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Lisa's POV We are now heading to our house, Jennie is snoring and I know she's tired and also she's drunk. I am now carrying her towards our room to sleep but suddenly she moved and started kissing my neck and sucking. Lisa: "f**k hon, stop" preventing to moan and my body started to heating up. Jennie: "Wae?" drunk tone and I only giggled Lisa: "What do you mean by wae, huh? you're making me horny hon, stop please." I begged Jennie: "so?" Lisa: "Hon you're drunk, let's sleep." Jennie: "Love, what if we'll try?" I asked and my vision is spinning lolz. Lisa: "No no no. We'll try soon, okay?" I am f*****g horny but I don't want to disrespect my girlfriend, she's only drunk. I lay her on our bed, go to her closet and changing her clothes to a comfy one, getting some water to wipe on her body so she can feel cold. I am done doing my thing on Jennie, I prioritize her first before I texted Ax. [Chats] Lisa: Hey Ax, all goods? Ax: Yes boss R, we're now transferring them on their own assigned room. After I and Ax exchanging messages, I lay beside Jennie and I put her head on my biceps part hugging her at the same time, feeling her hot warm body. Smelling her neck even though she's drunk her smell is still the same, notching change. I really love Jennie even though there's someone trying to break us but I won't let that happen, this girl is too precious to me. Loving her is like I love the whole me also, seeing her happy makes me happy more, seeing her suffering makes me suffered more, I am so blessed to have her and also tita mommy who si always beside us with her no ending support and also my mom, she always think what is the good for me and Jennie. She likes Arkie but suddenly that shits happened, her trust faded and she doesn't like me to dated anyone until the cutie mandu appeared. She treats Jennie like her child, she treats her more than me lol but of course Jennie is soon to be her daughter in law, not gonna lie. This beautiful creature will be the death of me, I want to protect her as I can. We all know even our closes friends can't be trusted. 3rd person's POV Lisa talking to her mind not knowing that her tears are now flowing, tears of happiness how proud she is to be with her girlfriend all the time, to be treated by her love. Until her head was now leaning on Jennie's head and she fell asleep. Next Day Lisa's POV I woke up with sweet smile, seeing mt girlfriend sleeping peacefully. I go to our kitchen to make a soup for her hangover and when I check our kit there is no pain killer. After cooking I prepared a bowl of soup and delivered it in our room and I put it on our bed side table and I forgot to leave her a letter before I leave. Jennie's POV Woke up with hangover my vision still spinning, not really feeling well because of how drunk I am. When I felt Lisa is no longer beside me, I texted her and when I look around I found a boul with soup and I already knew that Lisa made this. [Chats] Jennie: Baby, my head hurts:( : Where are you baby? : I woke up and you're not beside me:( Lisa: Aigoo this big baby, I bought pain killer for your hangover and don't forget to take a sip that soup is made of love. Jennie: Yah come here now hon:( Lisa: Actually I am heading home right now hon Jennie: Lalisa don't use your phone while driving, take care and please come here faster please. Iloveyouuu. Lisa: It's red light love. : Yes baby, Iloveyoumost. I am now sipping on Lisa's soup made with her love like what she said, I giggled. She always makes my heart flutter, while enjoying my soup I was startled because Lisa surprised me, surprised with blue flowers my favorite. Lisa: "Good morning to my blue, who makes my sky shine color blue also" I chuckled and she just smiled widely. Like she doesn't have feel anything. Jennie: "Yah baby it's early in the morning but you still make a silly things" I smiled widely Lisa: "Yah isn't it obvious baby? I love you." I spoke while heading towards her to give the flowers Jennie: " You really know how to get me huh?!" We're giggling and after the soup I take the pain killer 2 in the afternoon We are here at living room watching Netflix and I am a little bit tipsy, at least it is now subsiding. We are watching THE IDOL not until something came up in my head and this is about lisa and my mom. Jennie: "Uhm baby, mind to explain about you and mommy?" I spoke for being nosy Lisa: "Oh okay love, come here first let me caress you okay?" She's sitting in front of me with her badass face, I pulled her closer to me. Slowly held her head and make her head lean on my chest, kiss forehead and started caressing it wiht my own hand. FLASHBACK Lisa's POV I am now heading to someone's house and I know Jennie is safe there because I sent Ax to look for her. [Chats] Lisa: Hey Ax, guard Jennie okay? she's sleeping peacefully. Ax: Yes boss, I'll just check the tracker for your safety boss. I am here in front of tita mommy's house, their security is really interesting. I am in front of the door, knocked and tita mommy appeared and she hugged me and I did back but I also reach for her hand to bless, this is how Filipino greet their olders. Mommy K: "what are you doing here Lis? Come inside" I smiled Lisa: "Tita mommy, I want to discuss about the café" I smiled while entering and tita mommy straightly go to the kitchen Mommy K: "Lis, you know that I am doing my best to take care of my daughter right?" I came back with her fav drinks Lis: "Thank you for this tita mommy" I take a sip and I spoke again " Tita mommy I know you love Jennie that much but, she can't depend herself on you. She's already old enough tita to make her own decision, I beg for this tita let Jennie achieve her dream to build a café just this time" I smiled while begging Mommy K: "Lis you know Jennie got tired easily" Lis: "Yes tita mommy, don't worry I'll be on her side tita. I'll hire secretly just to manage her café sometimes." I smiled Mommy K: "Lis, I want my daughter to know her worth" Lis: "I am already giving her my all tita, but please only this time tita. I want Jennie to be happy and tita mommy I think Jennie is mad at you." I chuckled Mommy K: " If that so but please Lis, you have my trust. I don't want my daughter to get her gtired everyday and I have this business trip in Paris. I'll be stay there for 4 months, I'll manage our company also there." I spoke and Lisa was confused Lis: "Uhm why are you telling me this tita mommy?" I confusedly asked Mommy K: "you dumb Lis, of course I want you to take care of my daughter. If café is her happiness then you got my consent now Lis, take care of my precious." I smiled happily, knowing that this daughter in law of mine is too matured and perfectly fit on Jennie because she is a big baby. Lis: "Really tita? Omg Jennie will be happy with this, thank you so much tita! but Jennie doesn't know that I am here" I hugged tita mommy and chuckled. Mommy K: " But don't tell Jennie that I already gave you my consent but let me inform if the café was already built, let me be her special guest then?" Lis: "Yes tita mommy, I owe you a lot for creating the beautiful creature tita" We hugged and I stay there for a minutes before I go home. END OF FLASHBACKS
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