4- l**t or Mate Bond?

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A.N: Warning +18. Some parts are not suitable for younger readers. ----- Kelsie's POV I walked… jogged… and walked again. I can sense him following me from behind. Without thinking clearly, I turn to the first door I see. I stopped in the middle of my escape when I realized I am in the kitchen. There’s no exit here aside from the door where I entered! ‘F*ck!’ I cursed. ‘Why are you running from our mate? Go talk to him!’ ‘Shut up, Lycandra. I did not complain when you walked away from me!’ ‘But, I want you to talk to our mate!’ I sighed in a harsh way. No one warned me that my wolf will be as hard-headed as me. ‘I will talk to him, but not now. Okay?’ I say just to calm her down. I am still shocked by what I discovered today. Why him? Out of all the alphas in our neighboring pack, why does it have to be a Beta? And not to mention that my stepsister is obviously admiring him! Not that my stepsister’s feelings matter to me. It’s just that, I do not want anything she wants because we are not on the same level and definitely has different taste. My thoughts were halted when my heart started beating. Lycandra begins to howl inside my head. After a second, I sense someone’s presence from behind. Even without facing his direction, I know it’s him. “Beta,” I coldly greeted. “Kelsie,” he firmly utters. His lips mentioning my name sounds like music to my ears. It made a hollow feeling in my stomach and small strands in my hair stood. I wonder if this is the first time he calls me by my name because this is the first time that dropping the ‘princess’ in my name sounded good. ‘Talk to him! Talk to him!’ ‘I said, shut up!’ I do not know if I managed to maintain my straight face while arguing with Lycandra in my head. “I-I’ll just get a w-water. I’ll be b-back in the d-dining—” “I know you felt it too,” he straightforwardly says and cutting me off. His eyes are all on me. I have never felt intimidated by someone’s stares. ‘Mate! Mate! Mate!’ Our eyes locked. In a span of seconds, the air was sprinkled with the scent of honey and milk. “You smell so f*cking good.” ‘You too…’ I wanted to say but I stopped myself. I need to hold on to my rationality. A small smirk appears on his lips and then he chuckled. My brows furrow. ‘Shadow said to not be shy and speak your mind,’ Lycandra says. I roll my eyes. I knew it! “What did my wolf say?” I ask. Connor’s grin grew wider. “That I smell good…” Tss. It’s too hard to speak in my mind because Lycandra is lurking around. She knows what I was thinking and feeling. “So…” he advances. I made a step backward. He advances again. Before I can take a step away, he reaches for my waist and lazily pull me closer to him. He slightly tilts his head, making our faces inches closer to each other. Our eyes lock. His hand moves a little upper from my waist up near the sides of my mound. Unconsciously, I bite my lower lip. My eyes crawled from his face, down to his neck. The lump in his throat moves up and down. When my gazes traveled back to his face, his eyes are now looking dazed at me. I know he can feel it too. The heat in our bodies. The thumping of our hearts. And the howls of our wolves in our minds as they jump for joy. Slowly, our faces move closer to each other. His minty breath brushed against my cheek. And before I knew it, his lips already found their way to mine. This is all new to me. In my eighteen years of existence, this is the first time someone sealed my lips. Connor bites my lower lip, asking for entrance. “Ahh…” a soft and quiet moan escapes from me. ‘He tastes so sweet. I wonder if all lips taste like this.’ In the middle of our hot and wet kisses, he stopped. Confused, I lift my head to look at him. However, his emotionless expression welcomed me. His forehead crumpled and his thick eyebrows look like they want to meet each other. “I’m enjoying your lips here while you’re thinking of wanting to experience others’ kisses?” he asked in an annoyed tone. “I—I just… I w-was— Oh my!” My feet left the ground as he lifts me. He placed me on the countertop and left my legs with no choice but to spread when he stands in between them. He leans closer and whispers in my ear. “Tell me what you were thinking,” he ordered. The authoritative tone in his voice makes him hotter. Before I can even part my lips to speak, his lips play with my earlobe. He flicks his tongue and gently bites it. “Were you thinking of other boys while kissing me, hmm?” he asks while planting soft and swift kisses on my neck. “N-No…” I stutter. My eyes close as I feel the heat and pleasure that he gives. His lips crawl down my cheek and went a little lower to my jaw until it lands on the crook of my neck. I tilt my head to give him more access to it. We both grew up in this pack. Since his father is the Beta and is close to my father, I see him almost every day. But since then, I never felt lustful towards him. Girls my age, including my sister, flock all over his feet. That is what I dislike about him—everyone likes him. This is why I do not understand why I am letting him touch and explore every inch of my body right at this moment. And at the kitchen top! His hand went at the button of my black fitted leather pants. “Can I?” he asks. How could I say no when his fingers are already brushing against my cave? Even with the piece of clothing between his hand and the thing in between my thighs, I can still clearly feel how his fingers can pleasure me. Instead of answering him, I reach for the button of my jeans and pull the zipper down. I lift my upper body to help myself remove my bottom clothes. But before I can completely remove it from my legs, Connor holds my wrists and put them on my sides. “Don’t. This will be quick,” he said in a hoarse and deep voice. I look at him, confused. How will he—how will we do ‘it’ if he won’t remove my jeans? Before I can voice out my thoughts, his lips found their way back to mine. His hand crawls up to the sides of my waist, while his right hand rests on my right mound. He inserted his hand under my shirt and pull up my brassiere. “Ohh…” a soft whimper escaped from my lips when his finger found my peak. His thumb and pointy finger played with it, making me want to lose the tiny bit of sanity that I am holding onto. With my eyes closed, my head falls back. His hand withdraw from my body and held both of my wrists. He also pulled away from our kiss and level his face at me. We are both catching our breaths. Our chests are rising up and down while our eyes are locked. He then placed my wrists on my back. “Intertwined your fingers,” he ordered. Magically, he made me obey him. I place my hands on my back with my fingers intertwined, as if I am being arrested by a police officer. “Stay. Don’t remove them. You understand?” “Y-yes.” He straightens his back. Since he is taller than me and I’m sitting on the top of the kitchen bar, he looks down at me. He rakes a handful of my hair with his left hand and harshly pulls them. Instead of complaining, I moaned out of pleasure. He then planted aggressive kisses on my neck that I’m sure will leave a mark. “Spread your legs,” he commanded in between his kisses. I did what I was told. However, since he did not completely remove my pants, I could not spread my legs wider. In the small gap between my thighs, Connor inserted his free hand. I couldn’t see what he will do since my face is now facing the ceiling of our kitchen and his lips are still on my neck. I felt his finger moving my panties aside. My mouth formed an ‘o’ shape when his warm finger touches the most sensitive organ in my lower privates. “Ahh!” I whimper when he inserted a finger. He withdrew his lips from my neck. His pair of black-gray eyes pierced straight into me while his finger is doing its job down there. His finger is moving in and out of me while his thumb is playing with my love bud. “A-Ahh mmhmm!” A loud moan escaped my lips but I stop them midway by biting my lips inward. I almost forget we are in the kitchen. An omega or slaves might see or hear us here. But then, a desire to do it with him right at this moment outweighs the rational mind that I barely hold onto. “You like it?” he asked. “Y-yes,” I blushed. I can feel my wetness dripping all over his finger. “Don’t remove your eyes from me,” he commanded. Not that I am not looking at him. But my eyes are closing with every move of his finger. I want to spread my legs wider, but my jeans are stopping me. I arch my back to tell him I want more, but instead of listening to my nonverbal request, he moves his finger slower. F*ck! “C-Connor…” “Hmm?” Even though I can see that his lips are on a thin line, his eyes are smiling at me, enjoying my struggle. “P-Please…” I felt my cheeks turning red. To avoid further embarrassment, I faced the other way. I instantly regret what I did when he stopped moving his finger. He pulled my hair harsher than earlier, forcing me to look at him. “What did I say?” His voice is cold but it sends heat all over my body. “Answer me.” “D-Don’t look a-away.” “And what did you do?” he ask in a low voice. Goodness! His finger is still inside of me, but he isn’t moving it. I couldn’t handle the t*****e that he is giving me so, I grind my hips on his finger to satisfy myself. However, he is quick enough to remove his hand from me, along with his finger from my inside. “Connor!” I wince in annoyance. He placed his arms on my sides, jailing me in between. “I don’t pleasure bad girls,” he teased. ‘F*ck!’ The grin on his lips shows satisfaction other than mockery. “P-Please?” I beg. I never thought I would be in this position. I was too sheltered my whole life that everything is being given to me without needing to beg. “You liked it?” ‘I loved it.’ “Yes…” so please, continue! He smirked. “Good, let’s leave it that way.” My jaw drops. “W-What?” I asked in disbelief. ‘Is he serious?!’ I thought he was only teasing me. But when he fixes his stance, stands straight, and gave me back my personal space, my shoulders slumped. I can still feel the wetness between my thighs. He can’t just stop in the middle of my journey to my c****x! That’s… That’s disrespectful! “That will make you want me even more,” he grins. “Fix your clothes,” he ordered and completely withdrew from me. My lips curved downwards, not liking where we are heading. I fix my brassiere and pull up the zipper of my jeans. “You go first to the dining,” he added after composing myself. I pouted. So, he really doesn’t want to continue? I blinked my eyes at him, hoping he’ll change his mind. “I’ll follow later, so they won’t suspect we’re together,” he said in a final tone. My shoulder slumped in defeat after realizing it is his final answer. “Okay,” I answered in an obviously disappointing voice. I did not even try to hide it. I jump on the ground and walk past him. I am already in the door when his words made me stop and my cheeks heat. “It’s good watching you begging, princess.” ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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