front yard doesn't sound very fun to most people. But daddy can shut down restaurants or rent a royal box for the theater. There are some places I could go." "Where is he taking you?" "He hasn't actually asked me anywhere yet. We planned to plan a date though. That's progress." "Can I take you out? I'll take you out on a real date." "No." I laugh. "No?" "You're only asking because I've never been on a date. You feel sorry for me. I'd rather have a picnic in the yard with someone who likes me, than have the best date ever with someone who feels sorry for me." I smile and get in the box. "Have a good night, Malax." "You too, Echo." I open my eyes and I'm home. I cry for a minute then wipe the tears away. Not sure why that was emotional. Maybe I'm that excited. I check my phone but no messages. He's probably in bed. Maybe tomorrow.
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