1120 Words

BRIAR’S POV Tavian is crazy. There’s no other way to describe a man like him. I thought the agreement was to stay away from each other, never to appear before the other again. I’ve kept my end of the bargain, yet he hasn’t done his part. Now he’s reporting the investigation back to me? I scoff at the possibility of that actually being true. I’m more sure of the fact that he’s plotting something behind my back, some cruel joke like before. He’ll drop my guard down before he attacks. Yes, that seems more like the Tavian I know. Unfortunately for him, that won’t be happening. I’ll never drop my guard around him. I lean against the door of my room, sighing and closing my eyes, breathing in and out slowly. It’s been a long day, so much to unpack, but all I want to do is sleep. My

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