Chapter 13. A Leap of faith

2141 Words

I got home just when the sun had started to set. I was tired from the lack of sleep last night and my head crawled with thoughts and doubts. I had to admit to myself that I was terrified for my talk with Mark – I had no clear idea what exactly to say, or how, and I could only guess his reaction. In theory, it should be easy, I would just go there and ask him to talk and pour my heart and soul in front of him if I had to, if it would make him open up and tell me what happened to him and how it connected to Adan. In reality, the person I was about to face was no other than Mark Blackthorn. Dead-man Mark Blackthorn, who would probably shut me out and ruin my friendship with his family just for the fun of it.  I opened the front door and entered inside the house, snugging like some sort of th

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