21- The New Alpha (Part 2)

1367 Words
Kelsie's POV Wearing a green simple dress, I walk gracefully into the event hall. Aside from Garnor and Gia's presence behind me, I can also sense the eyes of everyone. I stopped in the middle of the red carpet. I raised a finger and motioned Gia to come forward. She immediately went towards me and lean her ears near me. "Are you sure you covered my bruise on the right corner of my head?" I whispered. "Yes, Princess. I even put some hair accessories for it to be covered!" she proudly says and waved the dangling fake leaves on my head that matches my green long dress. With my chin held up high, I continue walking. I am aware that everyone knows what happened to me and who did it. And I am certain most of them were happy and satisfied rather than sad. Given the number of people who hates me, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I do not know why Garnor and Gia are guarding me. I told them I can handle myself, but they refused my order. For the record, this is the first time they did not listen to me. I start wondering whether it is because I am not the Alpha's daughter anymore and they know I have no power to punish them anymore, or they simply care for me. It's quite touching but at the same time, degrading. I mean, I know I can handle myself. And knowing that there are people who want to keep me safe makes me think that they care for me or they know I'm weak and could not stand up for myself. I prefer thinking of the former. "Both of you, distance yourself from me. I want space," I said without looking at them and continue walking. The event hall is filled with gold, white and beige colors. The hall is filled with circular tables and covered with gold silky cloth. There is an elevated podium in the front middle where the passing of the crown will be held. I sit at the table assigned to me. The table is a 5-seater one but I am the only one here. Garnor and Gia sat at the table behind me. There are only three tables placed in front. I am currently on the left table where I assume my family is assigned to seat. The table on the right is probably designated for the high-ranking elders, and the one in the middle is for the new Alpha's family. I saw Mrs. Coral Maccon, Connor's mother, sitting alone at their table. I roam my eyes around to find someone's presence, but I failed. When my eyes landed back on Mrs. Coral, I saw her staring at me too. I flashed a small and awkward smile. I do not know how to word out my relationship with her. We are not that close, but she's nice to me. Never been aggressive or shown me any signs of dislike. She's always quiet and timid. Every time we were having a family meeting with them, she usually doesn't speak but interacted only with her smiles and nods. She's the type of a woman that you will never see breaking plates or hear her yelling. I do not know what Connor got from her since if you look at him, he exactly looks like Mr. Boris. She replied with a small smile and nodded. I stared at her. She's wearing a gold and shining dress that perfectly matches today's theme. Her hair is in a bun with some strands falling on the sides of her head and curling its tips. Even at her age, she still looks young. I remember my mom used to hand it out with her when I was a little. I have a vague memory of it, but I am certain that she and my biological mom is pretty close. Just like me, she's alone at their table. I am planning to stand and walk to her table when out of a sudden, my stepmother and sister entered the hall. I almost rolled my eyes when I saw them with wide smiles on their lips. After the incident that they did, I did not see them in the house. I am certain they were there, but I guess the Alpha's house is too big for me to bump into them. I did not receive any apology from them and I have no plans of asking them for one. Surprisingly, I do not have the feeling of wanting to get my revenge. Usually, whenever someone wronged me, I will make sure that they won't do it again by taking revenge. But now, I just want to leave them be. Not because I am afraid of them but because they are the least I am concerned with. Wearing their red and white matching dresses, they walk straight to the Maccon's table. Mrs. Coral welcomed them. The two mothers shake their hands while Kristine kissed her cheeks. Even at this distance, I heard their subtle greetings to each other. I sigh. I guess I'm going to sit here alone at this table. Good thing tho. I do not like the two of them sitting here. I just hope Mrs. Coral is okay with them sitting at their table. The table has only 5 seats. The three seats on their table are already occupied, so I am guessing that Mr. Boris and Connor will occupy the remaining two. "Attention, everyone!" The host in the middle of the podium asks for everyone's attention. I did not even notice him getting up in there. "As everyone already knows, we will formally greet the new Alpha of the Black Claw pack!" Everyone claps. I roam my eyes around as I clap with the audience. Out of a sudden, my eyes landed on the man sitting in the third row. He is wearing a midnight suit. He is sitting formally while clapping his hands, but his eyes are all on me. My lips parted. Since this is a gathering, I know some alphas and members of the neighboring packs are invited, but I did not expect to see him here. Nox was the last Alpha that I met before my father died. I am sure the news spread immediately on their pack on that same day. I never heard from him after that. It's only been less than a month since I last saw him. I did not expect we will meet here. He smiled at me formally like how he used to greet us when we visited their pack. "Without further ado, let me call on, Mr. Boris Maccon. The new Alpha of the Black Claw pack!" I avoided my eyes at Nox after giving him a nod and clapped my hands to welcome Mr. Boris. He walked to the podium. One of the elders who are also on the stage put the crown onto his head however, silence enveloped the crowd when he waved his hand in front of the elder, refusing to receive the crown. My brows furrow. He ask for the mic from the host, and even with the confusion, the host did not hesitate to hand it to him. "I appreciate everyone who is happy for me to receive an honorable title. It is an honor. However, I believe there is someone more worthy of this title..." everyone in the hall is silent. Including me. I look at the table of the Maccons and notice that Mrs. Coral is calm. As if she's not even surprised by what her husband did. My stepmother and sister are also smiling from ear to ear. My heart started thumping loud. I can already sense what is about to happen. I know this is bound to happen in the future but I never thought it would be too soon. My eyes instinctively close as Mr. Boris continues his speech. "I would like my son, Connor, to be the Alpha of the Black Claw pack." ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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