Chapter 4: Intoxicating Blood

1076 Words
Moans erupted from my lips as the man continued his onslaught of touching and biting sending me into an unknown territory of emotion. It shook me to my core, but it felt so damn good. As he pushed himself against me I could feel his hardness rubbing against my leg as pants escaped him, it seemed he was enjoying this as much as I was.   "Woman..." He growled pulling away to gaze into my eyes. "What is this?" "Hhhmmmm...." I murmured unable to even think straight. "What is what?" He seemed perplexed as he continued to study me like I was some strange creature he had never encountered before. Even with blood smearing his lips he looked absolutely enthralling. "What do you mean?" I panted trying to regain my senses while he wasn't pushing me far away from them.  Smiling he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine as his hands went back to their onslaught, only this time instead of stopping right before venturing too far they moved further and further and then he was exploring an area that had never been explored before. Pants began to erupt from me as my moans grew louder and louder until I was crashing and the pleasure that was coursing through me had my entire body convulsing and shivering. "See...." He smirked as I lay panting. "No woman can withstand me." "Right...." I huffed as my body kept screaming for more. Pulling away the man yanked his shirt off followed by his pants before jumping on me. His breath was coming out in raggid puffs as his mouth found my neck once more. "Just give in." He growled as his teeth sunk into my flesh. Obeying his words I allowed him to continue his onslaught of touches and teases until I couldn't take anymore. Afterwards I drifted in and out of conciousness as the last bits of high that remained began to wear off. With the pleasure gone entirely all I could feel now was embarassment from what my body had gone through. Beside me the man sat up in bed smoking a cigarette as he stared straight ahead deep in thought. "What is it about you?" He murmured more to himself rather than me as he took another drag. "Your taste...." He trailed off looking at me. "What do you mean?" I asked sitting up slightly clutching the blanket against my bare chest. He narrowed his gaze as he searched my eyes for signs if deceit. Satisfied that there was none there he continued. "I've never had such intoxicating blood." He said slowly leaning towards me. "It is almost like a d**g that leaves me wanting more." He had grown so close I could feel his cold breath against my lips as he stared deeply into my eyes. "What does that even mean?" I asked still confused.  "Are you comparing my blood to an addictive substance?" He smirked, "It means that I have found myself a new blood source." He said simply leaning back and outting his cigarette in the ash tray on the table beside him. "Be thankful, you are useful to me and can live a bit longer." Blood source? So I had not only become a slave to give him pleasure I had also become his food. "If that is so can I at least know your name." I said slowly. The realization I had just done things with a man that I didn't even know the name of had me beginning to panic once more. "Elias." He said. "Elias Langley, first prince of the Allsbrook empire and next in line for the throne." "Did you just say prince?" I asked eyes widening. "As in royalty? Kind of a big deal? That kind of prince?" I had to have misunderstood him somehow. There was just no way I woke up in a Prince's bed with no recollection of anything beforehand. "Yes, I am a prince. Is that so hard to believe?" He looked slightly offended by my reaction. "Everyone knows who I am." Prince.... this guy was not only a mythical creature, but he was also a prince and soon to be king of an entire empire. What had I just gotten myself into? "I am so sorry I spoke so rudely to you!" I said feeling my cheeks heat up from embarassment. "I didn't...." "Don't do that." Elias snapped looking annoyed. "But I spoke out of turn to someone who is far above me." I insisted as I mentally kicked myself. Just knowing he was a prince was making me realize how lucky I had been to have survived past being found. Wouldn't me appearing in his room make me look like an assassin? I couldn't help but blanch at the thought. Beside me Elias let out a long irritated breath. "If you annoy me any further I will reconsider sparing you." "Sorry!" I said quickly. "I will stop." Elias watched to see if I was being serious or not before letting out a relieved sigh. "Thank you." He said before reaching over and grabbing another cigarette. I couldn't help but panic inwardly as I took Elias in. He fit the bill of a prince with his godly looks and cold demeanor. I wondered why I didn't even consider it to begin with, he had even mentioned we were in a palace. "What are you staring at?" He asked breaking me from my reverie. "You." I said instantly. "I mean, I was...." I didn't even know how to save myself by this point. "I'm telling you now, don't you dare fall in love with me." Elias warned locking his gaze with mine. "Do remember that this is a master slave relationship, nothing more." "Of course." I was well aware that developing any feelings would lead to trouble. "I have no intentions of falling in love with you, I promise." "Good." Elias said looking satisfied. Done with our conversation he turned his attention away from me as he finished smoking before getting up and heading out of the room. I watched until he disappeared before allowing myself to get lost in my own head. A lot had happened in the span of mere hours since I had awoken in this strange place and I was having trouble processing it all. Sighing I plopped down on the bed fixing my gaze on the ceiling above. It seemed I had a lot to figure out.
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