chapter 8+9 ( English)

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After breakfast was over, Jongin introduced the students from other academies, distributed them to the dorms, and announced a welcome party for them at the end of the week. In Hon and Luna's class, Luna notices Hon's strange behavior towards Gina and asks him. Luna: Did something happen between you and Jenna? Hun sighed: It's just that Jenna doesn't understand that I'm not our father, I'm completely different from him, but even so, Jenna doesn't trust me and is afraid of me. Luna: That's not true. Jenna loves you and trusts you, but excuse her, your face is very similar to your father, so she doesn't want to keep a distance between you. Hoon should not. As for Gina, her head started to hurt from John's many questions, and if it wasn't for the fact that John saved her from the hunters, she might have been tired and killed him to annoy him. John: What's the matter with you and hon? He was acting weird when he saw you this morning. Gina sighed and said seriously: Hide your tail and ears and suppress your aura. John executed immediately without objection. Jenna stared at John, John seemed like a normal human, Jenna wished she could somehow change Hoon's face, maybe then she would be able to talk to him naturally. Jenna: I made a big mistake towards Hon Oppa, a mistake that's hard to forgive me for. John was shocked that Jenna had really answered him, but he smiled as best he could, he was glad that the little fox had spoken to him. John: From what I know, Hun loves you so much, it's impossible for him not to forgive you, no matter how big your mistake. Gina was silent for a long time before asking: Suppose you have a sister who is younger than you, who loves her madly and takes care of her, but she is afraid of you and keeps away from you, and when they were in a dangerous situation, you decided to take notice of a stranger to her, instead of trusting and following you, would you forgive her? John was going to answer but was interrupted by the teacher's entry and the beginning of the lesson. After the lesson, Jenna, as usual, wanted to run to the library, but John grabbed her by the arm. John: I will answer your assumptions, if I love my sister so much I will forgive her for sure, and also go talk to Jihoon, if you apologize properly to him, I am sure he will forgive you. Then he dropped it and did not follow it as usual. Gina kept thinking about John's words all day, eventually she decided to follow his advice, and discuss it with her brother. Jenna's meeting with her grandmother made her realize that she was unconsciously following in her footsteps, regarding her dealings with her family. Her father has to stand between her and her happiness, in the end her father has been punished for his mistakes. After work was over and it was time to go back to the dorms, Jenna went to Ming's dorm. Jenna stood at the Ming entrance, waiting for her brother. None of the Ming residents dared to cause trouble with her, as they were aware of her superior level of magic, and only the idiot would stand in her way. At Hon, he's been coming home with Jon, who's hiding his ears, his tail, and his aura, and he's so happy. Hun: What's wrong with you? Why are you like this? John: I was able to talk to my little fox, you'll understand later. Oh she's waiting for you at the entrance to the dorm. hon: what? He did not finish his words because he saw Gina standing in front of the entrance and ran towards her anxiously. Angrily mixed with concern, Hun: What are you doing here? Why did you come? What if someone hurt you? When Jenna saw Hoon's concern, she felt guilty for being dry with her brother, and she hugged him and cried. Hun worried: Jenna, what's up? Why are you crying ? Hey Jenna, answer me, did someone hurt you? Jenna: I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry. Hun sighed and then used wind magic to carry himself and Gina out of the dorm. When they got out Kho finally spoke. Hoon: What are you apologizing for? Gina: Anyway, although I know that you are not like that man, but my fear and hatred control me every time, I know that I hurt you with my behavior and cold treatment, but it is out of my control. Hoon: stop crying, you hurt me more when you cry, I already know that it's not up to you, I'm sorry, I got angry and spoke words I shouldn't have said. Gina nodded: No, I only told the truth. I need to wake up, and in order to do so I must face my fears by staying with you, my brother, you and John of the same race. Hun was shocked at what he heard before he quickly objected: You shouldn't, as long as you're fine, that's enough. Gina: No, it's okay, I tried it today with John, as long as he doesn't show his ears and tail, it seems I can treat him normally, I'll do my best and I'll fight my fear, I shouldn't be stuck in the past. Hoon wanted to object but seeing the determination in his sister's eyes, he decided to just support her. . . . . . . . . . .. . the next day Hoon is back to dealing with Jenna as usual, Jenna really started to do her best, throughout the day she did not ignore John even once, and also volunteered to spend some time with Hoon at the end of the shift. .. . . . . In Jian's dorm, Gina sat with her friends talking. Hana: You look better than you did before the holidays, and your attitude to Hon and Joon has changed, did something happen to you? Jenna told them about her meeting with Soobin, and how she joined that clan, and she also told them about John saving her. Luna: John is a good person, Hoon always tells me about their childhood together, he also seems to like you, it's good that you gave him a chance. Jenna furrowed her eyebrows, "Do you like me?" Who is John? Dai: Don't tell me you didn't notice? All the students have noticed, why do you think he insisted on talking to you? Gina: Um, I never noticed it, anyway, that I feel sorry for him, there can be nothing between us. Minseok: Aren't you trying to talk to him normally now, if you don't mind giving him a chance, he's handsome and tall, and he's also kind to you and cares about you, and he's strong and can protect you, and he's first in the academy entrance exam, and you two look cute together. Luna: Seok unnie is right, then it's not like you have someone else. Jenna: First of all, he beat me in the test because I didn't do my best in it, and I will definitely get first place in the upcoming exams, secondly I don't care about these things thirdly, it's impossible, it's not just about John, I can't be with anyone I will be single until the last day of my life. Hana approached the other three and whispered, "I bet she'll fall for John in the five years she's been here." Minseok: I bet she'll only fall for him in two years Luna: I say a year. Dae: If they don't become lovers before the middle of this year, my name won't be Jong Dae. After several days passed, the atmosphere was calm, everything was as usual, Jon was consistent with her and her attempt to get used to her brother, nothing out of the ordinary. Tonight, the Academy will hold a reception for exchange students, and everyone must attend. . . . . . . . . Gina wasn't very excited, and wished she could just sit in the dorm and enjoy her free time, but no, first-year students are required to attend, which means that all her friends except John are not obligated to attend. Luna was sitting with her and helping her get ready. Luna: Come on, Mina will be there and Won too. Jenna: I don't want to hear traitorous words, all of you, even here and Hana, won't come Luna: Come on, you'll enjoy seeing Hong Woo's annoyed face, he's also forced to come because he's the student council president. Jenna ignored her and focused on arranging her clothes. Luna: Also this is your chance to see John's other side. Gina ignored her again. After she finished getting herself ready, she left the dorm to find a handsome young man waiting for her. Gina: Why didn't you tell me you were coming to pick me up, I'd be quick to get ready. John was so stunned by Jenna's current appearance that he forgot to speak.  John Beshrud: Beautiful Jenna heard it then blushed John: Jenna, what happened to your hair? Jenna: Never mind, it's just illusion magic. After that, the two headed to the large hall where the ceremony will be held. At the entrance, Jung Woo and Mina were welcoming the invitees. John laughed at them: If you two stay together people will think you two are dating. Both showed the face of "Who's going to date this person". Jung Woo: I have a really cute girlfriend why would I look at this bunny. Mina I will quote this sentence and say wolves are not my type. Jung Woo: Come on in, the manager will start his speech soon. The two were done. After a few minutes, Jung gave a speech in which he welcomed the guests, explained the purpose of the party and invited everyone to get along with each other. Gina stood out of sight, grabbed a glass from the table in front of her, and began to drink its contents. John was with her at first, but some invitees noticed him and dragged him to talk to them. Jenna watched him from afar and sneered: It's hard to be like this. Jenna did not notice the lover's gaze directed at her, and instead noticed the gazes directed at John. Many pretty girls were looking at John with affection, this made Jenna feel uncomfortable. She watched John from afar, he was standing in his black suit among a number of prominent figures, but he was the most famous of them, Gina's eyes focused on John's face, he was sharp and took a serious look, Gina compared him to his face you see all day, what you see every day was like a little puppy waiting He praised his master, but what you see now is an adult wolf that can devour. John noticed her looks, their eyes met, then smiled at her, and said something to those around him before heading towards her. John: I'm sorry I've been busy talking to them. Jenna smiled and didn't say anything because she was trying to understand why she felt so comfortable when John smiled at her. After a few moments, John stood in front of her and extended a hand to her John: Will you dance with me, miss? And they went to the dance floor All eyes were directed at them, some admiration and the rest jealousy. Jenna: Your fans are staring at me now. John: The same applies to you, and your fans want to eat me alive. They both laughed at their situation, but didn't stop dancing But it seems that they should change the partner in the next dance, they both feel rejected, but they have to implement. Fortunately the couple closest to them were Mina and Ji. Jenna gave Ji a malicious look and grabbed his hand Gina: Oh, I didn't know that teachers could dance with the students. J: There are no laws against that, so remove that smile. Gina: I won't, it looks like things on the other side are fun too. She gestured to John and Mina at the end of her speech, Kina was going to evaporate from embarrassment and John choked with laughter. J: By the way, your condition has not improved. Why? Gina remembered that even though she had taken time off, and had changed her magic tool, she had not improved. J: Not only are you not getting better, you are making your situation worse by using these little tricks He said pointing to Jenna's hair color, which she had changed using illusion magic. Jenna: Don't worry too much about that. The dance ended, and Jenna returned to John's side, and after some time they left and went back to their homes. The day after the party was a holiday, and Jenna, John, Luna, and Hoon decided to spend the day together outside the academy. Hoon was curious about Soobin, so he intended to go see him but Jun's presence complicated things, but they went together in the end. In the morning the four found themselves in front of a hut in the middle of the woods, far from the academy. When they knocked on the door, Soobin opened the door for them but it was like a merchant, so Jun and Jihoon didn't recognize him. Soobin: Oh, that's you Gina, I thought you were a customer, come on in. As soon as they entered and closed the door, Soobin appeared in his true form. John pretended to be shocked: Oh, you're the boy from that night, how's your girlfriend now, I hope you're not shocked. The other three stared at Gina, whose ears were red. Soobin: Oh she's fine, unfortunately she's not here today, I thank you for saving her that day. John: No thanks, it's my duty. Only Luna and Hun noticed the dark atmosphere hovering around the two of them, Jenna never noticed. Soobin spoke in the language of foxes: Why did you bring them? Gina: My brother wanted to get to know you and thank you for helping me, but John just ended up with us, he doesn't know who I am. Soobin was surprised by Jenna's words, as he was sure that that day Jenna's magic was so weak that her face and hair returned to their reality.
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