1373 Words

BRIAR’S POV I've never seen a face more horrified than hers. Even for the briefest moment, she lets her true emotions show, and I’m delighted by it. The mixture of horror, fury, and fear, twisted and contorted into one. Such a beautiful sight to behold. So dazzling and magnificent. I wish it lasted longer. Eli lets go of me only now, slowly setting me on my feet before facing her. An innocent smile replaces what was on his face just a moment ago. A mask of charm and grace he seems to put on for every girl… except me, it seems. “Annalise,” he greets her warmly. She forces a smile, the sides of her lips trembling at an alarming rate. I’m almost sure she’s about to have a stroke. Please, goddess, give her one. “Eli!” Her voice comes out painfully ecstatic. She takes a step to

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