19- Awake

1922 Words
Kelsie's POV I felt a soft cloth being bandaged on my head. My consciousness knocked on my system to wake me up. I slowly lifts my heavy lids. The binding light from the ceiling makes me shut my eyes back. "Switch off the lights," I heard a man's voice. Wven without opening my eyes, I know who owns it. I've been with this pack my whole life. I already memorized the presence of those whom I always encounter. Based on the hard matress topped with a thin cloth and the smell of herbs from nearby, I am guessing I'm at the quarter of the salutary wolves. My closed eyes felt that the surroundings darken. I slowly ooen my eyes and I realized that the light in the room is now switched off. "How are you feeling?" Mr. Boris asked. I turn my head at him. He is standing on my left andlooking at me intently. My hand instinctively flew on the side of my head. I guessed it right. There is a bandage and some sort of leaves on my head. "After my stepsister hit me several times? I guess, I'm good," I sarcastically answered. The side of his lips stretches a little bit upward and forming a small smile. "I guess you're alright," he concluded. My eyes roamed inside the room. The rooms here in the sakutary quarters looked like a nippa hut. I do not know why they keep this old design on this modern age. If a fire would break (not that I'm hoping), their quarters will surely be the one to be eaten by fire. I look at Mr. Boris for a second before darting my eyes on his vacant side. I once again travel my eyes in the whole room. I sigh. There are no one's here other than the both of us. "Connor was on the Alpha's house, picking up your food," he said. I darted my eyes back at him. I supported my body by my arm and forced myself to get up. Mr. Boris was about to help me but I raised a finger to stop him. "I can handle, Mr. Boris. Besides, I don't think it's proper for me to asked the Alpha to help me," I smiled genuinely. Mr. Boris only shrugged his shoulder and ignored what I said. He helped me lay my back on the head board of the bed. He then straightens his back and looked in a soft yet serious manner at me. "You're still the Alpha's daughter, Kelsie. You're the daughter of my best man." Now that I'm staring right onto his eyes, I realized to whom did Connor get his dark-gray and hooded eyes. I bite my lower lip. The mention of my late dad still feels uncomfortable to me. "If something like this would happen again, stand up for yourself. Again, you're still the Alpha's daughter. Your parents did not provide you personal trainers for nothing. I gulped. Did my stepsister beat me that much for me to hear this kind of advice from the future Alpha? Before I can voice out my thoughts, I hear the door creeks. We both look at its direction while its open. Just by the hand holding the side of the door from the other side. I can already tell who it is. Connor conpletely stepped in. He stopped midstep and our eyes met. He then continue walking until he reached the side of my bed. He stands across his father. "You're awake," he said, stating the obvious. "I am," I languidly answered. "How are you doing?" he asked. I look first at Mr. Boris and back to him. "After my stepsister hit me several times? I guess, I'm good," I replied, repeating the answer I gave to his father. I am not certain of what I saw since I feel like the b*****e wrapped around my head affects my eyes, but in a swift second, I saw how his jaw clenches. "I'll get to the bottom of this," he firmly answered. "And what do you mean by that?" I raised a follow up question. Out of a sudden, my stomach growls. I instinctively put my hand on top of my abdomen. It's not that loud but I hope they did not hear it because it's so embarassing. But my tiny wish become instantly a hopeless case. "Where is Kelsie's food?" Mr. Boris asked. I pouted. He probably heard my stomach complains. "F*ck," Connor uttered. His voice was low but since he is near me and I have a strong sense of hearing, I heard him. If I remember it correctly, I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I looked at the clock hanging on the left side of the room. It's already 3 in the afternoon. Good. I thought I slept the whole day. I won't let that. I'm sure my evil stepsister is now jumping in joy after she sent me here in this quarter. The last time I was confined here was 5 years old. It was when my biological mom panicked because I got a mild cold. She claims I have a string stamina and the fact that I catch a cold, it means it's something serious. "I'll get it," he said. "I thought you already got it earlier? Mr. Boris told me you picked up my food," I said. I don't mean to be demanding. I was just curious where was he the whole time I and his father was talking. 'He was not here when I woke up!' He placed his hands on the sides of his waist, just abive his trouser. His left eyebrow arch upward and his infamous ghost of a smile plays on his lips. "Connor..." his father said in a warning tone. I don't understand what it is for. "I'll get her food. You stay here." Mr. Boris is already walking towards the door when he was stopped by Connor. "I'll get it, dad," he firmly responded while looking at me. I think this is the first time I heard him call Mr. Boris 'dad'. Mu brows furrow. 'Why? He doesn't want to be near me? Is that why he wasn't here when I woke up? Then who stopped Kristine from hitting me earlier this morning?' Several questions are running on my head. Connor tilts his head and lightly shake it. He then face his side where his father is standing. "You already carried her here. I'll get her food." A small smile fights for its place on Mr. Boris' lips. His undereye crinkled as he stopped hinself from chuckling. "Alright. Do you want me to stay here instead?" he asked. The trace of his smiles and soft chuckles are evident. It made me a liitle confuse. I mean, why are they laughing? I feel like they are talking with their heads on which I have no access into. "No. You may go," Connor answered with emphasis on every word. This time, Mr. Boris agh out loud. My eyes landed at him. He only wave his hand at me while he is laughing, non verbally telling me to ignore him. "I won't tell anything--" "Dad." Connor's jaw clenches, but Mr. Boris only chuckled. His shoulder rises up and down as he tries to tone down his laughter. "Uhh, what's going on?" I asked.m and waved a finger to caught their attention. Connor stayed silent and just looked at me intently. On the other hand, Mr. Boris only waves his hand at me, telling me to ignore him. "Okay, son, I'll go with you," Mr. Boris said. He then faced me. "Kelsie, have a rest after eating. You need to regain strength," he added. "Thank you, Mr. Boris. I can already get up in here but I'm just too lazy to do so." It's true. Earlier, I felt a little sore, but now, I'm feeling better. The salutary wolf who treat me did a good job. "That's one of the advantages of having an alpha blood. You're naturally strong and resilient." "Thank you," I replied politiely. "I'll comeback quickly. Do you want something in particular? I'll cook," he said in a serious tone. Me. Boris' laughter once again bounces in the whole room. When Connor stared at hin, he only raises his hands in front and wave them. "Fine. Fine. I'll go now. Kelsie, I know you're strong but have a rest. You need it," he said genuinely. I nod at him as a response befor ehe fades on our sigh and shut the door between us. "Do you want a steak?" Connor's question made me look at him. The thought of a sizzling well done steak made me crabe for meat. I don't like meats since I am always on a diet, but lately, I've been craving for it. Probably hormones. I'm 18 now. It's normal for my body to want more because my wolf form needs it. "Well done please," I answered. "Alright. I'll be back. Just call me when you need something or there's an emergency," he said. I nod at him. He then turns his back to exit my room. But before he can reach for the door, I called him. "Uhm, Connor?" He faced me. "Yeah?" "How will I call you? I don't see my phone in here," I said and roam my eyes on the side tables near me. If I remember it correctly I don't have my phone with me when the guards of my step mother dragged me into the dungeon. He scratches the back of his head. My eyes narrowed on his knuckles when he raised his hand. He notice where Iw as staring so he hide it behind his back. My gaze crawled up to his face. I can see no expression on it. "Just call my name..." he answered. My brow raised. He then sighed. "I'll ask Gia to get it in your room and bring it to you," he stated, scratching out the first thing he said. "What happened to your knuckles?" I asked. It was all red and there are bruises on it. He shrugged. "Nothing. Just... training," he replied. "Alright, I answered. We both look at each other. I notice how the lump on his throat move up and down before he faces his back. He started walking away but I stopped him... again. "Connor..." he stopped mid step, but this time, he did not face me. "Thank you," I added. "You should guve your thanks to father. He was the one who saved you." "I already did. I just want to thank you too," I shrugged. He sighed. "Welcome. Have a rest. I'll cook your food. This will be quick." I uttered a soft 'thank you' while I watch him exit my room Weirdly, I felt my chest tightening. The sight of him walking away makes my heart beat-- but not in a good way. The way my heart jump is hurting my chest. As if it doesn't like what it is seeing. I let out anharsh sigh and stared at the ceiling of this small nippa hut. The scene of Connor wearing a cute apron and cooking my food with his serious face made me chuckle. "He looks cute and hot at the same time," I said to myself with a wide smile plastered on my face." ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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