C H A P T E R 11

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I hurriedly looked over my shoulder to make sure that no one had followed me and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as I saw that the hallway was still empty. It's been three days since Ryder marked me and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't doing everything in my power to avoid him. I knew that his reasons for marking me were nowhere near the original reason for marking a she wolf. I felt my steps falter slightly as I passed a room with a door that was slightly ajar. I had caught a glimpse of black as I passed and I slowly retraced my steps, making sure that the hallway was still empty before I walked into the room. Ryder had left earlier that morning to go and deal with a problem in the Southern part of the Pack. I felt my heart sink slightly as countless memories flooded my mind as my eyes settled on the baby grand piano in the center of the room. Instinct drove me closer and before I knew it, my fingers were dancing over the keys in a familiar Beethoven composition. I felt my fingers go numb when I felt myself being watched and I jumped up and found Xander and Ryder standing in the doorway. Xander being Xander, started clapping dramatically and I did my best to ignore the blush crawling up my cheeks. There was no point in denying the fact that I was embarrassed and Ryder had an odd looking smirk on his face and I averted my eyes to the ground as I hurriedly slipped past them, trying to save myself further embarrassment. Once I was safely in my room, I slammed the door shut rather harshly as I tried getting my breathing under control. I fell down on my bed as I took deep breaths to calm my racing heartbeat. The mate bond was slowly starting to affect me in one of the more unwanted ways. Since he marked me, I’ve wanted nothing more than to be in his presence, and when I was, my heart fluttered in a manner that could not be healthy. My feelings had intensified. I sighed as I pushed my body upright before running a hand through my knotted hair. What did I do to deserve this? Ryder I sat behind my desk, starring at the papers that were scattered around my desk. They were a messy combination of newspaper articles, reviews and photographs. Each and every one of them was a vital part of the puzzle I was trying to piece together. Princess gone missing? Or kidnapped? I stared at the headline for a few more seconds before I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. None of this was helping. At all. All the articles said the same thing. That the princess, Angelica, had seemingly vanished into thin air and that the Royal family was devastated, doing everything they could to find her. Xander strolled into my office without bothering to knock and I sent him a warning glare. He didn't even have the decency to look guilty. My eyes registered the paper he was clutching rather tightly in his hand and I looked at him again, realizing that his eyebrows were drawn together and he was avoiding my gaze. I had a feeling that it was because of whatever was written on that paper. I watched as his chest expanded as he took a deep breath before putting the paper down on my desk and walking out before I could question him. I looked down and my eyes focused on the bold headline screaming at me. Royal Family or Royal Tragedy? I frowned as I picked up the article and settled myself more comfortably before allowing myself to read over the carefully printed words. My eyes settled on the date at the top of the page and I felt a sense of dread settle within me. “We've made contact with her wolf. If that's not proof enough that she's alive, then I don't know what is.” I felt my shoulders tense as I read what the Queen had said. I read further and found that despite the recent turn of events, the Royals still have no lead as to where she may be and they also have no confirmation that it was actually Princess Angelica's wolf. I ran a hand through my hair as I let out a groan, realizing that this was all proving to be harder than I had thought it would be. I had no doubt in my mind that news of the Princess would spread faster than wildfire. I also knew that it was only a matter of time before someone remembered the mysterious white wolf that was not a Royal. Even though I hated the thought of Aurora being the Princess, there was a sickening twist in my gut that told me my assumptions had been accurate. I looked up as my door opened and Xander walked in once again. I was about to lecture him about knocking when my grandmother strolled in after him. I watched as she sat down on one of the armchairs in front of my desk without waiting for me to invite her to do so. Xander followed her lead. “Have you alerted the Royals about our suspicions yet?” I gave her a pointed glare at the rather stupid question she had asked and her eyes visibly narrowed. “Fix your face, Ryder. I might be old, but I’m still capable of giving you a good old fashioned spanking.” She sat back as she spoke and I didn't miss the calculating look in her eyes. It made me realise that she was already planning something. And I had a feeling that I wasn't going to like it one bit. “What's on your mind, Gigi?” I asked, using the nickname that I knew would soften her up. Her eyes darted to mine and I couldn't help but frown as I noticed something dangerously close to disappointment swirling in her eyes. “You've marked her.” I shrugged rather carelessly as she pointed out the obvious and did my best to ignore the feeling of guilt that threatened to swallow me whole. She clasped her hands together as a frown covered her features and she sat forward. “I fail to see how you've marked her and yet, you can be so careless. You're still rejecting her. Why? Because I believe your mother taught you better than that.” I could feel her questioning eyes in me as I stared down at the article before me. The sad truth was that she was getting the truth without even trying. “She's not Ciara.” I listened patiently as she let out a humorless laugh. I knew that she had been mad at me for lying to her and the pack, but we weren't strong because of mates. “You're right. She’s not Ciara. She’s better. Everyone else is willing to admit it. They see it. They believe it. How are you the only one blind enough to not see that she’s a leader, bred and born? A Queen at heart. And yet, you’re still comparing her to some fraud of a Luna?” “Gigi-” “Don't you Gigi me, Ryder. You told me a long time ago that you planned to save yourself for your mate, and yet, you slept with Ciara. I don’t know what's worse… The fact that you lied to me, or the fact that you lied to yourself. I don’t even want to imagine what Aurora is going to think.” I could tell that she was getting worked up by the rapid heaving of her chest, but at that moment I didn’t care. All I felt was annoyance. “Aurora isn't going to think anything, because she's never going to know. I've made my intentions quite clear. I don’t feel anything for her. And I definitely do not plan on mating with her.” My voice held a hint of finality, and I could tell by the sympathetic look that my grandmother gave me that she has gotten my message. I wasn't going to change my mind. “Every female goes into heat a month after being marked by her mate. She's smart enough to know that you'd go into heat with her if you saved yourself. She’s not stupid, Ryder.” An odd sense of numbness settled itself around me as my grandmother spoke. It was almost as if some outer force had caused me to go limp. “There are things in life you still need to learn. Things that books can't teach. Life’s not all about the next big conquest. It’s about doing what’s right. Your moral responsibility. And I hate to be the one to ask you this, but do you honestly think that what you’re doing is right?”
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