Trying to Move on

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Laney I moved in with Nell and Alexis. It worked out better than I expected.    I had demanded that Trevor not touch any of my things, so Riley went and packed up all my belongings. They were delivered to the cottage today. It was nice because I was borrowing Nell’s clothing for several days now.    Nell made it her responsibility to take me to classes so I don’t fail. Luckily, she was able to catch me up on everything that I missed, and the professors were kind enough to let me turn in late assignments. It’s hard to focus on anything when your life is falling apart, but I figured if I buried myself in schoolwork, I could at least keep my mind off of him.    Yet, sometimes, even in the back of the class, I would doze off and dream about him. It would be worse outside of campus. He had been in my life since I moved to the pack, so everywhere I went I would see the ghost of Trevor. It’s like the harder I try to forget him, the easier it becomes for me to remember him.    I tried stopping going out, but that was just so depressing. Nell and Alexis say they want to celebrate the arrival of my clothes to deck out and go party somewhere in town. I put on a cream colored bodycon mini dress. It had a deep plunging V-neck and cutouts on the sides. I was showing more skin than I am comfortable with, but I wanted to feel sexy tonight. I am going to have a little fun, and if I meet someone I like, so be it! I need to try to move on. This thinking about Trevor all day long wasn’t healthy.    Trevor Train. Go to work. Train. Eat. Drink. Sleep. That’s all I have been doing on repeat. I haven’t seen Laney in five days now. Her smell still lingers around the house. I refused to change my bedsheets, afraid that all the changes will erase her from our floor.    I can’t believe my perfect world came crashing down because of some stupid spell. I should have been stronger enough to figure this out. I knew something was wrong with this situation. I should have asked for help sooner. Before I lost her. Now I am miserable, pitiful.    At least she hasn’t rejected me. I think that would just pour salt on the wound. I can feel her drifting away though. I don’t know how to bring her back.    “Stop wallowing around in misery. You look pathetic,” Max tells me as he enters uninvited to my floor while I am drinking whiskey from a bottle.    “Harsh words, man. What did I ever do to you?”    “Trying to set me up with a bunch of women. Putting me awkward situations with unsolicited contact with a bunch of women. Those are just two of the grieves I have, but I figure it’s a good start.”   “I have no idea what you are talking about. I am too drunk to make sense of all of that.”   Max snatches my whiskey bottle.    “That’s gross. Pour out a glass. No one will want to drink from that bottle.”   “Well, that’s mine. I wasn’t planning on sharing.”   “Drink some juice and sober up. I know that the girls are going out tonight. I figured you may want to take a shot asking a specific girl out. Maybe start over?”   I realize he is referring to Laney. It takes a minute because I am starting to feel the effects of my drinking. I get up fast and get dizzy in the process, stumble and almost fall. Max takes one look at me and shakes his head.    “Go shower, I will get you some Gatorade.”   Laney The closest club is actually an hour away. We go up to the Rio Rooftop Lounge. They definitely went for the upscale look, everything was prim and posh. I go up to the bar and have a dirty martini, trying to keep it classy.    “This one is for you from the gentleman on the other end,” the bartender hands me another dirty martini.    The gentleman gives me a side smile when I look up. He had dark brown hair with blue eyes. He has a little bit of peach fuzz on the sides of his hair, but long hair on top. He has a tattoo just peeking out under his folded up shirt sleeve. He has the bad boy look down. Damn he is hot!   “This is a little cliché don't you think?” I ask as he comes and sits next to me.  “Well, one has limited moves to come sit next to a sexy lady,” he says. His voice is so deep. It fits him, and I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or a reaction to him but I feel very lightheaded and bubbly. I pretend to be disinterested, but damn, how can a girl resist this man’s charms.  “I am not easy prey, mister. I think you best find another woman to pick up with your cliched moves.” He lightly grazes my forearm with a finger, leaving a trail of goosebumps. Not really because I am turned on, but it’s just the way he touches. It’s like your body can only react a certain way. He has a sinful smile when I look up at him. He is trouble alright.  “I am not interested in another woman. Who could be when this goddess is sitting right next to me?”   “Wow, you really turn the charm on fast don’t you? Do all the ladies fall for your tricks?” “Every time. Do you want to dance?” What an arrogant prick. I gulp down the rest of my drink. I said I would have a little fun, so I am going to have a little fun. Why not dance with a dangerous, sexy man? He can at least keep my mind off of Trevor. Damn it! I thought about Trevor!   I put my hand out as bad boy leads me to the dance floor. His hands hold onto the exposed skin in cutout of my dress as he dances behind. He is not afraid to rub his member against my ass that's for sure.  It makes me very uncomfortable, but then, a familiar smell hits my nose. All the hairs in my neck stand up. Good, I hope he is watching. I grind a little onto this boy, really moving against him. It's probably the alcohol that’s making me so brave at this point.  Suddenly this boy is being pried off of me, and I feel arms circling my waist.  “She is unavailable, asshole. Get your f*****g hands off of her!” Trevor shouts.  “Hey, man. Chill out. We were just dancing. She is an adult, she didn’t have a problem with it. I don’t know why you are losing your s**t over it.”  Trevor glares at me when our eyes meet.  “Well she is NOT going to be dancing with you anymore. She is taken,” Trevor tells him.  “Whatever,” the guy says as he walks away. Trevor pulls my back flush against him. My mind just shuts off the second he touches me. Having him so close to me sends a quiver throughout my body. I can’t help but start breathing heavy. I am so drenched in between my legs that I am now trying to move to the music while keeping my legs shut together. I know he can feel how much I want him, but he doesn’t respond.    I can tell he is very angry. He dances to the music with me in complete silence.  Well serves him right for trying to ruin my night. Besides, what is he doing here? Did he come to dance the night away with random girls? That thought angers me enough to push him off of me.    “What the hell are you doing here, Trevor?” I ask.    Trevor I tried to chug down as much Gatorade as I could during the car ride. So naturally when I get to the club, I have to hit up the restroom. Max goes over to find the girls.    I come out and smell Laney. I start following my nose, kind of like what I did the first time I saw her. It doesn’t take me long to find her. I openly stare in shock as she is grinding up against some other guy! What the f**k?    I can’t help how angry this gets me. I want to kill this guy, and my wolf is ready. I go pry his dirty little hands off of my mate and push him away. I can see the look of surprise on Laney’s face. All I feel is disgust, anger, and disappointment. After this asshole leaves, I pull Laney close to me. I can smell how turned on she is. Did she get this way because of that fucker? His smell is all over her body. I swear if I wasn’t out in public, he would be dead.    I am going to f**k this woman’s brains out tonight. She won’t ever smell like anyone else. Ever. 
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