2090 Words

CHAPTER THREE Panting hard, I looked around at my surroundings. I stood in a quiet forest meadow, with birds chirping softly in the trees above. A cool, gentle breeze blew through just then, a nice contrast to the warm rays of the sun shining down upon me. The grass was soft under my feet, slightly muddy as if it had just rained recently. Looking up at the gap in the treetops, however, I didn’t see a single cloud in the sky right now. “Whoa,” I said. “Where am I?” A notification suddenly popped up in front of my vision. It read: WELCOME TO VAULTWORK ONLINE, PLAYER! HERE, YOU CAN PERFORM BASIC AND ADVANCED MAINTENANCE ON THE VAULTWORK, AS WELL AS TRAVEL FROM VAULT TO VAULT. IF THAT DOES NOT INTEREST YOU, YOU MAY ALSO PLAY VO LIKE A GAME. TO PULL UP YOUR CHARACTER SHEET, SIMPLY THINK THE

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