When a government penal facility is turned over to a publicly traded corporation and run for profits instead of the rehabilitation of the inmates, the rules of incarceration change dramatically. Care and treatment are designed to maximize revenue and minimize costs. Extravagances such as food and exercise are reduced to minimal levels, making prisoners as docile as possible. Once acclimated to the severe restraint of restricting cages, inmates find that parole and early release are rare occurrences. Once tamed, a prisoner best serves forever – like an annuity for the greedy shareholders. This is Penance Corporation, the latest advance in penal facilities.
When Antoinette Del La Corte, an unscrupulous federal prosecutor, overplays her power, she finds herself joining the many male prisoners at the Penance Corporation facility, contained in her own special unit were drastic measure have been used to ensure her cooperation. She has information that federal judge Patricia Wilmot desperately seeks, however, her final disposition is still unsettled. It is at this point that Book Three: Forced To Serve begins.