9. Dreams

1391 Words
We wake up late and get ready. Eriska decided to only do a half day today too. Daddy drives us both. "I'm bringing the suppra you wanted in about an hour. They're finishing now." "Thank you, daddy." "You're welcome. Thank Eriska too. She was telling me who needs them. And got the footage I needed. They will look like the person who owns them. There are 8. You, Eriska, Kai, Rye, Malax, Alder, Trill, and Boonin." Eriska nods. "It's the guys who are always there with him and us. If he wants more, he can order them himself." "And he can pay for them. But I'll tell him that he's sending them to Crucorix North when I bring them in." "Thank you. This is amazing. I can't wait to see it." "Give me an hour, and he doesn't know about them yet." "Ok." I hop out of the car at the employee entrance. I am happy to be back. Eriska takes my arm. "None of them know anything about this. It's a surprise." "I hope he doesn't argue about sending them." "Who cares? That's what they're for." "We don't know how much it costs to get there though." "He can stick them on a voyager already going. He'll figure it out." We get up to level 55, and I jump up and down. "You can take him his afternoon coffee. That'll be a surprise. Rye is in there too." We get the boys' coffee. I jump up and down. "I'M BACK." "ME TOO. AND WE'RE NOT IN BIKINI'S." "Daddy made us get dressed." Rye rubs his face. "You are dressed very business-like. This is very appropriate. Good job." Eriska smiles. "Thank you. Oh, I took half a day off. I was helping Echo." "I noticed. I figured you would be here when you felt like it." Malax laughs. "Have a seat." We plop in chairs so fast. She leans in and whispers, "We're important now." We act more professionally. The boys try not to laugh. Malax rubs his eyes. "I was talking to your dad about how you are thinking about starting your own business." "She would kill us, Malax." "No she wouldn't. She wants a team to take to Cru N. to do her missions and experiments. It wouldn't affect us at all. But anyway, I decided, after you graduate, I'll give you your own team." I freeze solid. "You'll be able to travel with them and study what you want." Eriska smiles. "Now you speak." I start shaking. "She says thank you." She watches me. "A lot." Malax nods. "You have to finish school first. I know it's 5 years away, but this is what's best. You won't have to buy a used ship and hope it doesn't break or float off this way. You'll be able to study and go where you want. You can make the missions." "She says thank you... 1 second." Eriska shakes me. "YOU HAVE TO BREATHE." "I... THAT MEANS... I..." "Good job." I jump clear over the table at Malax. The chair breaks and I land on him. I hug him tightly. Then I sit up straddling him. "I CAN STUDY PLANTS AND ANIMALS. I CAN SEE DIFFERENT PLACES." I hug him again. "AND I CAN GO TO DIFFERENT PLANETS TOO. NOT JUST CRU N." I hug him. "MY SHIP WON'T EXPLODE OR FLY OFF BY ITSELF." I hug him. "AND THEN..." Eriska pulls me off him. "You really need help figuring out how to act around or sit with your boss. I'll get you a book." "I HAVE TO PLAN MISSIONS." I try to drag her out by her arms. "Not yet." Malax gets off the floor. "You have to finish school. It is important." "LETS GO PLAN MY..." "STOP YELLING. You are making me deaf." Eriska rubs her ears. "BUT..." "FINE." Eriska shakes her head. "We're busy the rest of the summer. Don't bother us." "WE CAN WORK FROM THE POOL." "I'M IN." We run out and daddy is putting papers on my desk. "NO. RIGHT BACK IN THERE." We run back in. "Oh yea, I forgot to tell you, daddy's on his way. He's here now." Eriska sits down. "Something about something." Malax gets a different chair. Rye gets some new papers. "Good job letting us know. Next time, try to give a little more notice." "Ok." Eriska is happy and smiling. The delivery guys bring in 8 big boxes. Then daddy follows them in. "Kai, you're in here too." She runs in and sits down. "Yes, sir." "DADDY." I stand there shaking. "This one, sweetheart." I run to it and try to pry the wooden lid off with my fingers. The delivery people have to take it off for me. Then I jump up and down. "IT LOOKS JUST LIKE ME. LOOK!" "WHERE AM I?" "That one, Eriska." She does the same thing. "LOOK." "We see, sweetheart." "BUT LOOK." "Ugh. Malax, you deal with her. I have to get these open." "LOOK." "I see." He comes over. "It's amazing how much it looks like you." "LOOK AT MINE." "IT'S ME." "It's very nice." I jump up and down. "I WANT TO GO THERE NOW." "Let your dad get done, and we can link you downstairs." I hug him. He's nice. "BUT LOOK." Eriska is dragging Rye and Alder around. "Well, that's me." Kai is staring at hers in shock. "What?" Malax steps back and checks them. "What is this?" "Everyone, sit down. They're open." Daddy walks out to get his stuff off my desk. I sit as fast as I can. "THAT'S NOT YOUR SEAT." "HE SAID SIT. I SIT." Malax chuckles and picks me up. Then he puts me on his lap. Eriska pulls me off. "I'll get you a damn book too." Alder rubs his face. "These girls are overexcited today." "I'M BACK. AND NOW I GET TO HAVE MY OWN MISSIONS WHEN I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL..." I stare at Malax and shake. "NO. We're going to sit here calmly in our own seats. And be professional." Eriska fixes her button. Daddy comes in. "My daughter wants to go to Crucorix North. I cannot send her. Nor would I. But she wants to send these. Malax, you are sending these to Crucorix North. That's your part of the agreement. That way my daughter can see it. The..." Kai falls off her chair. "SORRY. I'm ok. Keep going." "The suppras are yours. They are biolinked to you. I had to do it that way because they are replicas of you. Also, what my daughter wanted." I stare at Malax and shake. He winks. "Of course, I'll send them." Eriska and I both dive on him this time. The new chair breaks, and we land on the floor. "Girls, get off of him." Daddy throws papers on the table. Rye and another man pull us up. "You're alright. Try to calm down." I point at a bunch of stuff and try to talk. Instead, I start sobbing. Daddy nods. "She's overstimulated. You need to sit somewhere quiet and calm, or you're going to get sick." I shake my head, drop to my knees, and cry. "LETS GO LINK INTO THEM." Eriska is pulling boys around. "Yea, we can do that." Daddy follows them out. "Go ahead, Kai. I need to calm her down." Malax picks me up and I wrap around him. "You're alright." He rubs my back. "I know this is a lot. It's a lot for everyone. You're doing good." I plop my head on his shoulder. "I am doing good." "Very good." He carries me into the empty elevator. "We'll keep trying to calm down." "Thank you... For everything. I always dreamed of working for Phade. Being able to see other places. Having my own team is more than I ever dreamed of." "Thank you too. We'll get to see Cru N now. I can have them there in less than a week. Thank you so much for this. I've never been to another planet. I always wanted to go, but it was always a safety issue. You're making my dreams come true too." I snuggle him. "I like this." "So do I." He hugs me. "I don't think your dad will though." I laugh, and he puts me on my feet as the elevator opens.
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