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TIA POV    After the boring marriage with the man .they Kevin family members asked us to take picture with them and I did it .my father and stepmother are very happy .but  my father and stepmother they didn’t think about me. “Hey ” someone called me from my behind .then I came to think that I have a he is the one who is calling for me “What are you thinking ?” he asked me .how I can say to him that I  am not  interested in these things. “Nothing .I am alright ”  I said to him . I always dream to have a wonderful marriage with a handsome man. Likewise, I think my marriage should me for one week.  To sing the song and dance. Have fun for one week .but see what I got. I myself got into trouble. One of my friend came to me, she called to the side which no one is around me .but the thing she asked me was like thunder which came straight away head. “Hey , do you gone mad .how can you marry someone like him” she asked me .but I don’t understand. What the hell she is talking about “What do you mean by that?”I asked her. “ Do think  man who can not even stand up .can have nice s*x life with you in  the  future. you cannot have children with him.” she told me but the truth to be told I am not  interested in the marriage or in that s*x. “I don’t want to care about that”I said her “Do you take any wrong medicine. Why are talk like this ” she asked me. that is not her problem. “I will let you know ” I do not want to talk to her. “Hey want kind of answer is this ” she asked me. “Can’t you see how handsome man he is. Look at him.  He  looks like Greek god ” I said to her .she was smiling at me . She looks behind me. I also want to know why the hell she smiles  like that. I turn around, and I saw Kevin  sitting I think he hears everything. “So if you finished talking shall we go now” he asked “Sure” I said I started to push his wheelchair. “Shall we go to our home ” he asked me. “Sure we can ” I said to him after taking few steps  i cannot even believe my eyes because there stands a beautiful BMW we sat in the BMW this car for both of us not for other . Car started I was seeing outside the car .other's came in the different cares. “Are you happy”MR.knight asked me “Sir I am happy or not that is not problem now. anyhow we are husband and wife now ” I said to him. “ yes your right .” he told me.i was so sleepy I slept .when I open my eyes .this place is completely different to their full of white walls so a I am not in the car . “Your awake” someone asked me saw who is it being Kevin “yes” i told to him. “Do you feel sleepy”he asked me  “no”I said to him “if You want you can sleep .” he again said to me “OK”I accept to his offer.9 “What is the time ?” I again asked to him. “10.00PM” “What ? Why did not awake me. what mother , father  and grandmother think about me ” “they only said you can the way tonight is our first night .do want me to do any thing” “don’t want .i want to sleep. how I came to the bed?” “I carried, so you come to bed is that fine . Do have any other question” “No. Goodnight” I said to him started to sleep      
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