Chapter 18

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As he walked into the hall my breath caught in my throat. He was a vision of perfection. An Adonis by any other name. He moved with the grace of a cat in his finely tailored suit that covered everything but hinted at so much more. As he glided in alongside his colleagues he gazed over the many people sitting entranced at the newcomers searching for possible threats. His golden gaze was calculating and his eyes cold as the ice that clung to the windows. He was beautiful. He had the look and feel of a predator. His aura radiated a deadly nature, dominate and protective. Oh how I wish to be dominated. I would love nothing more than to have those golden eyes look through me, into my soul, and find me worthy of him. He stops with his party, a pace behind his superior showing his respect. His eyes never stop moving and when they pass over me I can feel him weighing my soul and then moving on without any outward indication of what he has found. He stretches his leathery black wings behind him in irritation. He does not like the position that his group was forced in. His hands stray towards the folds of his jacket, presumably to stroke a hidden weapon, his only means of comfort in a situation such as this. I miss the conversation between his superior and mine for I am too focused on the angel standing before me. I barely register the conclusion of the welcome and only because the object of my affection turns to leave. They are staying in the castle for an unknown period of time. If I am lucky enough they will stay for the duration of the war and perhaps beyond. I offer to escort him to his room for the duration of his stay. He pierced my amber eyes with his golden and smirked at me. "That would be most appreciated," he said, the smirk growing wider. Amusement danced in his eyes, like I had just told some great joke. He ushers me before him to lead the way. As I lead him up several staircases and through passages both secret and not I can feel him examining me, his eyes burning into my back. "And this is your room," I hear myself say. "You have a sitting room, bathroom, and bedroom. Meals are usually taken in the Dining Hall but food can be ordered from the kitchens. If you have any questions I would be more than happy to help." He contemplates the new information before opening the portal and stepping into the room. I wait outside the room unsure of what my next actions should be. Oh how I wish to follow him inside and observe him in a more intimate and private setting. To my surprise he crooks a finger at me and beckons me to join him inside. I walk into the room seeing it decorated tastefully in deep blues and greens with cream accents here and there. He gazes around the sitting room and moves on to examine the bedroom. I hesitate briefly before silently following him. The room is dark, black everywhere with barely any other hints of color. It is made for him. His deadly aura is perfectly reflected in the ebony furniture and his s*x appeal was complemented by the black silk sheets. I get lost in a fantasy of being taken on that large bed, our sweat slicked bodies sliding on those sheets. My screams echo off the ancient stone walls as he brings me to new heights. Giving me the best orgasms I will ever experience. I can almost taste him. I imagine that his ethereal flesh will taste like vanilla and rain and his c*m the sweetest of ambrosia. I feel myself growing hard as I stand against his bedroom wall and daydream of the most perfect fantasy. The angel spread his wings wide once more as he turned towards me. He spoke one word, "Perfect." He gazed right into my eyes as he said this and his silky voice sent chills down my spine and heat straight to my crotch. I had a feeling he wasn't just talking about the room. He stalked towards me with the grace of a feline cornering its prey. I knew I couldn't escape and I wasn't sure I even wanted to. The smirk never left his face but the glint in his eyes carried a hunger, a hunger for s*x and... something else. The angel put his arms on either side of me; hands pressed into the wall and fit his leg snugly between mine. I was firmly boxed in, pinned to the wall and completely at his mercy as he leaned forward to ravish my mouth. That sinful tongue mapped out every inch, pulling moans from my throat with skilled ease. His mouth left mine and moved towards my neck. The soft tongue played against my throat and warm lips sucked and kissed up my windpipe making my moans louder and needier. He moved his mouth back to the side of my neck and continued his ministrations. Oh, gods he was going to make me c*m with nothing more than that mouth. I can only imagine what he is capable of with the rest of his body. The angel's skilled mouth is bringing me closer to heaven with each kiss. Lost in a sea of bliss I barely felt the teeth sink into my neck. It was only when I noticed my angel detach himself from my neck and face me once more with fangs glistening red that I realized the truth. He is no angel, but a demon and I am in hell. Leila looked at Asmodeous who was smiling at his cronies who had captured and different kind of virgin today and said,” It was a good catch. I am certain that he is going to be a nice addition to the palace halls.” “That was sheer cheating. Who does that kind of thing?” asked Leila as she was suddenly shaken by the memory of Bethany which was so powerful that her voice choked in her throat. Asmodeous was by her side in a fraction of a second as he sensed her discomfort. “Where is Bethany?” asked Leila as she settled down after a while and looked at Asmodeous. “She is in the third realm, fulfilling the promise that was made by her father for her sake,” said Asmodeous in a sigh and Leila said,” I want to see her. And I want to know that she is fine. She was scared the last time I saw her.” “She is where she is supposed to be. Why are you so worried about her? Why can you not leave that alone?” asked Asmodoeus in an exasperated manner. “Because I was given a responsibility and I cannot shirk that. If there is even an ounce of power which I am supposed to have then I have to say that I am going to try and let her go. No girl, not one woman is going to want to leave everything they have worked for all these years. Suffer the killing of her family, see that her boyfriend is killed from I inside out and then is dragged to hell by a demon. You guys are the worst I know, that is why you are in hell. But this has crossed every limit and since I am the one responsible for her, I want to see her,” said Leila and then she looked at Asmodeous in his dark pools of eyes and said,” NOW.”  
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