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DANIELLA’S POV The fire died out by itself before the morning of the next day. Nothing in the farm survived it. I had gone up to my room by then, crying my eyes out on the pillow. Dad promised he would think about sending me to school and that farm would have paid my fees. Those power and money hungry thugs who happened to be my brothers, the farm was what was really sustaining them. While my father discussed the matter of the farm with my brothers, I prepared for work. Father’s scolding voice was so loud it was so easy to hear him say that it was the son of the old man they’d beating up who’d set the farm on fire. While they crafted what to do, I walked into the room. “Good morning father. Good morning brother Tonas, good morning brother Jay.” Only father responded on a whim. I turned to leave but I was halted by Jay’s voice. “Work harder today. We are depending on you.” His tone was sweet. I felt sick to the stomach immediately. He spoke like he actually cared and that disgusted me the most. I turned, bowed dramatically and turned to leave the house. “Let me escort you.” Tonas’ voice came from inside the house. Before I argue, he was beside me. I clenched hard on my dress, a troubled look on my face as we stepped. I didn’t want him coming with me. I didn’t want him doing anything, period. Aside from leaving me alone that is. “My pretty little sister,” he cooed, stroking my hair. I cringed, flinching away from his touch on impulse. He managed a small smile but his eyes clearly reflected his irritated and anger at my action. “Well come on, let me escort you.” I swallowed. He began to move further. I traipsed before I began to move well. We walked futher away from the house and down the bush paths that led out of our home. He was in front of me and I was shivering at the back. Suddenly he halted. My heart stopped. “Well come on. You know what to do or do you need me to remind you.” I opened my mouth but no words came. He turned sharply and I flinched back. He had that horrifying look in his eyes. Jay was not bad at all, even though he hit me and Tonas never did. Tonas never hit me, but everyday I prayed he would do that instead of this. He glared at me and my legs moved on their own. I went close to him and bent down on my fours. He pulled down my skirt and my bottom was exposed to him. I felt bile rise to the back of my throat when he gave them a squeeze. I bit down on my lower lip immediately, trying not to scream. “Moan back. Moan back or I will do other things.” The devil threatened. I shivered in disgust, knowing I had no choice but to do as I was told. So I did. I moaned. He began to smack them, again and again. I held back my tears and thinned my lips to restrain my screams, choosing to moan for him instead. Tonas loved to hurt women for his pleasure, but he had gone to prison too many times because of it so I became the toy instead. He invented a way to apply the pain he wanted and I would not be too hurt. This sick act went on for five more minutes before he pulled me up from the floor, hands on my waist making sure he touched what was in-between my legs. “Woof, that was satisfing. Don’t forget to come tonight ok” I wore back my clothes and said nothing. He spat at me and walked away. I turned and made my way to work. Painfully, making crocked steps because my bottom hurt so much. Thanks to him and the fact that I had not eaten for days, I was incredibly sloppy at work and I ended up getting paid half the money. As I made my way home, I prepared myself for a beating. But immediately, I neared the house and saw the lights on and people chattering, I knew something was wrong. Quietly, I opened the door and walked into the house. “Speak of the devil,” father voice echoed cheerfully. I look around. There’s was one unfamiliar face. I greeted him. He eyed me, his black pupils went from my legs up to my face. I began self-conscious of his gaze and wished my clothes were not so ragged. “You can go up now, my sweet sister.” My head turned in horror at the voice. Tonas smiled broadly at me. Fear gripped me and I fled to my room immediately. Something Is awfully wrong. Silently I prayed it was no big deal. The visitor stayed for a whole more before he left. Then father came up to my room. He pushed the door open and walked in. I was on the bed. He came and sat next to me “My dear. How have you been coping.” He said. I forced a smile. “They beat you again, right?” I didn’t say a word, instead my eyes went to the door. Father heaved. “I thought so. I scolded them. I hope they won’t do it again. But if they do, report to me, okay?” I looked back and faked a smile. Father never hurt me or hit me. He was just one of those fathers who kept his family together no matter how terrible it was. “That man,do you know who he is.” He swiftly change the topic. “No.” I managed to say. “His name is Dennis Rodman. He is an investor who is buying lands. And guess why he came here?” His voice was full of enthusiasm. “He came because of you. He said spotted you and liked you.” He let out his sheepish smile. I raised an eyebrow. “Me?” “Yes. He said he saw you at ye bar. And you really wowwed him with you good character and he wants to get to know.” “Get to know me?” Surprise spread across my face. Father took out a card and gave it to me. “After we talked, he said he would love to chat tomorrow evening.” I looked at the card. I could read alittle so I quickly recognized the venue and I instantly remembered the prostitutes at the bar holding one just like that a few days ago. I looked directly at him. He definitely knew what was on this card. Dad was not the type to be lied to. He looked away and went on his knees. Tears strolled down his face. My heart broke, I went over and hugged him. “I am sorry, my dear but we are desperately in need of money and you are the only one that can help. He promised he will pay Two Million dollars for just one night.” My eyes grew wider. That kind of money would fix all our problems and even send me to school. “I know I am a shameless father. I know I should never ask this of you but please, so that your younger brothers do not end up in jail because of this and our family falling apart. Please save us, my dear. Just one night and you won’t have to go back to that wretched bar.” His tears continued to drop as he pleaded with me, still on his knees. I gave in and agreed.
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