Chapter 26. Crossroads

2584 Words

It was weird. Just a few weeks ago I believed Mark Blackthorn was this obnoxious arrogant prick who was worth for nothing. Tonight, he listened to me without interrupting even once while I told him everything I’d learned from Adan. He soothed me when I needed someone to be strong for me and remained calm when I told him about the soulless people.  He just stood there on the loveseat lost in silence, thinking of everything I just said. When I was finally done, his eyes slowly focused across the room on me, expression tense and dark. “A lost cause then.” He said,  “Like all righteous causes. This one is even an ancient, pointless one at this, well, point. And this Adan guy is so dumb that he left you for it? Very smart move.” Mark’s lips curled into a snarl. “In his place…” I started, but

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