My worst mistake...

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“Are you sure about this?” he asked with his eyes still locked on mine as he stared into my soul and still tried to hold on to some self-control on his part. On my part, in my head and in my heart. I already knew, I knew there was no control left to hold on to anymore… “Tristane, do you want me?” I asked to hear it directly from him one more time. He didn’t say anything or reply me with any words, instead he lifted my hand and placed it higher up on his chest, directly above his heart that thumped ever so hardly. I felt the strong, continuous and definitely abnormal beat of his heart, I became sure of one thing. We were both strangers, but he wanted me in that moment just as much as I wanted him and that was all that mattered in my naïve mind. I gave him the last bit of assurance I felt he needed to hear from me... I hoped it would finally push him off the edge of our shared desire. “Listen to me Tristane, I have never done this with anyone before, but right now I know for sure that I want you. I think you want me too just as badly.” I said barely audible even to myself as I slid my hands gently up his chest and to his handsome face that continued to leave me stunned even now in the dimly lit room. “I want you and you want me, so we should both take what we want.” I said while my hand gently guided his lips to mine and locked our lips in another intense kiss, much slower this time till I could no longer think. It was now I saw him lose all his control and I saw the wildness flash for a split second in his blue eyes. He no longer felt like I man in my arms, the heat from his body flooded into mine as our bodies came together and almost immediately my legs were swept off the floor. With just his right hand placed firmly on my waist he took me off the floor as easily as I would lift a feather pillow and had my legs wrapped around him like some kind of anchor and my lips glued to his, while his fingers ran sensually through my hair and he made his way to the bed with me on him. I had heard rumors about the Prince of Belfaire and how really strong he was. I could feel his strength for myself as he carried me from one side of the large room to my bed like I were a little baby and not a grown woman. . He placed me on the bed gently then ripped his shirt off with one hand, he quickly tossed it to the side in one fluid motion like it were made of paper. I lay there completely mesmerized by the perfectly sculpted torso of the man in front of me. He leaned in and kissed me again till I was sure that my brain had ceased all functions and my body was completely in control. I had on a soft just the soft night gown, unlike how he treated his shirt just seconds earlier, he took his time with my gown. He took it off slowly and gently to discover that I had nothing else under the underneath. I lay there completely naked in front of a man for the first time and I got even more confident when I saw the raw hunger lay siege to his eyes and his muscles tighten as he caressed me with his eyes. “You are the most beautiful….” was all he could manage to groan out before our desire took over again... His lips kissed gently down my neck before he slowly moved to my now swollen breasts which he devoured completely. The undiluted ecstasy flooded through my body silent moans of intense pleasure flowed through my open mouth. He continued for a while and made sure I was totally wild and wet for him before his wicked mouth went further down my body. His lips made their way to the soft spot between my legs and made me feel pleasure that I never imagined could be possible. He continued for a long time with both his tongue, lips and fingers till pleasure shot through me and I felt my body begin to tremble uncontrollably while I felt my legs get wobbly and weak like clothes soaked by the rain. I thought it could not get any better than that, but I was wrong. Prince Tristane of Belfaire had so much more to teach me that night. He made sure it was a lesson I would never forget…. It was my very first time and yet I knew in my heart that no other man would ever be able to match up to him, I was sure that I would only ever want him for the rest of my life and no one else. We both took what we wanted that night and we did it passionately into the late hours of the night... …… . . . My eyes fluttered open with the expectation that I would see the light of the morning shoot through the curtains, but it wasn’t morning yet, the darkness of the night was not yet over. I looked around for Tristane but he was not in the room. I remembered hazily that a while ago he had gotten up from the bed and walked out the door without a word or even a glance back at me but I had foolishly concluded the moment to be a dream. ... I had not been bothered then because I knew he would be back, but now the realization dawned on me, it had already been a while since he walked out and he was not yet back. I sat up quickly and picked my gown from the side of the bed. The dread and shock only got worse in my mind as my thoughts got clearer, he had gone out the room through the main door…. I was up on my feet at the door quickly as multiple scary thoughts began to cross my mind. The scariest thought was that either my father or elder brother might see Tristane and know he spent the night in my room. They would both kill him for sure if that was the case. The fear of him hurt made it hard for me to breathe or think properly even as I swung the door to the room open and stood at the corridor that led to the stairs. It was this flight of stairs that linked my room to the rest of the palace. It was then I heard it. I heard it clearly and there was no mistaking it because everyone in the palace would have heard it to. The loud howl of a wolf echoed through the palace with a force as though it had happened within the palace walls, it was a blood curdling sound that sent shivers down my spine and made me even more worried. A sudden coldness shot through my body and a cold fear began to spread through me, something was terribly wrong. I could feel it, but I had no idea what it was. I ran up the stairs that connected to the throne room as fast as my still weak legs could carry me with a faint hope in my heart that nothing bad had happened to Tristane, but I was wrong. I had been wrong about absolutely everything from the very start. I was so wrong!!!
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