C H A P T E R 6

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I stared down at the markings, trying to make sense of what I had just been told. I wasn't unaware of the fact that the Elders were regarding me with assessing eyes. “How long were you in the Blue Blood Pack?” “A little over three years.” I watched as they all nodded before sitting forward in unison. It was rather frightening to watch, since they all shared the same features-blue eyes and grey hair. “And which Pack were you in before that?” “I wasn't…” I heard someone hum in response and a feeling of dread seemed to settle onto my shoulders. “Tell us about your life before you joined the Blue Blood Pack. Everything you can remember.” I let my eyes wander around the arena and I let out a sigh before I turned back to the Elders. Telling them my past in front of the Pack would be a symbol of my trust in them. It was something that couldn't be skipped. But the problem was that I didn't trust them. At all. I had been chained twice, both for reasons that would be frowned upon by other Packs. I wouldn't be surprised if something I was expected to do today was going to permanently scar me. “I'm not comfortable doing that.” I noticed everyone in the crowd tense as they registered my words. “Very well then.” It remained silent for a few seconds before I picked up on something behind me. It was the slight, yet unmistakable crunch of gravel. I sensed the slight swoosh of air and I growled aggressively as I grabbed a hold of the hand coming towards me. I turned to see a knife inches away from my face and I let out a growl that was even more aggressive than the first one. I pushed my nails into the culprits wrist, watching as his grip loosened and dropping the knife. I kicked it away and turned around, punching him with as much force as I could muster and he stumbled back and pulled a Stanley knife from his pocket before growling at me threateningly. I shook my head and I crouched down and angrily punched the ground. It took a moment or two before the slow rumbling sound filled the air. His attention snapped towards the cracking ground beneath us and I was in front of him in seconds, sending another punch at his face. I moved back as he sliced at me with the knife. I kicked his feet out from underneath him. He fell in to the ground in a bundle of curses and limbs and I opened my hand and then viciously closed it. I watched as his eyes widened in borrow as the ground started sucking him in. His head was the only thing sticking out when I became aware of about three sets of footsteps running towards me. I turned around-too fast for my own liking-and sent them flying across the arena with a flick of my wrist. I turned to the Elders and registered the fact that they had all risen from their chairs and were staring at me with what seemed to be calculating expressions. Is she a threat or isn't she, their eyes seemed to ask. “I'll fight her!” I turned around and saw Ciara walking towards me with a determined set to her shoulders. “No.” Ryder's voice rang through the air and I turned towards him and noticed that his fists were clenched and the Elders were staring at Ciara with blank expressions. “Luna Ciara. You are aware if the consequences if she defeats you. You will lose your position to her.” One of the Elders at the far end of the podium stated and Ciara shrugged carelessly as she continued making her way towards us. I couldn't help but frown as my eyes continued to dart from her to the Elders and back again. “I'm aware of the consequences. And I still choose to challenge her.” The silence was back and I gave her a questioning look once she came to a standstill beside me. “You better kick my ass out there. The position was supposed to be yours and you know it.” I felt my eyes widen as she winked at me and started making her way to a respectable point to start the battle. I turned and saw that the Alphas were all looking at Ryder and I realized that they must have heard what Ciara had said. “Ciara Hernandez, Luna of the Blood Hound Pack, has challenged Aurora Stone, The Rogue. Ciara is fully aware of the fact that her title will fall to Aurora if she fails to emerge as victorious in this battle.” I could see that Ryder was sitting with his fist clenched and sending me a glare that was good enough to put me three feet under. A whoop ran through the air as I stepped forward and I felt my mouth tug upwards slightly as I recognized Xanders voice. A few other whoops echoed through the air, but I doubted that they were for me. I turned and watched as someone dragged a clapping Xander back into his seat. I felt my heart sink slightly as I realized that beating Ciara in this battle was going to leave me with a few disapproving pack members. Ciara started shifting and I started weighing the different options that I had. If I shifted now, then I wouldn't have to worry about her attacking me while I shift. But if I didn't shift, then I would have an upper hand in the fight, even if I had to shift to defend myself. I got into a fighting stance and her honey blonde wolf copied my movements before we started circling one another. I started looking for her weaknesses and made mental notes as I realised what my advantages were. I started tapping each of my fingers against my thumb. It was hard to explain how I did what I did. It came naturally. The ground started shaking once more and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing as a big spurt of water erupted beneath her, boosting her into the air. I felt guilt settle on my shoulders when she landed rather awkwardly, resulting in a limp, but then I remembered that this was a battle for a title. She growled when I took a step closer to her and I shook my head as I crouched down and placed my fingertips on the ground. She hadn't realised yet that I didn't need to be near her to hurt her. I spun in a full rotation and the wind speed picked up almost immediately. The air mixed with the still sprouting water and started spinning around her. Even I could see that the water was slowly closing in around her and I felt the corners of my lips tug upwards as the water collapsed on top of her. I slammed my hand down on the ground and just as before, it started shaking. The various cracks in the ground started opening and I saw everyone stand up. Fear and anxiety was rolling off of them in waves. “Submit.” I growled out the word and she growled back as she shook her head and I started running towards her. I barely felt myself shift. The adrenaline that was pumping through my veins ensured that I barely felt when I collided with her either. I had her pinned down within seconds and I pushed down on her shoulders harshly. She let out a yelp of pain and used her hind legs to claw at my stomach. She pulled back and roughly kicked me off of her. I could feel my wolf start to fight me for control and I knew that if I didn't finish this, then things weren't going to end well. Ryder The change in Aurora was noticeable almost immediately. Her body seemed to tense up and her eyes visibly narrowed. It was obvious signs that her wolf was fighting for control. I pushed my claws into my leg as I watched Ciara stand up and shake out her fur. She looked drained and my heart started to beat wildly as I realized they were an even match. The winner would indeed be the stronger one. Ciara took a step or two before she collapsed onto the ground and I felt myself stand up as her whimpers reached my ears. I watched as Aurora started stalking towards Ciara, her white pelt shining brightly in the sun. My eyes darted back to Ciara, who was whimpering as she tried to push herself off of the ground. Trying and failing. Aurora growled a low growl. Even at this distance, I could hear the power seeping through it. I watched as one by one my pack members started sinking onto their knees in an obvious sign of submission. I heard a loud whimper and turned back just in time to see Ciara submit. I felt a kind if emptiness settle around me as the telepathic bond that I-as well as the rest of the Pack-snapped. It was as if we had never had the bond with her in the first place. And then a connection was there, but it was very faint, very weak. The unfamiliarity of it made it rather obvious that the connection had been made with Aurora. She would need yo be accepted into the Pack before the connection could flourish and strengthen. “I think we should inform the Royals.” “I've never met a female with such a dominant aura.” I closed my eyes for a second as the Elders exchanged various remarks with one another before I cleared my throat. A tense silence settled around us and I felt my heart ache as I watched Aurora carry a limp Ciara to the Pack Doctor on her wolf’s back. Now she wants to help, after the damage is done. Everyone’s eyes remained trained on her as she started making her way back to the podium. I reached down and grabbed the shirt in front of me and threw at it her. She took it in her mouth and I couldn't help but notice the slump to her shoulders. She started walking away and I frowned when she stopped at about 20 feet away. She turned around and started sprinting towards us. I felt my shoulders tense as I automatically prepared myself for her attack. I felt my mouth drop slightly as she pounced and landed in front of the podium, completely shifted with the shirt covering her body. I unconsciously registered the fact that Xander stood up again and I saw him turn towards Adam, who was sitting next to him. I automatically listened to what he had to say. “She better teach me that.” I vaulted over the podium and landed in front of her. I had to admire the way she squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. I could tell by the way her eyes seemed to be looking anywhere except mine that she was intimidated, but refusing to show it. I took the knife from my pocket and held out my hand for her to place her palm in it. I clenched my jaw as I felt sparks emitting from her touch as she slid her hand into mine, hesitantly. “Do you, Aurora Stone, promise to protect, defend and give your loyalty to the Blood Hound Pack?” “I do.” I shook off the feeling of shock that washed over me at the confidence in her voice. “I, Alpha Ryder Black, accept you, Aurora Stone, into the Pack.” I cut open my palm along with hers and held her hand so that the blood would merge. I felt the connection with her reach it’s peak and I knew that the bonding was complete. I let go of her hand and watched her features for a reaction-one that did not come. “Cool.” ‘Cool?’ Was that seriously all she had to say about joining my Pack?
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