Chapter 16. Ashlynn

1639 Words

“Mmm… that is really good!”   I watch Ben close his eyes as he takes the first bite of food. When he’d called to cancel our date tonight, I was disappointed, but still understood. He’s been so busy lately, it’s a little insane. With Christmas next week, his clients have gotten overly demanding, and I know it’s taking a toll on him. I didn’t want to add to his stress, but I also knew this would be the last chance we’d get to hang out before he flies to his mom’s place. Looking in my kitchen, trying to decide what to make for dinner, I’d gotten a crazy idea and just went with it before I could overthink and talk myself out of it.    Turns out, it wasn’t such a crazy idea after all. I guess I was a little nervous cooking for him for the first time, so I kind of overdid it with the creamy

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