26 New Plan

1205 Words

Rebecca POV I call my father, but I still don't understand why Zane wants that b**ch so much. He could have someone like me but instead he wants a curvy Alpha female. When my father picks up, I tell him everything that's been going on. "That is very inconvenient Rebecca I am supposed to meet with Leonard about taking her out tomorrow." Well instead of that plan get his help to kidnap Scarlett and her brat. If he is willing to help you kill her, I'm sure he won't mind helping you take her. "True but what if Zane decides he doesn't want her after we go through all of this." Believe me I don't think he'll change his mind he is like obsessed with her for some reason. "That is strange, he hasn't said why he wants her." No dad I would have told you if he did. So, can you make it happen? "

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