The Secretary & The Succubus #7

2795 Words

The man stepped inside the office, and as expected, his face brightened up considerably upon seeing Giselle, reading a file and standing next to the desk. "Good mornin', lovely!" he said with a bright accent. "Good morning," Giselle replied with a polite smile. "You can take a seat." "You got any idea when the CEO's going to be here?" he said, visibly wanting to chat. "It's taken me a while to get here! I hope your boss is going to make it worth my time, hey? What's your name, pretty? Fancy a coffee later?" Giselle kept smiling, but she put down the folder, and went to sit behind the desk in the large leather chair, visibly taking what ought to be the director's spot. She crossed her arms on the desk. "I'm Giselle Ashmedai-Knight," she introduced herself with a cold smile, "CEO of

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