3 – Lost a Prey, Found a Fay

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LIAM’S POV: The instant I got into the car, a bomb started ticking in my nerves, which was terrible because I was on my way to a not-so-friendly meeting. I'd been plotting my vengeance on the Ivanoffs for weeks, and today was the perfect time to attack. My soldiers had received a good information that the Ivanoff commander was in the warehouse attempting to strike a deal with his comrades. Everything was planned. My boys and I would storm the warehouse and gun down the motherfu*ckers once and for all. Nobody obtains what belongs to me. This city, Solaris, its inhabitants, their sad lives, deaths, and, most importantly, their fears are all mine. Even Augustus cannot dominate this city as I do. Augie is still a baby. He believes that being Mayor entitles him to ownership of the city, but this is not the case. I learned a long time ago that if you desire to rule someone, play on their fears. Fear makes them vulnerable and simple to manipulate in our hands. And that's exactly what I've been doing: playing with the fears. I am the City's King. And now I have to explain to an i***t why I don't share my possessions! "What the progress?" Looking at Peter, who was carefully manoeuvring the car, I questioned. "Rane, the cartel's leader, is currently meeting with Saul Ivanoff to try to strike a deal and turn the cartel against us so that they can easily attack us and split our businesses among themselves." They landed around 6 a.m. on the West Side of the City in a private plane and got at the warehouse about 30 minutes later. They are thoroughly protected by two dozen bodyguards; our lads have arrived and are awaiting your instruction, Sir," Peter informed. The car took a left and drove up a dusty road to the warehouse. The warehouse was ancient and deserted. It stood alone in the darkness, waiting for anything to happen without an audience. My lads swarmed around me as soon as our car came to a halt. "We divided into two groups: ground and air. Take down any of their bodyguards or other prospective targets." I gave the order. All of them nodded. The two squads moved quietly towards the warehouse, and the minute the main entrance was kicked, adrenaline surged through our veins. Rane and Saul Ivanoff were shaking hands, as the soldiers attacked. "Missed Me!" I raised my rifle at the two men. Their security stepped forward, aiming rifles at us, sensing the threat. "You should have stayed in your limits Ivanoff!" I mentioned turning off the gun's safety. "And you should have died long ago, Spencer!" Saul snarled, cowering behind his guard's shield. "That's a bad thing to say," I remarked as I took a step forward. "Let's get this done!" Rane declared and opened fire. I ducked and fired at him. The combat began. My gaze was fixed on Saul throughout the duel. He was mine to murder, and my men knew it, which is why, while they were slaughtering everything that moved, no one touched him. He fought valiantly on his own. My guys quickly defeated every opponent. Peter ended Rane's game with a last shot, and it was now Saul's time. The loser fled for his life after seeing his troops lose and Rane fall. "Peter, handle the situation here, I'm going on a hunt." Before following Saul out of the warehouse, I said. "That's it, Saul," I exclaimed as I cornered him in a dark alley with a metal fence on the opposite side. "Not now." Saul responded. He fled and jumped over the metal barrier before I could shoot. I followed him to the opposite side, hard on his trail. It was a little darker than normal. It seems to be the rear of a building with a large silver garbage can and a back door that was open, indicating that my target had entered the premises. I slowly moved into the building, my pistol pointed ahead. A long black tunnel with a little light at the end greeted me. I followed the light till I came to a hall with doors on both sides. Tucking the revolver into its holster around my waist, I stood there scouting the doors for the ideal one to use with my target. The first door is closed. The second - secure My fingers curled around the knob of the third door, sighing and gritting my teeth, when the door opened on its own and a soft body smashed into my unyielding chest. The contact caused her to bounce back. My arms, like if they had a consciousness of their own, wrapped around her waist to save her from falling. Her little hands were resting against my chest. She raises her head. Time came to a halt when striking blue eyes met my angry stare. I'd always thought it was silly when people said "the time stopped when I looked in his eyes," but her deep blue seas proved me wrong. Time remained still as we stared into each other's eyes, our hearts pounding and our breathing levelled. "I'm sorry." The beauty remarked gently, drawing my focus away from her stunning eyes and onto her luscious cherry pink lips. A longing to feel those lips against mine grew in my heart as words spilled out of those luscious lips. My right hand uncurled and raised to cup her lovely face. "Eve?" A voice echoed along the corridor, interrupting our gaze. The girl sprang out of my arms and headed towards the person who had interrupted our moment. "Are you okay?" The man whispered as she nodded. Then they both walked away, disappearing around the corner. I stood there, savouring the memories of her touch while lamenting the loss of her soft body in my arms. I would have stood there staring in her way if it hadn't been for the harsh ring of the phone breaking my reverie. "Boss, we have cleared everything." On the opposite end of the queue, Peter reminded me of the main reason I was here. "Sent the boys away and call it a night." I placed my order, hung up, put the phone back in my pocket, and drew out my revolver to resume the search. The crowd's loud cheers could be heard through the air before I could move. I followed the celebrations into the entry area, frowning. As the spectacle in front of me unfolded, shocked would be an understatement. Hundreds of thousands of people had crowded around me. Smiling, bouncing, screaming, and becoming thrilled in front of the stage. That's when everything became clear. I followed the knucklehead to the stadium. Not just any stadium, but Solaris National Stadium, the largest in the country. But what exactly are they looking at? I turned back to see the beauty who had just been in my arms and was now on the large screens. Waving to the audience with a cheerful smile. The audience suddenly became silent. The stunning lady stood, closed her eyes, and took a big breath. The background music began to play, and she began to sing and dance. Her sweet voice captivated me and won my heart. Her shoulder-length hair moved in sync with her movements. Her movements were seductive, innocent, and gentle, like an angel flowing through the air. I stood there, Saul long gone, observing and listening to her. She performed as if she were a divinity. Her supporters continued to applaud her. "Liam?" A hand unexpectedly rested on my shoulder. I ducked the hand and grabbed the fellow by the collar, raising my punch to give him a lesson. "Augustus?" My fist was caught in mid-air as I grimaced. When I noticed Kiara approaching, I let go of him and returned my attention to my angel. "What are you doing here?" He said, "Nothing." I responded without looking at him. "Liam, I didn't you were also an Everi." said Kiara. "Hmm?" I scowled, "Everi - it's a fandom name." Kiara said as she noticed my frown. "Everi," I said again. "It's a good, isn't it?" It was inspired by her name. Eve Xander " Kiara went on to clarify. I turned to face my angel. She was addressing the audience. Thanking her followers for coming to her show. "Eve Xander." I said the name again. It was a lovely name. A beautiful name for the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Her demeanor was so captivating that I felt lost anytime I glanced at her. "You are staying?" Augustus' voice eventually interrupted my concentration, and I saw I needed to go since remaining any longer would make Augustus suspicious of me, and knowing him, he would begin his investigations by asking questions I didn't want to answer. Ever! "Liam, you staying man?" He inquired again, grabbing my shoulder and insisting that I pay attention. "I'm rather busy." I responded and proceeded to the exist. Her sweet voice followed me out of the stadium. I came to a halt and turned back. "We'll meet soon my angel." I said and returned to where Peter, like the devoted guy he was, waited for me patiently. We got in the car and went home with one thought in mind: I lost the prey but found a fay....

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