01.4 | Grecia Bella Theatre

1463 Words
The wide polished grey wall is the first thing people notice when they enter the building. The words "GRECIA BELLA THEATRE" were scribbled in gold fonts on the upper middle portion in large popped out letters. It is accompanied by a small landscaping of random fern-like plants, as well as a small koi pond that has been artificially installed on the bottom. Jaerim was walking past the pond when he noticed a couple of small orange, yellow, and black fish suspended in mid-water. Behind the wall is where the main facilities started. A ticket booth, a small encased room with glass a upper level, was constructed in the middle of the passage surrounded with turnable gates activated by scanners. Food stalls and vending machines crowded the corner, showcasing a unique menu of fried and sweet delicacies. The crew looked at the set-up with amazement since such mechanism is new with them. They went and touched the cold surface, trying to understand how these things work. Of course, the Autumns who joined the group just blinked their eyes after seeing something very familiar. They never expected to see a modern looking set-up but they were not surprise, nonetheless. "It makes me feel more weird and confused," Noel said, clicking his tongue. He looked at the turnable gate mechanism and shook his head. Jaerim stood beside him. "Why?" "The outside setting and they way people wear their clothes looks like the world is from the past. Yet, this one seems to have been cut out from a travel magazine." "This place must be new then," Jaerim muttered. "Like, something that had been renovated to start a new look." "Hmmm," Noel nodded. "But it's obviously a very new look. The way it was modernized has gone way past the unexpected." The crew followed the jester who did not continued walking beyond the turnable doors and went to the side where another passage could be found. The room is occupied by people. They also look like performers since they also wore flashy clothes and carrying many props. Though, they at least look decent compared to the costumes their crew members wear. The leader of the other group is a fat man with bulging belly and a balding head. The recessing hairline was covered by a page boy hat that didn't actually hide the obvious hair loss. He is wearing some businessman clothes- black suit, black pants, and a dark stripped necktie -that didn't look bad. The way he carried himself didn't look any low class and quite sophisticated considering his body shape. He is talking with a female character politely, showing a small smile while slightly c*****g his head. Their conversation must be a pleasant one since the female character did not show any aversion towards the fat man. They only stopped chatting when they noticed a new group entering the room. The fat man raised his hat lightly, tipping it in angle, to show greeting. "It seems that the other group had arrived," he said. He looked at his group and nodded. "We will go ahead first. You guys talk slowly." Jaerim saw the fat man said some pleasantry before leaving with his crew. The jester walked in front of the female character and noticed that his face is contorted in a funny way. With his face painted gaudily, the distortion went to another level that it no longer created a funny picture but a rather scary one. Noel shuddered, hugging himself as he stood closely to Jaerim. "Scared of clowns?" Jaerim asked. Noel nodded. "But not much. It's just that seeing one nearby makes me react a bit." The jester's face is relatively frightening right now so Jaerim could understand the sentiment. The female character bade the fat man some few words then came to approach the jester. She made a polite greeting by lifting her long skirt lightly with both arms while bending her body. The bright light brought by the yellow bulbs highlighted her beauty. She surely looked old but she still owned a unique charisma that makes anyone meet her feel warm. Her voice sounded getle too, like a mother coaxing her child. "Good evening, Mister Elias," the woman said. "It's good to see you once again." Elies, the jester, made a bow in respond. "Good to see Lady Meridith after a long time. This lady's beauty seems to become more peerless over the time." Meridith chuckled from the little flattery, covering her mouth gracefully with a handkerchief. She then openly scrutinizes the jester before her and the people behind Elias. Interest flashed in her eyes as she stared at the crew wearing the most strange clothing. Meridith smiled more sweetly, crinkles showing to the side of her eyes. "Mister Elias seems to have brought a promising crew," Meridith honestly made a review. She didn't show any hint of disgust, but instead eyes filled with mirth "I'm sure Lady Bella will like it." Elias is not the least humble and crossed his arms with his nose raised. "Of course, they would be the best. I have recruited them base on their talent and skills. We could only show the best." Meridith did not seem bothered by the proud declaration and just nodded. The jester still seem displeased as he glared at the direction where the fat man and his crew went. "They seem to be rivals," Noel leaned closer to Jaerim and started a gossip. "What do you think?" Jaerim hummed. They do look like enemies. Or it is just the jester who had a bad temper. Noel continued his speculation, looking energetic. "What could be the reason why they are rivals?" Noel asked. "Is it love? A love triangle? That must be! I could not think anything else. Don't you think that fat man is looking at Lady Meridith differently? He was smiling and looking all gentlemanly. He must be courting the lady." Jaerim arched his brows. He took a look to the young man beside him who started to become more excited. Is this... is this what you call a gossipmonger? Noel didn't see Jaerim's judging look and continued his story telling. His mind must be playing some dog-blood drama right now. "...then, then, this white-faced jester must be very jealous," Noel continued. "Can you see how his face blackened, almost covering those white powder, after seeing them talking with each other? Those are the eyes of jealousy." "You could even tell that?" Jaerim said amusely. He gazed at Elias meaningfully and couldn't see the jealousy Noel was talking about. Though, surely, he could tell the person is not happy. He surely is a weird jester, well, as someone who should make everyone happy. The large grandfather clock nearby made an audible alarm, bells ringing like a gong. It gathered everyone's attention. Meridith looked at the crew apologetically, as if she had done something wrong. They waited for the clock to stop chiming before continuing their conversation. "It's already late a night. I should have guiding you in your room." "It's alright," Elias shook his head. "We also arrived quite late. We should be the one apologizing." The Lady didn't say anything. She called the servants and told them to escort the guests while she asked some large-bodied men to help them carry the props. Elias and Meridith said their last words before separating. The jester seem to be familiar with the place since he is walking much ahead than the servants. They entered a new section of the building, to which Jaerim guessed as the quarters for the staff. This area have three prominent places: the dining room and kitchen, bedrooms, and the dressing room. The place is quite large. Jaerim guessed that it could fit at least a hundred people. They met the first group of performers settling in some rooms. Elias looked at them indifferently and approached someone who was dressed as the butler. They were a bit far and the place is quite noisy so Jaerim and Noel wasn't able to hear anything. "Look over there," Noel nudged Jaerim. "Autumns." Jaerim turned his head around and found people sporting a maple leaf mark on their faces. The other group also noticed them and blinked their eyes. The people sharing the same fate stared at each other silently until someone made a beckoning gesture. "What does he want?" Noel asked. "I don't have any idea," Jaerim responded. The person made a sign telling them to come in a corner. They saw other Autumns already huddled to the place. "Does he want us to come?" Noel pointed to himself. He tried reading the mouth of the Autumn gesturing them. "He said... he wanted to discuss something?" "Let's go," Jaerim said. "Let's hear what they want to talk about."
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