6. News

2010 Words
I sit down for breakfast the next day. "Baby, you're in the news again." "Why this time?" "Epirac published next year's student list." "That's not that bad." "Also, you were seen going into Phade." "UGH." "Do they have an employee entrance, Braxtin?" "I don't know. I'll take her in and ask. The press is going to be heavy this morning, Echo. Be ready for that." Casdy stands up. "We'll help you get dressed. Come on." "Give me 20 minutes, and I'll be there for make-up girls." They get me ready and daddy drives me. "Do you have his personal number? He's not in the office yet." "No. Why would I have that?" "Good point. Guess we're going through the front door." We pull up to the building and it's a disaster. People with cameras are everywhere. "Ugh." "I know. Straight into the building. We'll figure out another entrance for you." "Malax is out here. He's by the door." "Doesn't matter, Echo. Get in the building." "Ok." The flashes start going off before daddy even gets my door open. Then they don't stop. I think half of them are photographing daddy. The other half are on me. "SIR, IS YOUR DAUGHTER WORKING FOR PHADE?" "OCTAVIA, IS IT TRUE YOU'RE NOT GOING BACK TO SCHOOL?" I block them out and smile. I know better than to answer. They twist everything I say. "IS YOUR DAUGHTER SECURING A DEAL BETWEEN ZIRCON AND PHADE?" "IS IT TRUE OCTAVIA IS TAKING OVER ZIRCON?" I get to Malax and smile. "Sorry." "IS OCTAVIA MERGING ZIRCON AND PHADE?" "OCTAVIA, LOOK HERE." I turn around and smile. Might as well give them a picture. I know I look good. Flashes go off like crazy and they get louder. "OCTAVIA HERE." "MALAX, IS OCTAVIA TAKING OVER PHADE ENTERPRISE?" "ARE PHADE AND ZIRCON MERGING?" "No. There is no merge." "MALAX, LOOK HERE." Daddy finally gets here. "In the building, sweetheart. Malax, you need an employee entrance." "I have noticed." "IS YOUR DAUGHTER WORKING FOR PHADE?" "OCTAVIA, ARE YOU LEAVING SCHOOL FOR PHADE?" "Go, sweetheart. We'll get it." "IS OCTAVIA SECURING DEALS BETWEEN ZIRCON AND PHADE? IS THAT WHY PHADE IS TRAINING SUPPRA?" Daddy nearly pushes me into the building. The security guy doesn't say anything. He pushes the button and I keep going. Kai comes in 15 minutes later. "Well, that was an exciting trip into the building." I nod. "Is my daddy still out there?" "Yes, him and Malax are trying to make them go away." It takes another hour before daddy and Malax come up. Malax looks at Kai. "Get the leads, I need a meeting." "Get us some coffee, sweetheart. We have to figure out how to get you in and out of the building." "I can take the helicopter, daddy." "I guess that would work." "I still want an employee entrance. It'll be safer for everyone." Daddy crosses his arms. "And some days are too windy for a helicopter." I stand up. "I'll go get your coffee." "Are you ok?" "How can they think I'm leaving school on the same day the list was published?" "It's rumors, sweetheart. You know how they are. I'll get a hold of Mauve. You can sit with her for another interview. You liked her last time." "Thank you, daddy. I do feel she clears up rumors around me." "Good. Coffee, please." I make them some coffee. It's funny when I walk in. A bunch of men are at a conference table. Daddy is on one end and Malax is on the other. They are both on their phones yelling. The other men are watching me. I shrug my shoulders. "Does anyone else need anything?" "No. We're entertained listening to them yell at people. Thank you anyway." "Sweetheart, you're doing an interview today. Here somewhere." Malax nods and writes something down. He's still yelling on the phone though. "Thank you, daddy." I sit at my desk and panic. I don't know what to say. What if she asks me why I'm here? I don't know if I know enough about Phade. I text Eriska and tell her to bring me everything she can find on Phade Enterprise. And I'm in a hurry. I search for Phade on my phone and I see a picture of daddy and Malax at the front door. It's topping the news charts. It's all over. Then I see my pictures. I do look good today. My sisters and mom are amazing. There's 1 of me and Malax. The headline reads, 'Is Octavia Kinnik taking over Phade?' That's got to piss him off. No wonder why he's yelling. Maybe I should quit. "SWEETHEART." "Yes, daddy." "What are you going to say at the interview?" "I'm working on it, daddy." "I don't think that's a good answer." "I should quit." Malax shakes his head. "You're not quitting. We just have to get ahead of the rumors. It'll be fine." Daddy rubs his face. "You can't quit a job multiple times a week." "IT WAS ONLY ONCE." "Why are you yelling?" I spin and smile at Eriska. Then I laugh. She's half wet and wind blown in a bikini. "What the hell are you wearing?" "Bikini. I got you a matching set in pink. I was in your pool." "I like pink." "I know. Also, hire a damn secretary. But here's the folder. Everything you need to know about Phade. But you already know everything about both Phade and Zircon. I do not know why you want this. Anyway, do not panic. Also, do not, under any circumstances, even hint that you are merging companies. Keep your answers short and simple. You are here for a summer job. You will be leaving for school in 3 months. You are not taking over either company. You got this. It's easy." "Thank you." "My pleasure." She turns to daddy. "I stole your helicopter. She was in a hurry. I'm returning it now. I'll be in the pool." Daddy nods. "Of course. Does anyone else need a secretary?" "I AM NOT WORKING DURING BREAK." She runs to the elevator. "I could use a secretary." "ERISKA." "NO. STUPID ELEVATOR." "ERISKA, GET IN HERE." "UGH." She stomps back in and points at me. "This is your fault." "Sorry." "This man needs a secretary. You can do that." He smiles. "My name is Rye. I do need a secretary 2 days a week. You seem very capable." "I am capable." He nods slowly. "Would you do it?" "No." "ERISKA." Daddy smacks the table. "Work experience is good for you girls." Malax nods. "You can make some honest money too." "Pfft. Fine. But I'm working from the pool today. And every day." She storms out again. Daddy rubs his face. "Fax me her hours. I'll drive by and kick her ass out of the car." They laugh and I put my hand up. "Yes?" "Can I work from the pool too?" Malax rubs his face. Daddy points at the door. "No. Now go study your papers." "FINE." I stomp out and plop on my chair. She sent good stuff. I memorize their mission statements and the main stuff. "EAT." I glance at Malax, then the food. I put a piece of meat in my mouth. Kai loses it. She nearly falls out of her chair laughing. Daddy nods. "She forgets everyone exists when she's studying. If you need anything, learn to get it yourself." Then some other people go by. I eat my food and study. Then I get pulled into Malax's office. "Hi, Mauve." "Hi, hun. I heard the rumors. Figured it wouldn't be long before I got the call. We're going to broadcast from here. This is a nice space." "Good views too." She gestures to an area with a couch with 2 chairs. I try to sit on a chair. "No, I'm going to have you on this side of the couch. I'm working out the views here. Braxtin, if you need to step in at any time, you should sit beside her on the couch. Malax, you will sit in the chair if you need to step in." "Ok." "Cross your legs the other way, Echo." I switch but it feels funny. She stares at the screen. "That won't work either. Cross your legs at the ankles instead. Better. I think we're ready. Check those 2 for glare." Daddy gets smacked in the face with powder and I laugh. "We're good, Mauve." "Wonderful. Camera's on me." A man counts down on his fingers then points at her. "We have a breaking news alert. Octavia Kinnik, eldest daughter of Zircon owner Braxtin Kinnik, was spotted entering Phade Enterprise this morning. And the rumors have exploded. So, I am here, inside Phade Enterprises, to clear up the rumors and find out the truth behind why Octavia is here." "We're clear. 45 seconds." The camera spins to me. "Beautiful." Mauve smiles. "We are live with Octavia Kinnik now. First, congratulations on finishing Frostford and being accepted into Epirac. Those are amazing feats. Are you excited about fall?" "Thank you and yes, I am excited. Epirac has an amazing terraforming program. I am so happy I was accepted into it." "Now the question everyone needs the answer to, are you working for Zircon or Phade?" "Phade. I love everything that Phade Enterprise stands for. It has always been my dream to work with this company, after I'm done with school. Terraform and colonization are my passions. There is so much out there that we can learn. So, many resources. So much space. We can bring that knowledge back to our people and help them." "Why did you take the job before you finished school?" "I was offered a summer job here. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity. This is my chance to gain some real work experience in the field. There is no way I could have turned down this opportunity." "Do you know why Phade is hosting a training program for Zircon? This seems odd, especially at the same time as announcing you work here." "Negotiations between Zircon and Phade have been going on for a long time. Much longer than I know about. I can't comment on that." Malax sits in the chair. "Can you comment on that, sir?" "Yes. Before Octavia accepted the position, Phade enterprise purchased suppra's from Zircon. We are going to use them for future missions to Crucorix North." "We have noticed a spike in the number of deaths on Crucorix North. Can you explain what's going on?" "Yes. There is no intelligent life on that planet. However, there are huge animals that are attacking. We are going to switch the suppras for humans on the planet. We are removing as many humans as possible until the area is less hostile. We need to train the pilots immediately so we can bring our people back safely. That's why the training program is being offered for no cost at this time." "We will be right back after a short break." She shakes her head. Her assistant cracks up laughing. "I saw it but couldn't do anything." I sit up. "What?" "Malax, you need to understand where you are. You're leaning towards her. Sit in the chair right." "Sorry." He gets himself fixed. "We're good now." The man counts down with his fingers. "And we're back." We talk to her for another 20 minutes. Then she decides that's enough. They pack up and leave. Malax slouches back in the chair and rubs his hair. I take my shoes off. "Well, this was a fun day." Daddy sobs out of nowhere. "My baby is so grown up." I give him a hug. "It'll be ok, daddy." "What are you doing tonight, sweetheart?" "Going out with Eriska." Malax jumps up. "No. I need you to stay over. I didn't get anything done today. I need to work." Daddy nods. "Yea, we had to deal with the door. Let me know when you're ready to come home. I'll send for you." "Thank you, daddy."
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