23- Caught Part II

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Kelsie's POV "Nox, I said stop!" I yelled again, trying to get his attention. Bleach lost consciousness while Nox is yanking her hair. Her arms stopped resisting and her head faces the floor. She's not moving, so I am not certain if she's still alive. Nox pulled her hair, making me peek at her face before her head fall back on Nox's hand. At a swift glance, I was stunned. Her face is full of blood and I guess she'll have a broken nose when she wakes up... if she'll wakes up. Due to the several punches that Nox gave to her, I can barely recognize her. Nox let go of her. Bleach's body fell straight on the floor. I blink. I won't lie. Even though I am used to being bullied and always in a fight, I haven't beaten someone to death. I did not notice my shaking hands. In the sides of my eyes, I saw Nox walking slowly toward Nicole who is still trying to stand on her feet. But I doubt it. Given the impact of her back on the sink, I can already picture the injuries and broken bones in her body. My eyes widen when he pulled a handful of Nicole's hair and force her to stand. "A-Agghh! L-Let g-go, devil!" Nicole screamed in pain. Based on "Nox, no! Stop it already!" I tried to stop him by grabbing his arm, however, he freed himself from me by harshly pulling his hands off me. I was caught off guard and almost lost my balance. Good thing my back was caught by the wall. My heart started beating faster. I've already met him once. I do not know if it is his wolf's instinct or if this is just how he is. "What did you say to her?" he asked in a low and dangerous voice. His hand is still yanking Nicole's hair and forcefully pulling it. He forced her to face him. "I saw you spilling her with wine earlier. What was that for, hmm?" he added. I gulp. I am not the one he is talking to, but his voice sent a shiver down my spine, making the small strands on the back of my head and arms stand. "I--I d-did not--" Nox once again pulled her hair harder, and even I yelped. He gave her a punch straight onto her jaw. Since he was holding her hair, he easily pulled her back in the position when she fell out of his hand. The punch made a cut on her lips. I am certain that the part of her lips that was hit will swell. "Don't lie to me, woman," he said. His dangerous voice bounces on the corners of the comfort room. Nicole's eyes are now filled with tears. The hot fluid crawled down her cheeks as she quivered while looking at the dark eyes of Nox. "S-Sir, I d-did not m-mean to d-do it. I w-was just--" "I said no lying!" Nox did not let Nicole finish her sentence, and I jump in my place when he yelled. His thundered voice echoed in the small room. Nicole's lips quivered in fear while her tears continued pooling in her lower lids. "I-I'm sorry, s-sir. Kelsie!" Nicole looked at me. Her daggered gazes earlier are now replaced by pleading eyes. Her hair is still yanked by Nox. I could not imagine my hair being pulled that way for a long period of time. "Kelsie, please!" she begged. Nox refuses to hear her begs, even mine. My eyes dropped to Bleach's body. It's been a couple of minutes since she was knocked unconscious. I want to check if she's alive, but I have to stop Nox first. I know these girls were a b*tch, but I do not want any of the members of my pack to get killed, especially in front of me. I saw Nox curling his fist into a ball and positioning his arm to hit her. Before his fist lands on her face, I close our gap and catch his arm. I thought he would stop when he'll realize I was the one who was holding him, but my eyes widen when he elbowed me to free himself from me. I don't know if his fist hit Nicole's face because I fell on the floor next to Bleach's unconscious body. His elbow hit my jaw. I have a good balance, and the fact that he managed to make my body kiss the floor, I can guarantee you all that it was pretty hard. My hand instinctively flies on my cheek to caress it. When I lift my head, I saw Nox, looking down at me with bloodshot eyes. One of his hands is still holding Nicole's hair, while the other one is left hanging in the air. He was stunned in his place as he stare at me. I couldn't read his mind but based on how his chest rises up and down and the small lump on his throat moved, I guess he is now back to his senses. "K-Kelsie..." he called in a soft voice. Nicole used Nox's disorientedness as an opportunity to break free from his hold. I watch her rush out of the bathroom. She even tripped on the doorway before she fades into my sight. "Kelsie!" Nox called in a panic tone. I darted my eyes back at him. He quickly went to me. He kneels one of his legs to level our faces. His hand roams on my arms as he panicky checks my body for some bruises. When his eyes landed on the hand caressing my cheek, he halt. "Kelsie, I-I'm sorry." He held my hand in the most gentle way possible and remove it from my cheek. I let him. He checked my cheeks for some possible bruises. Afterward, he sighed in relief. "Thank god," he uttered and lowered his head. Well, I guess I'm clear with wounds. I reach for his hand resting on my cheek and gently squeeze it. Nox lifted his chin and looked at me with his eyes shedding tears. My forehead furrowed. Is he crying?! "N-Nox..." I called His hands slides down my sides and fell on the floor. I reach for his hands and rest them on my lap as I watch his expression. Before a tear on his left eye escaped, he lowered his head and glued his sight on the floor. His shoulder started shrugging. "I'm s-sorry, Kelsie," he said in between his sniff. I pulled his arm towards me. I use my free hand to hook the back of his neck and let his forehead kiss my shoulder. I caress the back of his head as he cries on my arm. "Shh, I'm okay, Nox. I know you did not mean it." He did not answer, but I can hear him stop crying. Before we can start a conversation, the door of the comfort room smashed open. My eyes widen and my jaw drops when I saw Connor standing in the doorway. His eyes searched the room and dropped on Bleach's still unconscious body. His eyes traveled and when his sight dropped to us, his expression turned cold. Our eyes locked. Even with his lips on a thin line, the way his eyes narrowed on us and his chest rising up and down after rushing towards here say a lot. "What's happening there?!" a woman's voice said. To make things worse, my stepmother appeared behind Connor. She was followed by her daughter who dramatically gasps and fly her hand on her mouth to cover them. "Oh my gosh!" Kristine exclaimed. She looked at me with her eyes wide open. "What did you do?!" she accused. Huh? Me? Excuse her?! Nox noticed the sudden presence of the people in the comfort room. He withdraws himself from me and lifts his head to meet everyone's eyes while my hands slip off from him. "I'm sorry for the trouble," he uttered. He easily composed himself and stand on his feet. I followed him as we face them all. "I was about to go to the restroom but I heard a commotion here in the girl's bathroom. I saw one of the girls was about to hit Kelsie from the back so I stopped her. After that, everything was vague. I don't remember anything," he explained. The room went silent. Even I don't know what to say. Bleach's body suddenly made a movement. A soft groan escaped from her lips. "Kristine, call someone from the Salutary wolves. Tell them to pick the omega here," my stepmother ordered. Kristine nods at her. She's still on her shocked expression. Before she left the room, she looked at me and shake her head as if I am the most disappointing human she met. I almost rolled my eyes at her. Luckily, she left the room before I can do so. Tss. If I know, she doesn't really care about the omega. I bet she's satisfied that I once again made a commotion right after I left my room. "It's okay, Alpha Nox. We understand that it is your instinct--" "I do not allow any of my pack members to get beaten to death right on our pack territory," Connor coldly uttered. I bite my lower lip. I understand if he's pissed. He just got the crown and the title and this is the first thing that happens under his watch. "A-Alpha, if there's someone we should blame, it's Kelsie. She's always in trouble whenever she leaves the house. Do not worry, I'll handle her--" "No. I'll handle her," Connor cut off my mom. My brows furrow. What does he mean? So he believes that I am the reason for all of these? I am the victim! "No, ma'am. It's my fault. I didn't control my emotion when I notice the two of them were ganging up over Kelsie," Nox said. He then turns his head to face me. Without removing his eyes from me, he said, "I cannot bare to look at her while she's getting hurt." "And I cannot take a mere apology after my pack members get beaten on our own territory," Connor replied. Nox turns to face him with apologetic eyes. "I will pay for all the damages and compensate the girls. You name your price." "I do not think money can fix this--" "He already apologizes and he is willing to compensate. I guess this is the only way to fix this. Unless you have another option that you can share," I said. Not that I am siding with Nox. Of course, I also understand Connor. As the Alpha, your number one priority is your pack members. But if we will continue this kind of conversation, nothing will happen. Nox already provided a solution to the problem that he caused. Connor looked at me coldly. In a swift moment, I regret opening my mouth. I avoided his eyes to calm myself. In my peripheral vision, I can still see him looking at me, but in the end, he sighed with his closed lips. "I respect you, Alpha Nox, but given the damage that you caused here in our own territory, I'm afraid that I might ban you permanently," Connor said without a stutter. My eyes widen. I parted my lips to argue, but before I can do so, my stepmother meddled. "Uhmm, Connor-- I mean, Alpha, isn't it too much? If we were to analyze the situation, it isn't really the Alpha's fault," she looked at me from head to toe before continuing. "We should address the root cause of the problem," she added. My brows raise. Am I the f*cking problem? Why not point her finger at the bullies and not at me who is the victim? I just fought for myself. What does she want me to do? Let them spill wine at me and talk sh*t behind my back whenever they want to? I agree that they don't deserve such bruises, but I don't deserve what I got from them either! "My decision is final. I'm sorry, Alpha. But I hope I won't see you and any member of your pack in our territory." Connor did not wait for Nox's reply and turned on his back. He walked out of the comfort room without batting his eyes at us. When he completely vanished from our sight, my stepmother glared at me. "See what you did? You should have stayed in your room and never gone out!" she followed Connor out of the room. "I'm sorry if I make things worse," Nox said. I shake my head. "This is just an everyday scenario for me. Very unfair," I replied. It doesn't take us a second before two salutary wolves entered the room. They pulled Blech up and help her walk out. I thought it will be our alone time to talk when suddenly, my stepsister appeared. With her furrowed brow, she said, "The elders and the high-ranking officials will be having a meeting in the hall. They are waiting for you." She turns her back right after she said it and was about to walk away when I stopped her. "Hold on. Why am I invited?" I think Garnor already told me about this meeting, but I still do not know why I am invited. She languidly faced me. "I do not know. It's better if you won't attend tho. Not that you're important," she shrugged and walked away. This time, she did not let me stop her. "You have to go," Nox said. I nodded. "I know..." I said in a sad tone. I cannot voice it out, but I know this is probably the last time that I might see him. He's banned here in our pack, and I assume I cannot go to their territory either unless he invited me... and if our Alpha will allow me to visit their pack. In this case, I doubt Connor will agree. "I guess, this is it... See you when I see you. Goodbye, Kelsie. It was nice meeting you," he said. He stepped forward to close our gap. I was caught off guard when he swiftly planted a kiss on my forehead before walking away. I was left stunned in my place, not knowing what to do. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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