7- Personal Trainer

2314 Words
Kelsie’s POV My palms started sweating bullets. Connor’s black-gray hooded eyes are all pierced onto me. His lips are grinning but I can sense the danger in his eyes. I disguise my quivering body by raising a brow. He’s feet away from me but I know how skilled he is. I wonder if his wolf can sense what I am feeling right now. Kristine turns to face where I am looking at. I already anticipated her reaction. As usual, she hides her hands behind her back and pressed her fingers against each other. As an observant being, I notice her doing that whenever she gets nervous. “C-Connor!” she greeted. Connor started walking towards us. I did not move in my position while my stepsister looks like a vibrating fish in her place. “H-Hi!” my sister greeted again when he went closer to us. Connor looked at her and nod his head as a sign of acknowledgment. Kristine’s pale face turns red. Before she can react and speak, Connor walk past her and went straight to me. “Change your clothes and be in the training ground. You got 5 minutes,” he said. My forehead crumples. Who is he to dictate me? Not because he already touched me it means he can also tell me what I should do. “And who are you to order me?” I say with my arch brow. ‘Should I tell it out loud? Hmm, princess?’ his voice suddenly pops into my mind. The way he pronounces ‘princess’ makes me blush. I narrowed my eyes at him and glare. ‘Don’t you dare!’ I warned. “5 minutes,” he repeated before turning his back and walking away. We watch his back and broad shoulders standing firmly as he walks with his hands inside his pocket. Before he can completely leave us by turning on the first corner, he turns his head sideways and looks at me. “Dress comfortably. You will be sweating in our activity.” I feel like my blood crawls up to my face. Kristine aggressively turns her head to me. Before she can move her lips, I already turn on my back and walk inside my room, and shut the door. “Kelsie, what was it? Kelsie!” Kristine started knocking on the door. Now that she’s not calling me princess or sister, it means she’s already pissed. “Aww, did I drain your saved plasticity?” I say to the currently shut door. “Kelsie, talk to me! What are you going to do with Connor?” she asked. Based on her voice, she’s obviously pissed and panicking. “Something you will never experience with him,” I answered. I turn my back at the door, leaving her knocking endlessly. Connor said I only have 5 minutes. But who cares? I started removing my facial mask and throwing it onto the trash bin, afterwards, I went straight to my own bathroom and took a cold shower. While taking a bath, the knocking stops. “Good. I thought she won’t get tired,” I whisper to myself. I am already drying myself up with a towel when suddenly, a loud crashing sound echoed. I immediately wrapped the towel around my body and rush outside. My jaw drops. Connor is standing inside my room with his arms over his chest. Our eyes met. His gaze drops down my chest. “What are you looking at?” I snobbishly said. If he thinks that I will be ashamed of him seeing me wrapped in a piece of towel, he thought wrong. A small smirk flashes on his lips. “I am seeing nothing,” he mockingly said. I frowned. My eyes land on where he is staring. ‘It’s not as big as other girls but this is average!’ “Lower than average,” he answered. I lift my head and throw a glare at him. “Stop reading my thoughts.” “Then stop being loud in your head. You’re my mate. I can read whatever you are thinking as of the moment.” I roll my eyes at him. I do not want to argue anymore. “What are you doing here?” I ask and place my hands on the sides of my waist. “I told you to be down at 5.” “Did I agree?” I retorted. “You need to do your daily training, right?” My forehead furrows. “Daily training?” I voice out. All werewolves in our pack, including me, have daily training. But of course, as the daughter of an alpha, I don’t follow the schedule. I only train when I want to. “Is that the reason why you want me to be down on the training grounds? Tss,” I roll my eyes at him and tilt my head. “I am not in the mood to train today,” I added. “I’m going to give you another 2 minutes. Be there at the training ground.” This time, his tone sounds firm. “And if I did not do it?” “Then you will train while wearing that piece of towel.” My eyes widen. His infamous smirk couldn’t be seen on his face. ‘Is he serious?!’ “Yes, I am.” I frowned, but later on, gulped when I realize that he isn’t joking around. “Fine. Go out and let me dress up!” I know he will do what he said. I’d rather sacrifice my self-care today than be forced to train to wear this piece of cloth. *** Wearing my black legging and black long-sleeve top that hugs perfectly in my body, I stand in front of the human dummies. “What are you doing here? And where is Garnor?” Garnor is the son of our Delta—the assistant of the Beta. “I will be your personal trainer starting today.” I raised a brow. “From whose order?” “From me.” My eyes twitch. “And what made you think that I will agree?” This time, he tilts his head while looking at me. He is on the bench, sitting comfortably while here I am, standing in the middle of a damp ground. “Because we’re mates,” he straightforwardly utter. I quickly roam my eyes on the place, searching if someone’s around. “Lower your voice!” I hissed. “What’s wrong with what I said?” His eyes narrowed at me. “Are you planning to hide it?” I cross my arms over my chest. “No, I’m planning to reject you,” I said. I wasn’t supposed to say it this way. I was planning to tell him in a good way. I thought he is going to be offended or even pissed, but he only smirked. “You want to reject me after moaning and begging me to do ‘it’ with you?” he raised a brow. The small upward curve on his lips makes me want to crush his face. “It was the mate bond!” I defensively said. He only shrugs his shoulder and ignores my sentiments. “It’s true. It was the mate bond. I don’t like you at all!” My arguments lasted for about a couple of minutes before I got tired. I found it unfair that I am annoyed here and throwing fits while he is comfortably sitting on his chair and watching me getting irritated. Soon, I gave up and instead focus on the training. “What do you want me to do with these?” I ask while pointing at the human dummies in front. Connor walks towards me while holding a g*n after a long minute of him sitting. I am not sure if it is a g*n made especially for werewolves or if it is for humans. Werewolves cannot be killed by an ordinary g*n. It has to have silver bullets to be effective in killing werewolves. Connor reached for something on his back and tossed it to me. Good thing I have fast reflexes and manage to catch the g*n he tossed. “What kind of g*n is this?” I am not familiar with guns, but the one I am holding looks like a normal and usual g*n. It’s not small, but it is handy. It perfectly fits my palm. “See for yourself,” he shrugs. He walks towards the nearest bench and leans backward while watching me. I watch his back walking away from me. A small devil smirk appears on my lips when an idea pops into my head. I’m not going to hit a joint. Maybe a scratch will do? Hmm… I point the g*n at him. I remove the safety before pulling the barrel. I was about to shoot him when suddenly, he charges towards me and snatch the g*n from my hand. My eyes widen. His movements are too fast for me to catch. I found myself stunned while his arm is around my waist, supporting my body to not fell on the ground, while his other hand is holding the g*n that I was about to shoot. His face is too close to me. I feel like his lips will press into mine if I’ll move. “Too slow.” His cool and minty breath brushed against my cheeks. Before I can push him away, he withdraws himself from me. “You told me to see it for myself,” I shrug and innocently avoided my gaze at him. “Point at the dummies. Not to me.” I roll my eyes. Fine! Let’s just get this done so I can go back to my self-care day! I raised both of my arms and pointed the g*n at one of the dummies. I fired a shot and it hit the head of the dummy. “Good. Do it again.” I obeyed what he said. I hit the heads of the five dummies in front. All are accurately hit right on the forehead. “See? I’m consistent,” I proudly say after putting down my arm and observing the dummies who have all gunshots on their heads. I am happily disarranging the g*n when he spoke. “Your shots are good when it comes to non-moving objects,” he says. “Then what do you want me to do? Shoot you?” I joked. I am not looking at him. My eyes are all on the g*n that I am dismantling. I lift my head when I did not hear him respond to what I said. Our eyes met. He did not smirk or move in his place. It took me a second to realize what he wants. “You want me to shoot you?” I asked in disbelief. “I need to train too,” he shrugs. My jaw drops. “No way.” “Do it,” he said. Before I could argue, his back faced me. I was about to call him when he started taking off his shirt. “What are you doing?” I called. My eyes widened when I realized what he will do. He knelt on one of his legs. Soon, the bones in his body started re-arranging. His hands and feet are both touching the ground. His groan echoes on the whole place while his fingers are turning into claws and his tanned skin slowly shifted into a black-shining fur. My jaw drop. This is not the first time I saw someone shift, but his transformation is stunning. “Wow,” I unconsciously stated. In front of me is Shadow, Connor’s wolf. He looks sophisticated in his jet-black fur. It is darker than the midnight sky. I am certain that in the dark, he won’t get seen unless he reveals himself. ‘Try shooting. I’m going to practice my speed,’ Connor talked to me through mind-linked. “A-Alright… are you sure?” I bite my lower lip. I do not doubt his skills, but I am just worried that something might happen. ‘Yeah. Don’t hold back. This is how my father trains me, so don’t worry.’ “Fine. Just don’t blame me when things would go wrong!” I yell. He ignored me and started running away. I take a deep sigh and raise my arm with the g*n. I point it to Shadow. He is moving fast. I can’t even see him clearly. He is a big wolf. I guess I’ll try my lock. “3… 2…” I whisper. Shadow runs behind the trees. The only way I can shoot him is when he will shift from tree to tree. “1… gotcha!” I shoot a shot, but I only hit the trunk of the tree. I tried again. This time, I moved my arm slowly as I point it to my target. It took me a minute to calculate his moves. My arms are already getting exhausted, but I do not want to put them down since I am now slowly getting his momentum. A small smirk escaped my lips when I see a chance to shoot. I did not waste time and took the shot. My heart started thumping when I saw him. Shadow flew meters away from where he was. Stunned, my feet glued on the ground. From the distance, I can see his belly moving up and down as if he is having a hard time breathing. It took me a couple of seconds before realizing what happened. I hit him. I. Hit. Him. I HIT CONNOR! ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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