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I am heading to my office now and started to search more information about mina and she's a billionaire also, so I need that dumb ass again. I called her using my phone and he quickly go to my office. Jennie:" Hae will you track this person?" I said Hae:" it's your another target don't you?" Jennie:"No Hae, she's now targeting me and Lisa. She want Lalisa and she's trying to destroy us, I don't know how she put the drugs inside of the beverage and Lisa drank them that's why we fought last night" I clearly explained. Hae:"Ohhh the hidden Bruschweiler HAHAHA" I laughed crazily "if that's what you want then I will, you want cctv footage, the van delivered it in front of your gate right?" I asked her Jennie:" Oh fck you shut your f*****g mouth, yes I need it right now Hae. Track her as fast as you can and made a copy of the cctv footage for extra and send it to me also her address. I need to confront her." I said and he's starting to track. I do what Jennie want not because she need me but I owe her a lot she's athe reason why I am successful right now. I started searching, tracking and hacking cctv's footage at Jennie and Lisa's place. Jennie's POV While Hae-in doing his business I update my Lisayah that I go shopping only by myself but I lied again of course. [CHATS] Jennie: Hon I'm sorry for not updating you earlier. Lisa: It's okay hon, I guess you're having fun there Jennie: I am here at the mall right now, do you want something? Lisa: No need hon, I only want is you. Come home early please. Jennie: flirtatious Manoban, I'll try baby iloveyou:> Lisa: but I really meant it, I love you most my mandu I lied again but I need this Manoban, calm your ass down. I'm all fine here. Lisa's POV When I texted Ax, he already followed Jennie but suddenly he said that he lost Jennie's sight, he doesn't know what really happened because he said that someone overtake and they had the same car but when the car stop he saw 4 boys having fun and started to smoke. Like he also can't figure it on how that happened. [CHATS] Ax: Boss I'm sorry, mission failed. Lisa: It's okay Ax, I am the one who will find what she's hiding Ax: Ne boss mianhae After 45 minutes Jennie texted and I quickly replied wtih calmness. I'll find her with my own, I go to my office without telling to Jennie, it's been awhile since I didn't check my laptop inside of my office. Jisoo's POV While I was resting, I'm monitoring Jennie and Lisa's POV. I saw that Jennie is shopping by herself, so It's time to shine again? I must say that poor girlfriend of her were busy so I decided to message Jennie. [CHATS] Jisoo: Hi Jen! Wanna go shopping? Jennie: Hello unnie, I'm shopping already Jisoo: by yourself? Jennie: Yes unnie, wae? Jisoo: Uhm nothing I just want to say sorry for what I have done and I called Lisa poor, but she's poor actually lol. Jennie: it's okay to me unnie, don't say sorry to me but be sorry to Lisa, arrasso? You don't know her unnie, she's not poor like what you see to her and beside she's your friend also. Don't be like that again unnie, Respect my girlfriend please. Jisoo: arrasso. Jennie: thank you unnie, I am so disappointed for what you have but I can't let my anger to destroy us, but please avoid it again. I don't like Lisa when she got angry because she can't control her anger. Jisoo: I am really sorry Jen, mind to catch up soon so that I can say sorry to Lisa Jennie: Ne, we'll try if she have a free schedule. Jisoo: see you soon then. I am acting like I surrendered but that is not what you all think, I will stay continue and stay close to them, I want to connect with them to stay updated I guess I need to set aside my flirtatious charm. You all want to know how did I monitored their chats? of course remember the night Jennie's celebration and when I borrowed her phone. FLASHBACKS AT JENNIE'S CELEBRATION Jisoo:" Jendukie may I borrow your phone, my phone is dead." I smiled Jennie:"Sure unnie" I smiled and gave her my phono, I waited for my phone but Jisoo is took too long to message someone I don't know so I leave and go to my hubby, of course Lalisa. I giggled. Jisoo's POV I actually deliberately to took too long to use Jennie's phone so that she can leave me from what I am doing. When I noticed that she already left I quickly look left and right to avoid someone who will caught me if I did something, I didn't find one and I started to do my business to put a monitor on its sim and I successfully connected to my laptop. After that I took selfie with my self and I acted like I didn't do anything before I gave her phone. 3rd person's POV Jisoo succeeded but she doesn't know that that Lisa also monitoring Jennie's sim. They only monitor Jennie's main sim but the other one they didn't, her files and about her personal men was their and their conversation but it is not that easy to access because of Hae-in. The three of them were now STALK BY STALK. END OF FLASHBACKS Lisa's POV I go to my office to monitor Jennie's conversation with someone. I am now here at my office, with some of my men and I started to monitor Jennie's acc but there is no one she talk to, only but after a while Jisoo, texted Jennie and Jisoo looks so suspicious like how did she knew that Jennie is in the mall shopping by herself. I was thinking on how did she knew, I recall my memories and I remember that Jennie gave her phone to Jisoo when we are having fun dancing. I didn't hesitate to check Jennie's sim, and boom there is. Someone was connected and the location of the other monitoring was at JTK street and that is where Jisoo lives. I didn't hesitate to texted Jennie, I am getting pissed again and for being obsessed towards Jennie is making me crazy, thinking that she'll leave me anytime. [CHATS] Lisa: Hon will you go home now please? : Hon please? :( : Reply as fast as you can baby please:( : Baby I need you right now please:( : I badly want to see you right now hon:( : I can't live without you hon please? As times goes by Jennie I didn't receive any message from her not until my laptop received a notification from Jisoo she texted Jennie after a minutes when I texted Jennie.
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