Chapter 27

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"Tat for tit, love," he said as he leaned over her, taking one of her n*****s in his teeth and wrapping his hands around her buttocks, pulled her hips up, and drove his c**k back into her cunt. She gasped, surprised by his forthrightness and impressed by this seeming change of character. He moved her back and forth, slipping his c**k out to the tip every time before plunging back in again. Aubrey gripped handfuls of leaves in her hands, her body feeling as if it were bunching for another orgasm. Ned showed no signs of tiring, his face almost placid and graced with a thin, distant smile. A film of sweat covered his forehead. Aubrey listened to his shallow, ragged breathing. He changed his rhythm slightly, and she gasped, the immediacy of her second orgasm shocking her. While she cried out, Ned sneered and increased his pace, thrusting into her as she squirmed beneath him. With one final, sharp lunge, Ned came, twitching and crying out. He kneeled there, panting, between Aubrey's legs. The sun had set and the forest lay in darkness. Aubrey could hear, over their breathing, the small, scurrying sounds of the nocturnal creatures as they began to stir. The cat in the basket finally lifted its head, eyes bright, searching the ground around it for prey. Eventually, Ned stood, tucking himself back into his trousers and smoothing his hair. He helped Aubrey to her feet, and she brushed off the back of her skirts, to which clung leaves and burrs. "I'm impressed, Master Ned," Aubrey breathed as she picked up her basket, laden with the heavy cat curled up on the wild herbs and a few select mushrooms. "I didn't think you had that in you." She began picking her way back toward her cottage, leaving him in the dark behind her. Ned hopped along in her path, trying not to trip over the exposed roots and rocks in the woods. # Ned, having evidently got the gist of their relationship, brought Aubrey a goat kid two days later, the next day having been the Sabbath. Joy overwhelmed her, this grandest gesture finally proving that Ned was, in fact, the man that she needed. When he entered the house, after tethering the goat to a tree in the yard, he inquired after the bird and the cat. He saw the cage that the sparrow had once occupied tossed into a corner on top of a pile of rubbish, and the cat was nowhere to be seen. Aubrey, not quite ready to reveal the truth to him, mumbled some excuses under her breath as she pulled a shawl over her shoulders. "Come, Ned, and I'll show you something." She led him out into the yard, retrieving the goat, and the three journeyed into the woods behind the house. They walked along a narrow path for a while. "I have never gone this deep into the woods," Ned told Morgon. Eventually they came to a clearing, edged all around in tall, old-growth trees. In the middle of the clover-carpeted glade was a large, flat rock, slightly wider and longer than the width and breadth of a body. Ned looked at it with some interest, examining the odd stains and lichens that seemed to grow in patterns on the gray stone. Aubrey led the goat to the rock and lifted it up onto the surface. It bleated into the still, warm air of the afternoon as its hoofs clipped on the rock. "Do you know, Ned, what it is that unites all of us in this world: the trees, the grass, the insects, you, me?" Ned shook his head. Aubrey as she drew a long, thin knife from the waist of her skirt. "Life force, Ned, some of us have more of it, some less." She ran her hand down the back of the goat, examining it. "A worm, for instance, has a little. This goat, a little more. We? we have quite a bit. But do you know from all you reading, who has the most?" Ned shook his head. "Celestial beings -- devils, angels -- then your God. Obviously, since we came from that force." Aubrey slit the goat's throat, and red blood spewed forth on the rock, running in invisible grooves down the sides of the stone, leaving red sigils in its wake. The goat fell to its knees, its head down, tongue lolling, then keeled over. Aubrey wiped the blade on her skirt and turned to Ned. She walked languidly toward him, her hips swaying. The blade of the knife glinted in the sunlight as she slipped it back into the folds of her skirts. She raised a hand up to her neck and ran a sultry finger across her collarbone. Ned looked as if ready to flee, but he remained, obviously transfixed by his own lust. "One more night, lover," Aubrey whispered to him as she passed, making her way back down the path toward her house. Ned remained in the clearing, staring at the corpse of the goat on the rock. # In spite of the internal dialogue that told him to run, to stay away, to do anything but go to her cottage, the next night Ned found himself knocking feebly on the door. When Aubrey answered it, she wore a long, midnight blue velvet cloak with a huge cowl. Her eyes appeared wide and bright, full of some innocent expectation. She smiled at Ned: not the wicked grin from the day before, but instead one of pure, blissful joy. "I almost doubted that you would come, my love, but you have! Oh, you make me so happy!" She draped her thin, naked arms around his neck and drew him to her in an embrace. Aubrey did not wear anything under the cloak except for a wide, ornate leather belt strapped around her hips; various sharp things hanging from it glittered in the candlelight. "Come on, Ned, we've not much time." She took him by the hand and pulled him toward the woods. He followed, dumb and awestruck, seemingly under some spell. Aubrey hummed a light tune, out-of-place in the dark, haunted woods. They came upon the clearing from the day before. As they entered the glade, a warm wind whipped through the trees, ruffling Aubrey's unbound hair. "I fear there is some demon here," Ned muttered, his fear getting the better of him for a moment before he returned to listening to Aubrey's lilting song, which set his mind at ease. Aubrey led him through the warm night air to the rock where she had slain the goat. The carcass was gone, but the smell of blood still hung in the air. They stopped, and Aubrey divested herself of her cloak with a flourish, draping it across the top of the giant stone. She stood, bare, in the moonlight, the tools at her belt glistening, her n*****s erect in the breeze. Ned watched, withdrawn, confused. Aubrey crawled up on the rock and motioned for him to join her. He climbed up as well, and, kneeling, they looked each other in the eye. "Do you remember what I said yesterday, about life force?" Aubrey asked as she began to slowly undress Ned. He nodded, moving a little here and there to make her job easier. "Good," she replied, smiling. She threw his shirt and coat to the blood-soaked grass beneath the rock. Aubrey pushed his trousers down as far as they would go, revealing a shy prick and the tops of his thighs. Aubrey took the limp c**k in her hands and clucked softly. "Poor Ned, you've nothing to be afraid of this night, for this is going to be magical!" She petted and cooed to his manhood, as if to coach it to life. Ned's eyes drifted up towards the full moon as his member began to swell. Aubrey sighed in delight. She moved Ned gently onto his back, stretched out on the rock, body pale in the ethereal gloom, c**k now straining toward the heavens. The metal at her belt tinkled as Aubrey leaned over and feverishly kissed Ned's prick. She hummed to herself as she took it into her mouth, moving her head up and down, lapping and swirling with her tongue. Ned's c**k now stood hard as the rock beneath him. Through the mist of his mind, he knew he wanted to be inside Aubrey. With a new will of his own, he grabbed her hair and pulled her up, bringing her face to his one and kissing her savagely. "You've found the desire," Aubrey mumbled as she draped a leg across him, sat up straight, and impaled herself on Ned's prick. She sighed and smiled wickedly. As she f****d him languidly, she began to talk. Ned listened, his horror and lust battling as she weighed him down. "Do you know what I am, dear man? Have you ever heard of Lilith? The wife of Adam before Eve? A willful witch who would not allow herself to be subjugated beneath a man. She had to be on top in all things. She had daughters with demon fathers, Ned, hundreds and hundreds of daughters, called the lilim. God killed most of us as punishment when Lilith refused to return to Adam, but there are a few of us that still walk the earth. "I want one of my sisters to join me in this realm, but, you see, we are demons. It takes some amount of life force to birth a demon into this world, even from the womb of a demon. I need you, not only your seed but also your life. Only that way, can I bring me a child of my own kin." The lilim stopped talking for a moment as she breathed deeply, working her hips against the man beneath her. Ned remained hard, despite the horror that mounted in his heart. They way she moved above him entranced him, kept him immobile. He wanted to flee, but Christ Almighty, she felt so good. "I know in all your readings that you've heard of the black widow spider, the praying mantis. Some insects even lay eggs in the corpse of the male; he is the new hatchlings' first meal. It is not unusual for a male to sacrifice himself so that the female may bear healthy young." At this, Aubrey drew two of the long, slim blades from her belt and drove them through Ned's two wrists straight into the rock, pinning him there. His body arched, and pain lanced across his face, but he remained hard, and his body began, more enthusiastically, to meet Aubrey's. He tried to stop himself, but his body did not respond to his mind. She controlled him. "Ah," Aubrey sighed, leaning over to kiss Ned on the lips. Ned imagined the blood from his wounds beginning to seep down through the fabric of the cape and trickle down the sides of the rock, carving the same scarlet runes that the goat's blood had the day before. "The bird, the cat, the goat. Their lives will join yours in our daughter, and I will be the vessel." Aubrey's eyes went to the moon above her head. A strong wind whipped through her hair; the edges of the cloak snapped hungrily at the edges of the rock. Aubrey worked harder; Ned's hips thrust erratically up against hers, the hardness of the rock beneath her knees. Ned could feel her cunt clutching for him, and even through the haze of pain in his hands, he wanted to come for her. "I've got nothing else to give you," he whispered raggedly. He drove into her, his teeth gritting, his neck arched. Aubrey drew a third blade from her belt. "Yes!" she called out exuberantly. "Oh yes you do!" Ned, in one penultimate lunge, released himself into Aubrey. He had never experienced an orgasm so great, that felt as if every part of himself left through his c**k in an explosion of lust. At the moment of this abandon, Aubrey drove her final, thin blade down through his heart. He gasped, his back arching away from the stone, heat and pain lancing through his entire body. Aubrey gripped his shoulders and hastened herself to orgasm on his dying c**k; she cried out into the darkness, sounding like some banshee, sounding like the demon she claimed to be. It was the last sound Ned ever heard. Many felt sorry for the ragged woman who wandered into town just before winter fell. She had been beautiful, once, and most likely could be again. She carried with her nothing but a satchel of herbs, some scraps of fabric, and a swelling belly. The saddest part of it all was her belly. It was obvious she was a young widow, fallen on hard times. The wife of the pastor convinced him to let out their extra room to the poor girl for the winter, at least. She could help around the house and then the baby would be born someplace safe. The pastor, reluctantly agreed, and Aubrey found a new home for her and her coming daughter.
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