22- Coronation Day (Part 2)

1559 Words
Kelsie's POV To hide my nervousness, I straighten my back on my seat. The tissue that I was using to wipe my dress is now crushed in my palm. Connor sit right beside me. I can feel the stares of everyone on the hall. Even Mrs. Coral and my stepsister and stepmother is looking at our direction. "How's your wound?" he casually asked, ignoring everyone's eyes on us. I bite my inner cheeks to stop myself from yelling at him. I'm trying to be invisible from everyone's eyes but here he is, pulling some stunt! "Why did you choose to sit here?" I look at him and glared. My soft looking brows was about to meet each other. I notice in his expression that he was slightly surprised on my question and my tone, but he managed to compose himself by silently clearing his throat. "Our table's pretty crowded. Your mother and sister--" "Step," I corrected. "Your stepmother and stepsister are sitting on our table. You have no one here so--" "I don't need your pity!" I said in gritted teeth. My eyes narrowed at him. For the record, I prefer being alone than being accompanied by him. He sighed. He leaned forward to me, making our faces level but have enough distance for both of our personal space. "I don't pity you. I just want to sit here," he replied. I raise a brow and crosses my arms over my chest. I also leaned forward to him. This time, our faces are not just leveled but also too close to each other. "Oh, I forgot that you are already the Alpha. You can do whatever you want," I exclaimed. I do not want to sound bitter. If there's someone out here in our pack that deserves the highest rank, it's him and his family. I just don't know how to handle the fact that my father is now gone and he is not already the Alpha of our pack. The thought keeps running on my mind that I forgot we are staring at each other. I was not even intimidated by his dark grey hooded eyes, which usually makes me avoid my gaze. I was only snapped back on the present time when he lean his back on the chair. He tilt his head and languidly look at me. "Do you not want me to be an Alpha?" he asked in a serious yet soft voice-- an unusual tone from him. I gulp. Unconsciously, I also rest my back on the chair. The difference is, while he stays his eyes on me, I avoided mine. The event continued in our surroundings yet here we are, aguing about nonsense things. I feel like I need to breath. Also, my wet dress that I thought will won't make me upset now makes me angry. "E-Excuse me. I'll go to the bathroom first." I did not wait for his response and stood on my seat. I turn my back on him and walk faster than my usual pace just to get in the bathroom. I'm glad that my mind is focused on getting away and successfully ignored the eyes that watches my every movement. I turned to the left corner and pushed the door to enter the comfort room. I rest my back on the closed door and took a deep breath. I give myself time to calm down. After a few seconds, my heart went into a normal pace. I decided to take a pee before going back on our table. I went to the last cubicle and lock myself there. I reach for my back to zip down my dress and sit on the toilet bowl and let myself withdraw the liquid from my body. If I would be honest, I do not want to go back there. I would rather stay on my room and sleep all day. I reach for the paper towel and wipe myself. Afterward, I toss it into the trash can beside the toilet bowl and step out of the cubicle. I wash my hand with soap and dry it with another paper towel. I look at myself in the mirror. I love the soft make up that Gia did to me. But my damp dress is ruining my look. I tried to sprinkle some water and brush it with my fingers, but it just won't work. I sigh. I give up. I still look good anyway. I opened the door to exit. I was about to walk back on our table, when I saw my stepsister sitting on one of the chairs on our table. She's sitting on my seat, right beside Connor. Because of our distance, I cannot understand what they are talking about, but it looks like Kristine is persuading Connor. She reaches for his hand resting on top of the table and gently squeeze it. My brow raise automatically. Kristine is saying something but I did not waste time to try figuring out her words. I turn on my back and walk back inside the comfort room. I went straight to the cubicle where I was, reached for the toilet cover and push it down and sat on it. I take a deep breath to calm myself. I close my eyes and embrace the silence of this tiny four corner place when out of a sudden, I hear the door of the comfort room opened and closes. I quickly put my legs up for them to not notice that someone's in here. "I am not going to lie. Her response surprised me. She did not get mad!" a girl's voice said. "Maybe Kristine gave her a good lesson, that;s why she doesn't want to get in trouble," the other said. Her voice is familiar but I am not sure where I heard it. The mention of my stepsister's name caught my attention. I continue evesdropping at them. "So Kristine is the new princess now, huh?" she said. The familiar voice of the gurl chuckled. "Good. Kelsie should know her place now. I heard she was beaten up badly. Haven't you noticed? She did not go out of her room after the incident!" she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. I knew it. They are talking about me! "But, isn't she always in her room?" I like this girl. She know me. "But this time, it's different. She stayed on her room because she's embarrassed that her stepsister gave her a black eye and ruined her face." My brows furrow and raised. "Since when did I have a blackeye?" I whisper to myself. These girls should get their facts straight! "I like Kristine more than Kelsie. I hope she will beat that b*tch again." I dramatically sigh. As if these sentiments are new to me. I already know that they like my stepsister more than me. Who wouldn't like a fake b*tch? "I hope so! Have you seen her with Connor earlier? They look so good together!" I frowned. I did not notice that my fist curled into a ball and my nails started digging onro my closed palm. "I know, right? She held Connor's hand and he placed his arm on her waist. They look like a good couple! I will surely rejoice if they will end up together!" My jaw clenches. I was just there on the table. And seconds after I'm gone, they are flirting?! I chew my lower lip. I am not jealous. I am just angry. I am not jealous. I am just angry. I am not jealous. I am just angry. So what if they look good together?! I look good just by myself! "Kristine's birthday is just around the corner. Isn't Conner haven't found his mate yet? I have a strong feeling that it is Kristine!" said the familiar voice. 'Oh, well, you got it wrong, dear! I am his mate!' I screamed in my mind. "I hope so. I won't be happy if it was Kelsie. I heard she still haven't found her mate too." "Really? After those several meetings with the other packs, she still haven't found one?" "Maybe the Alphas of the other pack doesn't like her too?" "Imagine, the day Alpha Audig died, she was on the neighboring pack, desperately throwing herself away just to find her mate." They both chuckled. Their high-pitched voice and annoying tone faded on the background. The only thing I can hear is my heart beating. I think I went numb. I couldn't feel anything aside from the heat forming inside of me. "By the way, you did a good job earlier. You successfully ruined her dress and she really thought it was an accident!" I can hear them but their words couldn't register in my mind earlier. The only thing my brain listens to is my raging heart. Without second thoughts, I remove the lock of my door and pushed the door open without second thoughts. The surprised expression of the two omegas welcomed me. My eyes landed on one of them. Now I know why her voice sounds familiar. She was the waitress who 'accidentally' spilled wine on my dress. "P-Princess..." They both uttered nervously. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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