chapter 2+3 ( English)

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Hana hugged Gina for a while until she calmed down and hid her tail and ears, before Hana spoke again. Hana: Well, if that's what you wish for, then I'll honor your wish. Gina nodded and then went to finish her work. As usual, the library's work ended late, so Jenna and Hana returned to the house together, accompanied by some of their roommates. In the morning, with Jun, as soon as he left the library, he went to Ji-hoon to complain about his sister He found Luna and Hun in a loving and harmonious atmosphere, he definitely wouldn't let them stay like that. He threw his body between them to separate them. He received a grumble from both of them but he didn't care, his mood was sour because of Hana's interference. Joon: Hee Jihoon tell your sister to get out of my way. Hohen: Nona? What I did to you. John told them what happened to him in the library. Hoon: Oh she's right, I didn't know you and Gina were in the same class. Actually, if I had known, I would have told you this from the start, stay away from her. Jon was so shocked, he already knew from the rumors that Hana was obsessed with Jenna, but did she have that kind of feeling? Bring him back to reality Luna's sarcastic voice Luna: Where did your imagination go? Honey, I tell you to stay away from her because Gina has a phobia of wolves in general and of Lycans with black fur in particular, and since her childhood she runs and hides every time she sees a wolf, and you are in black fur. Please stay away from her as much as possible, do not open her wounds more than they are. She said the last sentence in a sad tone. John: Aren't you both exaggerating, I mean, isn't Mina also suffering from a phobia of wolves, but she's perfectly fine. Hoon: Jenna is not Mina Joon, Jenna's situation is very special, she doesn't even look into my eyes because I look like him. Hun realized what he was going to say so he shut up and then mumbled Hoon: Anyway, please stay away from her As if their words were Xena, as soon as they poured on the fires of curiosity, the flames became even stronger. After that day, John tried to talk to Gina at every opportunity, and even became a regular visitor at the library. So insistently liked this. Today, fortunately for Jenna, Ming residents have a physical ability test, meaning there is no Kim Joon, she can finally breathe a sigh of relief, she united a perfect spot in the library, then turned into a small fox and hid her body under her clothes and slept deeply. The look since Kim Kun started chasing her, his sense of smell is strong even among his sexes. Wherever Jenna hid, he finds her easily. Gina with four tails  Jenna is afraid that people will discover her true shape, because her color is strange, even among demonic foxes, the only colors of their fur are snow white, orange, and black only, and their color is blush red, she searched all the records of demonic foxes, and she did not find anyone of the same situation If the Chechen foxes are rare treasures, they are the most rare treasures. What increases her problem is that all demonic foxes in all history were born with one tail and then their tails appeared with the passage of time, except that from the moment they emerged from their mother's womb they came out with four tails. If anyone knew about this, then who knows what kind of terrible things might happen to her, she would surely be kidnapped in order to undergo several tests, sure that she would be autopsied while alive. She really will carry these secrets to the grave with her. A long time passed, and Jenna fell asleep before she heard a voice calling for her. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah damn it's Kim Joon Gina quickly returned to her human form and began to put on her clothes, and as soon as she finished, the Giant John stood before her. John: Were you asleep, the dark circles around your eyes have reduced and your face looks brighter. Gina ignored him as usual, and went back to her patrol, while pretending she could get Jon lost here so that he would never know how to get out, it would be a perfect ending for a Ming like him. John: Were you thinking now of losing me here, sorry but my nose is perfect, I'll never get lost. Gina rolled her eyes, and wondered deeply to herself, if she had committed such a great sin in her previous life. John: It's not a sin, you sure did a great thing to bless me with this life. Jenna thought she was thinking out loud or some kind of magic. John: No, you don't think out loud, and I don't use any magic. Jenna looked at John with strange looks to make John laugh. John: There's no need for those looks either. In fact, it's easy for me to read your expressions and your body movements. That's all. I read about this in a book on psychology. Jenna has to know that Kim Joon is a person who loves science and is quick to learn, he is not bound by old traditions, he is free as a bird, while comparing herself to Joon, she is like a bird kept in a cage, the problem is that this cage is made by her hands, Jenna since her childhood has restricted herself with several restrictions And perhaps this is another reason why John could read it so easily. They finally get to where Sue is, and Gina runs away to hide behind Sue's huge wing. John noticed the angry look on Sue's face and said nervously, "Hello, Nonna." Sue: Leave the damn library Kim Joon or I'll break something with you. Jon swallowed, the fact that Sue didn't say what she's going to break now means she's going to break something important with Jon's body, possibly his spine. Once again, John came out of the library with a tail between his feet. After his departure, Sue began patting Gina's head tenderly. . So I kept patting Gina's head until she calmed down. Sue: Better now? Gina: I was terrified to the point of illness. I don't feel well, I'll go visit Dong Ji oppa after work is done, I'll ask him to give me some medicine. Su: Your face is so pale, do you want me to talk to Jongin to change your class. Gina: Both my class is the best in our class. I'm more interested in the academy's accomplishments than this phobia. Su: If you insist, during this week don't go to class, instead go with Zheng Dai to learn the magic of light, I will take care of the teachers, and also I will ask Jihoon to keep John out of your way, after you take medicine from Ji, go to the dorm and rest, no no, no. You come to my house, you can stay there until you get better, and my parents and the light magic teacher can come home for classes. Gina smiled: How long have you been using your position as the principal's wife for personal reasons? Sue: Let me remind you that before I became Jongin's wife, I am a member of the Arba Committee, which specializes in the watch and care of rare species, and you are rarer than rare. Jenna didn't discuss Su More, but rather she pleaded and led her steps to J's office. When I arrived I found Jung Woo and Mina talking to Ji, it seems that a fight broke out between a Ming member and a Die member, and it seems Kaldi has been seriously injured, and Ji is currently treating him, while Mina and Hong Wu are discussing about punishment Ming. Jenna asked permission to enter: Excuse me, may I enter? Mina: Oh Jenna, what are you doing here, wait what's wrong with your face, why are you so pale? Gina glanced at Gong Wu before sighing and saying, "It's all thanks to Lekan's fur sticking to me the whole time. I feel like my soul will leave my body soon." Wu heard her and knew who she was talking about. In the end, black-furred Lycans do not grow on trees. Jung Woo: Sorry about my junior's behavior, I'll make sure to discipline him well. Jenna wasn't comfortable with Jung Woo being around, Jung Woo being a wolf, but she would be rude if she didn't respond to her senior's words. Gina: Then I'll thank you in advance for your help. Mina noticed that Gina's paleness increased and her eyes became withered, so she led her to sit on the bench and offered her a glass of water. Mina: Your situation is getting worse, you have to take time off from school. Jenna: So Nona has arranged for me to take a week off, during which I will stay at her house. A voice spoke from behind them: Are you sure she doesn't want a free babysitter? Jenna and Mina laughed together. Gina: I think you're right, Ji oppa. Their laughter was interrupted by Jeong Woo in earnest . Jung Woo: Ji Hyung, how's the student doing? J: Let him sleep here for a while and by the time you go home he will be fine. Mina: Thank God, but the Ming people are really starting to get out of control, what do they think they are? Jung Woo: I'm sorry it's all because I don't control them well. J: It's not anyone's fault, problems with Ming have existed since the foundation of the academy, just being the protectors they think the world is under their control. Gina: Oppa you were right Jane, you must have had a tough time with them in your student days. J: At the time when I was still asking about Ming's situation, it wasn't much different than now. Jung Woo: So what will be the student's punishment? Ji: As for the Ming student, since he is the one who started the conflict and inflicted such injuries to his classmate, he will be sent to the training room for two weeks. As for the Diyi student, he will also be punished for breaking the rules and quarreling with Ming. His punishment will be helping to cook the food of the Ming students, with no access to the library for a month . Mina: Isn't that a little harsh, inside the discipline room the student is forced to return to his shape as a soul and then goes through tremendous physical and psychological pressure, and for a DIY student to ask him to cook meat is very harsh, and being denied entry to the library will affect his grades. J: Mina, you are kind-hearted and kind, you have to learn that some people only learn by harsh ways. Mina was going to say something but Jong Woo stopped her and then called Ji and Gina and left to finish their work. J: So what did Gina bring you today? Jenna: Lately student Kim Joon has been chasing me everywhere, I have already used up every atom of my illusion magic, and the psychological damage he has caused me is not easy, my body has reached its limits. She said that then Boom her ears and her tail appeared. J: So what are your symptoms? Gina: Tiredness, nausea and dizziness. J: Congratulations, you are pregnant. Gina's four tails rose, and in front of each tail a green flame ball flashed as her eyes changed color.  J: Calm down, I was just kidding, now I'm going to give you some tonics and elixir to rejuvenate your magic, after taking them, transform into your true form, and sleep for some time, and during this week avoid contact with wolves, I will write you a medical certificate. Stay in your room and rest. Illusion magic, also let your ears and tail stand out, and use the illusion to change the color and hide the three extra tails, better than focusing all the time to hide them completely. Jenna just sighed and said, "I have a magic enhancement item and I wear it all the time but it doesn't seem to be enough." She said pointing to a blue pin placed on her robe from the left side.  Ji stared at the pin before asking: Who gave you this item? Jenna: Hoon and Hana's mother, why? J: Ah, no wonder your ancestors arrived so quickly. This item is for wolf spirits to use. If someone from another tribe used it, it would negatively affect his body. It seems that Mrs. J thought that as long as it was you, it was okay even if it was for private use only. Anyway, take it off quickly, and drink the medicine and the elixir I gave you. Gina ran out to turn into a fox and hid in one of the corners of the laboratory and fell asleep.  By the time the student of Die's residence who was in Ji's office had woken up. Ji escorted him to his home, leaving his library empty of anyone but the little fox. After Ji left for a while, the office door opened and a huge and frightening body entered the place. Person: Ji Hyung where are you? The person searched the office, but did not find him. Suddenly he stopped in his place and inhaled the lingering scent in the air. Person: Why does Jenna's smell cover the place? He searched to find a small fox hiding in a hidden corner in the office. Person: Jenna?
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