1418 Words

Holly I finished with my classes early and headed home to see if Clara wanted to go shopping with me. Since she had taken on making sure the fridge stayed stocked, even though Cassy and I told her many times we could help with that. I had been able to save up the money I made from the club. Dancing wasn’t my first choice of a job, but I made some damn good money doing it. And since I didn’t have parents who paid for everything like Clara did, I had to work for what I had. Not that she didn’t work hard, she was just able to relax a bit more than Cassy and me. Both of us had to work to be able to pay our part of the rent. And I had to pay my way through college. I didn’t have a scholarship, and my parents didn’t have the money to help pay for my education. So I started dancing, and now I ha

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