Chapter 8

1455 Words
Leila’s POV The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up. My mouth was dry and felt as if I hadn't drank for days. My throat was burning with the need to scream out my fear and frustration. But what was one to do at a time like this? Hands wrapped around my waist, while hot wet lips touched my neck tenderly. My dreams were coming true yet again. Maybe it was all just a horrible dream. Wait, this had to be a nightmare, more or less... Warm tongue cascaded down the back of my neck and bare upper back. My pale skin was prickling with goose bumps. I glared at my reflection in the mirror. Alas, nothing was behind me, only darkness and my black light filling the void of empty shadows. Yes, only a f*****g dream. My chest moved up and down heavily, as if I had to catch my breath, but the lips kept kissing my skin... slowly going down. At the dip of my lower back, the lips retreated and the hands turned me around. The sweet, soft lips touched my stomach gingerly and begin to work their way down. I closed my eyes, tightly; fear destroying what was left of my crushed voice box. A scream escaped my slightly open lips. One of the hands quickly went over my mouth, shushing me with harsh scratches. Tiny warmth began to grow in-between my legs then, and I shrieked inside the confines of the strong hand. A growl replaced what silence that the room was painted in. It seemed everything slipped into this oblivious bliss and the next thing I knew I was laying down on the floor, the lips and hot tongue working me to such a passion between my legs. Quiet moans and whispers came past my pursed lips. I felt myself shaking uncontrollably, as the nipping and licking continued. A ghost perhaps, I thought as my mind stayed in its dreamy state. The hands caressed my upper body: naked breasts, stomach, and neck. My nails dug into the rough carpet, as it seemed all my body was being touched, petted, and cared for by these mysterious lips and hands. Finally, I felt myself being lifted up and my eyes opened to find ice midnight blue ones staring back. I knew those eyes... Lips touched mine and I melted into strange arms holding me in a strong vice. I swallowed, hard, and another intimate kiss greeted me. His tongue playing tenderly with mine, as I fell down onto my blue waterbed. It felt as if I were swimming in the cool ocean, completely unaware of the rest of my life. Then, the wonderful lips whispered in my ear, "I know you want this, beautiful kitten." My tongue darted out and wetted my lips. "How would you know what I want?" "I know everything about you. Your dreams... your nightmares," He whispered with a sinister tone. I felt my heart skip a beat and found his lips once more. His face seemed clearer all of a sudden: golden angel hair down to his ears, crimson lips, ice blue eyes, and slender cheekbones. I grinned, in spite of myself, as he kissed every part of my face lovingly. I shivered, slightly, as his hands started down my body and found the recess of black curls between my thighs. Slim fingers explored them, going deeper, and rubbed hard but not hurting. I closed my eyes again; dark lashes resting on pale cheeks. I heard a zipper unzip and his body's warmth no longer on mine. I groaned. But then he entered me, with one hard thrust. I cried out but he silenced me with a mind-numbing kiss. He impaled me with long, refilling thrusts and against my will; my hips developing their own hungry rhythm. I knew I was about to pop when his teeth bit at my erect n*****s. I screamed and this time he didn't quiet me. He immediately went to the side of my neck and bit deep. That took me over the edge. I shook violently and found sweet release. After so, he climaxed inside of me. He kissed my forehead and hot molten tears began to spill down my cheeks. He leaned his head in the crook of my neck, drinking my precious essence. "Who are you?" I whispered inside the dark and got only one answer: "Your guardian demon." "Why?" I sobbed into my cupped hands, but there was only the black light that shrouded my room into nothing except tears. This was not the first time that this had happened. The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face. I feel the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child and I look toward the window, as if the light could soothe me. There is static in my head once more, the side effect of this constant fear, constant stress I live with. I hear my own sounds, like a distressed child, raw from the inside. It takes something out of me I didn't know I had left to give. That's the way it is when people are hard. It's like a theft of the spirit, an injury no other person can see. And my phone started ringing in the middle of the night. I was in no state of taking the call but I was so scared that I felt that if I spoke to someone then I might be not feeling so alone. Might not be feeling so damn violated like I had felt just now. Being f****d by an invisible demon figure was not my concept of a good night. Might be this call was supposed to make it better. “Hello?” I received the call. “Hi, is this Leila Hopkins speaking?” a woman’s voice asked and I said yes. My voice was still broken and slightly husky but after being violated for years in this way I was least worried about my voice. “Something has happened to my boyfriend….he is trying to kill me…he is snarling and frothing from the mouth and he is still kicking the door of the room,” she said and I could hear the distant thuds. But why did she call me? Why not call 911? “Are you sure that you should be calling me, luv? Because this does not look like my kind of area of expertise…should you not be calling 911? They will dispatch someone….” I said but she quickly broke it off. “This is not the first time this has happened. Every month on the night of the new moon this happens. I had called 911 earlier and they had locked him up but in the morning everything is absolutely normal. I cannot deal with this any longer….” She said and her voice was considerably a lot normal than what was supposed to be. “Then why aren’t you leaving him? Why are you with him after this stuff and how did you even know to contact me?” I asked. I mean, dude this was beyond creepy!!! “I am junior doctor at the hospital where one of your clients works as paramedic nurse. I went to check up on his son. I know what you can do…I got the number from her,” she said and this time I could hear the slight quivering in her voice. “Where are you at the moment?” I asked as I checked the clock on the wall. It was half past three in the morning. This was definitely not a good time at all. And I was in no state to help her at that moment. “I am in the closet. I have locked the door of the room and he is hitting it hard. He looks like he has been bitten by a rabid animal. Please help me…tell me what should I do?” she asked and even though I did not know what I was going to do then still I knew that she needed to get out of there. Because her life was at risk. “Just get out of that place and go to your friend’s. Or anyone who is close. Keep your phone on you and make sure that the window that you escape through is locked from outside. Your boyfriend should not be able to escape the house though. If he does then there will be killings on the street today, and before I can help you or him he must not taste any kind of blood,” I said and I could hear that she was already out and opening the window. The thuds on the door were louder now and were almost close to breaking point. “Ok…my name is Juliet…save my number…I shall call you if anything happens…” said the girl as the call disconnected.                                            
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