A date to plan

3135 Words
Happy reading! Elijah I didn't realize, when did I fell asleep. I woke up when the sun was glaring on my face. I stretched my limbs before my eyes followed the spot where the car still stood. I stood up, my eyes still inert at Vincent, whose every gaze was focused on mine. I ran my fingers through my hair, my throat parched, I needed water. I nodded my head at his direction, letting him know that I was alright. That he could resume with his life again. Immediately the car roared to life and with the passing seconds, it came distant. I walked around for the search of some food or at least some work. After walking for twenty minutes, my eyes gazed at the garage at the side end of the road. The garage wasn't exactly large but big enough. The big banner on the top read, "Assumere per lavoro". I didn't knew what it meant, for I didn't knew Italian. But seeing the queue, I somehow understood, it meant hiring for work. I walked inside directly, the lady sitting on the chair was taking interviews. I didn't had much time to stand in the queue when I also needed to find an apartment for me. The lady looked up from her desk to meet my gaze. There were no more employees in her garage. She excused herself, smiling politely at me but I just stared back at her. "Come posso aiutarti?" I looked at her blankly. "I don't speak Italian. Do you by any means know English?" "Si—yes. How may I help you? Are you here for your vehic—" "I'm here for the job." She blinked once, twice before her lips pulled in a thin line, as she waved her hand at the queue. "Please wait for your tu—" "I see, you're tired with the interviews. Just give yourself some rest and this job to me." "Excuse me?" I rolled my eyes, my fingers running through my unruly hair. "I'll charge even less salary than you're willing to offer. Just give me the job." She narrowed her dark gaze at me, placing her hands on her hips. "What the— you know what, get out!" I rolled my eyes, eyeing her garage. With the number of non-repaired vehicles, I knew she was in serious need of workers. I looked at the broken car and a small smirk formed on my lips. "I'll repair that car," I said, pointing the third car. "If I could, you'll give this job to me. If not, I'll pay you for the damage. Okay?" She looked at me for a minute before sighing. "This is the first time a worker is demanding the employer. Gosh, perché lo sto ascoltando?" "So?" I pressed, annoyance clear in my tone and she stared at me with her hard eyes. "Fine! If you repair the car, I'll pay you the exact salary any other employee would've got. If not, you'll pay for the time and the damage, Si?" I nodded, grabbing the tools, before started to work on the car. My father owned a garage back in my hometown and I had been assisting him since I was eleven. I loved repairing broken things, let it be cars, bikes or mobiles. I know almost everything about vehicles, though, my handwork had slowed due to gap of four years. Shaking the toxic thoughts off, I started on open the sunroof and pushed the cleaning pipe inside it gently and firmly, eliminating the debris off. Then I shifted towards the gas lift cylinders. My stomach was growling from the lack of food. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm my roaring stomach, I started to mend the car. I placed the liftgate back, gently. I turned to the lady and cleared my throat, waving my hand towards the car. "I'm done." "Already?" I rose my brows and she shifted closer to the car and inspected my work herself. Once, she saw the car had retrieved back, she turned to me impressed. "You were quick." "I am quite experienced," She nodded and my stomach growled again, she looked up, to meet her gaze with mine. "I was just going to have lunch. Join me." I shook my head, dusting the dirt off. "No thanks." She rolled her eyes, grabbing my hand and started to drag me towards her office. "Oh, sta 'zitto," I was getting frustrated with her frequent use of Italian, but remained quiet. "Before you pass out on me, here have some grilled cheese." I was hungry. I was tired and I did help her. So, I nodded, taking a bite of her food. It wasn't exactly delicious but good enough to eat. She was writing some notes while eating her own food. She looked in her mid-thirties. There was a wedding ring on her finger, indicating she was married. "By the way, I'm Lucia." "Elijah. Elijah Wright." "Give me your identification, so that I ca—" "I don't have any identification with me." She looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Excuse me." "Are you deaf?" She glared at me, her small fist balled on the table and I sighed. Stop being rude, Elijah. She's the boss. She offered you food. Patience. This is the least you can do. "Look, Elijah— wait! Are you a run-away criminal?" She asked with shaky voice. I looked at her absurdly. I'm a prostitute. I, of course didn't say that, just rolled my eyes and took another bite of her food.  "Then I guess, you would've seen a picture of me in the newspaper with price money on it, right?" When she just looked at me cautiously, I rolled my eyes, feeding her some lies to make my story believable. "I just landed here, yesterday and got robbed. My identification was in the wallet that got stolen." She relaxed a bit, still unsure. "I'm trusting you on this, Wright. You may start from tomorrow. Would you prefer part time or—" "Full time." She nodded, slamming some money on the table. "This is for repairing the car. I guess, you won't have the necessary tools for work. I'll provide you the coveralls tomorrow before work. Be here by nine thirty, sharp. Okay?" I nodded, throwing the wrapper in the dustbin. "Thank you," I said, nodding towards the food. I was indeed, grateful. She sighed, nodding. "Just try being a little more polite, okay?" "I'll try. Are there any apartment I can rent, close by?" She thought for a moment before nodding her head. - - - The house was small with a hall, kitchen and bathroom. Even the furniture were minimal. A mattress, a small sofa couch, two chairs and one table. I lied on the mattress, the soft fabric beneath my bare skin tingled me. After sleeping on a cot and a rough mattress for years, this felt so good. My house in hometown was fairly average. We were one happy family. I had supportive parents, loving grandfather and an annoying little sister. Life is weird. Things happen when you least expect it to. I remember, I was out to buy some bread my mother asked me to. It was just another day of my life. I had a project to submit the very next day. I had planned of studying Mechanics in college. I had so much to do but I never returned back home that evening. I was kidnapped, hit by a bat on my head and the very next moment, I was lying in a car, gagged and tied. When I woke up, they sedated me, only to wake up in the dungeons, next. I didn't knew what was happening. One moment I exited the shop and the next moment I got kidnapped. A seventeen year old teenager, who only read and watched abductions in stories and movies, was experiencing one. I remember, my schoolgirls talking about rape and molestation and the very next moment I was getting raped. The tears, the hatred, the deep urge of dying still is buried inside me. Days passed with my hopes to escape, I tried many times to escape only to get defeated. I could neither die nor live. My heart was palpating, but my soul wasn't responding. My lungs were working but my will to live was long gone. It started from getting raped once in a while to many times in a single day. New face everyday to same faces every night. My life had turned into a nightmare. I had always admired men. I always felt attracted to men, but now, I despise them. Even with the impassive look, the fear is still instilled inside me. The fear of getting raped again, the fear of facing the world again. The fear was real. The suffocation felt real. The yearning of seeing my family was deep. The desire of forgetting everything was so intense that it hurt, it hurt so badly. - - - "You're handsome," The girl spoke, biting her lips. I snorted, shaking my head. "I know." The seduction she was trying on me, felt so crippled that I wanted to puke. I checked her jeep, the dents were deep. "So we can meet—" "I am a gay." She blinked once, twice, before her expressions started to twist. "What?" I rolled my eyes, looking at her with bored expression. "G—A—Y, someone who's interested in the same gender, lik—" "I know, what a gay means!" She spoke, exasperated. Her cheeks reddened with embarrassment. "That's........ spectacular." Her eyes flashed and she stormed towards my boss, Lucia. "That worker of yours—" She told, pointing her accusatory finger at me, "teach him some manners." Lucia sighed, vexation clear in her eyes. "You need manners, Miss. Keep your hands off my workers next time if they're uncomfortable. Now, you'll get your jeep tomorrow. You may leave now." The girl gasped at Lucia's words, shocked. Honestly, I was too. "Così fottutamente maleducato!" The girl snapped, glaring at me. I sighed. Teenagers. I was working on the headlights when I felt another presence behind me. I had always found problem with dealing with customers. And now, after only dealing with peoples sexually, they irritated me to another level. "How may I hel—" I turned back and froze as a familiar silver orbs stared back at me in amusement before it was replaced by pseudo surprise. He was dressed in a white t-shirt and dark jeans. He wore a beige jacket over his t-shirt, which reached just above his thighs. His sandy hair were lying over his forehead, messily yet elegantly. He looked handsome as ever. He looked so neat when I looked so messy. "Oh, Elijah," I rolled my eyes at how monotonous his voice was, even though he wanted to act surprised. "I didn't knew you work here." I snorted, wiping my greasy hands on my uniform. Only if I wouldn't have known him and his work, I would've believed him. The way his daunting eyes didn't even waver and the lies rolled off his mouth so smoothly, anyone would've believed him. I rolled my eyes, something I did a lot. "For someone, who was telling me he doesn't lie," I spoke, narrowing my amber eyes at his solemn expressions. "You're blatantly lying on my face." He chuckled. Not the dark, cruel chuckle that could freeze the Sahara, but the hearty chuckle, that rumbled from his chest, passing a deep vibration and quake in my heart. For someone, who had five armed bodyguards following with him, he seemed really nonchalant about him laughing openly with a mechanic. The way dominance and ascendancy rolled of him, he did look like a Mafia. "I wanted to see you. And then I got to know that you work here, so I broke the headlights and antenna. And here I am." I chocked on his words. This guy broke something to see me. Horror overpowered my eyes and I looked at him incredulously. "If I would've worked in a hospital you would've broken your nose?" He laughed, throwing his head back, as if I was really amusing him. I was dead serious. His shoulders shaking from the vibrations and I scowled at him, aggravated. "Oh, my sweet and darling boy," He spoke so gently that my heart almost stopped beating only to thump so loudly against my chest. Why does he has so fervent effect on me? I swallowed when he again started to talk. His deep voice was like a lullaby for my tired heart. "Then I wouldn't have broken my nose but definitely of someone who would've hurt you." I gulped and he waved his hand dismissively. "Now could you please mend my car?" "I have three more vehicles to repair. Come tomorrow." He hummed, leaning against the pole, his eyes then traveled at the back and he rose his brow almost in triumph. "You sure?" I looked at him with my own brows shot up. "Because I think your boss wants to say something." And just on the queue she walked towards us, a little—heavily shaken. Her eyes widened and she was gulping in every two minutes. "You're The Vincent Carson? The Italian Mo—" She trailed off, Her usual bold voice was now timid. "The very Vincent Carson," One of his bodyguard spoke, nodding his head towards his boss. "My apo—apologies, Signore. Non potrei riconoscerti." I rolled my eyes, not able to understand anything she spoke in her native language. "Nessun problema." Lucia relaxed and muttered how thankful she felt that he had graced her presence. I again rolled my eyes at how they treated him like a God. "When will I get my car back?" Lucia gulped and nodded frantically. "Right now, Sig-Signore," My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to intervene but she bet me to it. Her eyes glaring at me not to defy her now. I sighed, nodding my head. "Right away, Sir." Vincent looked at me amused. "Please, come and have a seat in my office till my man works on your car," I rolled my shoulder to knock out the tiredness and stiffness. Vincent, being Vincent noticed it. His silver orbs shun dangerously and he shook his head. His intense gaze focused on mine. I suddenly felt timid under his gaze. I swallowed as I looked at the broken antenna. The way his eyes would bore in my amber pools, it felt like he was disseminating my soul. "I'll wait here." I looked at him, astounded. He could sit in the air-conditioned office, why bother with the heat? "I'll ge—get you a chair, Sig—" "I'm fine." He spoke, his voice had a menacing edge and Lucia flinched, nodding, leaving us all alone. "That's wrong." He rose his brow, focusing his attention on him and I shrunk under his intense gaze. Jesus! "What's wrong, my Elijah?" I clenched my teeth and looked at him incredulously. "Your Elijah?" "My apologies, dearest Elijah. Now, pray, tell me, what did I do wrong?" "You used your power to get your work done. It's iniquitous!" He hummed, scratching his chin, looking at me intensely. "Tell me dearest, did I threaten you or your boss?" I grounded my jaw, fists clenching. "No, but—" "Did I even tell her to get my work done right now?" I scowled at him, shaking my head. "Then tell me, prezioso, what did I do wrong?" I narrowed my eyes at him and poked his chest with my finger. "You know what you did." He hummed, looking down at my finger and I immediately retracted it. "I do?" I rolled my eyes, unscrewing the antenna mount and pulling the broken antenna out. I grabbed the new one, from the cabinet and attached it to the string before pulling it back in the vehicle, he was eyeing me this whole time, observing my every movement and I was feeling very cautious under his gaze. "Why didn't you just sit inside the office. It's hot here." "Why would I sit in the office when you're working here in the heat." My breath got caught somewhere inside as I looked at him wide-eyed. My heart warmed at his words. I didn't knew if he was playing with me or was being genuine but he was getting where he wanted to." Like I said before, Elijah, you'll see me with you, always." "Why are you here, Vincent?" "Come on a date with me." I rose my eyebrows at his demanding tone. Was he ordering me? I narrowed my eyes, placing my hands on my hips and glared at him. "Would you like to rephrase that statement of yours." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Only you can talk to me in this tone and order me around." I gulped when he smiled warmly at me. "Would you do the honors of accompanying me to a date, Elijah Flynn Wright?" I didn't even want to ask him, how he knew my middle name. I shook my head, an impish idea gracing my mind. I smirked lightly, looking with him with a daring look on my face. "And what if I deny to accompany you for a date?" He smiled, a small and unfeigned curve that put my heart on a quick pace. There was nothing malicious and scary about him when he stood with me. The way he laughed softly, a tinge of sadness and disappointment in his chuckle glowed, my heart clenched in pain. I swallowed, when he took a small, almost unnoticeable step ahead. "Then, I guess, I'll have to work harder for your affirmation." I didn't knew what I expected him to. I didn't knew why I thought he'd force me. After all, he is the man in power. The way, he delineated that he'd work hard for me, I felt myself melting down. His silver orbs softened and he lowered his face to an inch, his fingers rubbing against each other, trying to keep them to himself, he took another small step ahead. Even his small steps were showing me that he was willing to take baby steps for me. "Can I?" He asked, swallowing nervously and I found it hard to even breathe with him in one space. The way his minty breath caressed me, it felt....... so sensual and so personal that my heart was stuttering inside my chest and he haven't even touched me yet. "Will you let me touch your face?" The scent of consent was prevailing my surrounding and I nodded, dying to taste his touch all over me. His hot fingers traced the outline of my face, before they shifted to my hair, rubbing my scalp, calming my already disrupted nerves. My body had always been cold, and the way his warmness burned my distress and flamed my passion was intriguing. "I know, Elijah," He spoke, his finger still massaging my scalp and temple. "I know that it's hard to believe me, but trust me, I won't do anything that you won't feel comfortable with. If you don't wish to accompany me to a date, I won't force you." I took a sharp breath and looked at him, confused. "Why?" "I don't know, Elijah. But I can assure you, I'll always work for 'us'. Slow and steady wins the race." I snorted, my heart hammering in my chest as I nodded. "Make sure it's nothing fancy." He looked at me with wide eyes. An emotion of shock, first time gracing his face, "Huh?" I rolled my eyes and slipped out of his warmth. I looked in his silver pools, letting myself drown for the umpteenth time within them. "Your date. Make sure it's not fancy."
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