The Alpha's Daughter

The Alpha's Daughter


Gabrielle Quinn Bancroft is spunky, bold, fearless and is the only daughter of the notorious most merciless Alpha of the Blood Howlers. Enter gorgeous, mischievous, arrogant Alpha Titus Cohen. The star player in both sports and the ladies of Westhill High.

When Aurburn High suddenly closes Gabi and her fellow teen wolves find themselves transferring to the next closest school which happens to be Westhill but there's one problem, Westhill is in between their territory and the rivalry pack's land. When the two finally meet it's as if two worlds are crashing into each other as they find that they're mates.

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Chapter 1
And there it was; our beloved Auburn High being closed down right before our very eyes. It was a shame since we really loved that school and okay, fine, we may have gone a little over board on our sophomore year ending prank, but dear god it was amazing! I never thought burning down a whole school would be so awesome! Castiel, my boyfriend cheered like the rest of us. "Gab! Check it out! Mr. Thompson is literally pulling all his hair out." He said from behind me as his arms snaked around my waist. "And he wonders why he loses his hair." I said, laughing at the poor middle aged man. I looked behind me, meeting Castiel's vibrant blue eyes, his blonde hair smooth and silky. Our poor principal started pacing around until he spotted our crowd. "Bancroft! Harries! Anderson! Clark!" He started calling off our names angrily. "Busted!" Savannah, my best friend, yelled, making all of us shrink away from the prune smelling man. Savannah was breathtaking and was the schools 'it girl', and why wouldn't she be when she had her brothers bright, baby blue eyes and her mothers perfect dark blonde hair. Michael met Mr. Thompson half way with a mischievous smirk on his lips. "Mr. Thompson, I'm only observing here, but Uhm, I think your school is on fire." He teased, like he wasn't one of the people who’d started the fire. "Mr. Anderson, don't you dare play innocent with me. You and I both know you and your group started this." The old man spat, jabbing his finger to poor Michael's chest. Savannah stifled a laugh causing Mr. Thompson to turn his attention to us. "I will get to the bottom of this and I assure you, Ms. Harries, that you will meet me there with your brother and Ms. Bancroft!" "What did I do?" I asked, faking my hurt as I put my hand to my chest for emphasis. Josh who was beside me raised his hand innocently. "Mr. Thompson, take these bad people away!" He said impersonating a little boy’s voice. Our whole group burst out laughing making Mr. Thompson even redder than he already was. "Shut your mouth, Mr. Clark! You've done enough. - Later that afternoon, Castiel and Savannah dropped me off at my house, still laughing at Mr. Thompson's reaction to our little prank. "I will never forget how angry he looked -- it was as if he was gonna punch Michael in the face!" Castiel said from the driver's seat, still hyped from all the yelling we got from our dear sweet principal. "At least we don't have to worry about him forgetting us." I remarked, winking at Castiel as I opened my door. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I told them; a huge smile still in my face as I leaned in to peck Castiel's cheek and give Sav a one-armed hug. "We love you, see you tomorrow!" Sav screamed just as I was shutting the black sports car door. I waved goodbye to them before making my way to the big wooden double doors of my house. Two tall pillars loomed over me, making the porch big and intimidating, like someone important lived here. As I reached the front door at the top of the steps, I was greeted by two of my father’s men who guarded the front of the house. "Ash, Tyler" I greeted giving them both a big smile. They both returned the smile. "Good afternoon. The Alpha and the Luna are waiting for you." I laughed at this. "Of course they are." I said, as they opened the door for me. I went straight to my father’s study, my shoes noisily clicking on the marble floors. I pushed open the door only to be greeted by my dad’s furious yellow eyes that I unfortunately didn't inherit. Not that I'm complaining about my mom's incredible grey eyes, it's just that yellow is much more unique -- like my mom. I was smaller than most girls, standing merely five foot one. I also inherited her beautiful wavy brunette hair but then I must confess I'm a total daddy's girl. My mom wasn't like a mom; she was like this really, really cool sister that let me do everything I wanted, but my dad and I had a weird bond. "Daddy!" I greeted cheerfully, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek. I went around him to kiss my mother on the forehead. She was smiling at me knowingly as she sat on one of dads leather couches. "Lighting the school on fire? Really Gabi?" My dad growled angrily. I sat down beside my mom, pouting towards my dad innocently. "But daddyyyyyyyyy," I whined like a little girl. It always worked on him even though I was already seventeen years old. "I think it was quite creative." My mom commented, her eyes full of excitement. "Isabelle, stop encouraging her." My dad scolded as if he had two daughters instead of one. My mom raised her hands up in surrender. "Just saying." "What do you have to say for yourself?" My dad said, pacing in front of us. "Only that I saw your records and that your records make mine look like I only stole a toothpick from the cafeteria." I said. My mom started laughing at that as she tried to cover it up with her hand. My dad’s eyes widened at that. "That is beside the point." He said, recovering from his shock of me knowing his high school records. "Thompson called us earlier saying the school will be closed until the next year." "Meaning?" My mom asked for both of us. My dad sighed defeated. "It means the pack has to find a new school for all the teenagers." "What? It was just one fire." I reasoned standing up from the couch with a huff. "Thompson is just being dramatic." "You and your friends burned down the whole building, Gabi." My dad said putting a hand on my shoulder. Both me and my mom had to bite back a laugh at that. "What now?" I asked when I calmed down. "Your mom and I have to talk about where you and seventy other teenagers will have to transfer to." He said looking tired. "Westhill is the closest school after Auburn." My mom told us both. "No." My dad snapped rather irritably, and it wasn't his tiredness that was speaking. "Anywhere but Westhill." He spat, like Westhill was such a horrible school. "Gavin, the next school is about five hours away." My mom reasoned. "It only took us three hours when we went there." My dad answered back trying to push away the suggestion of Westhill. "We were in wolf form, Gav. We are not sending our daughter to school in wolf form." She said with a finality in her voice. "Westhill is our only choice." "I'm not sending our daughter anywhere near that pack." He growled. "What pack?" I asked, curiously. My dad was never that outraged with a pack. Normally he just hated everyone, but this one had to be the Shadow Fang pack. Just the thought of them made my eyes roll. They weren't that strong --they only grew their reputation for killing mates for fun, but nothing else. "Shadow Fang." My dad said, his voice like venom. Now my dad was brutal and merciless, but he was never known for killing mates. He detested killing mates because apparently, back in the day, mom was always being targeted. "It's only for one year." My mom reasoned again. "Plus pack patrol will be what? Two minutes away from them?" "It's off territory." My dad shot back at her as he started his pacing again. "What do you say, Gabi? Go and show Westhill what a Blood howler really is, or travel in wolf form for three hours?" My mom asked, ignoring my dad’s protests. "Think about your hair!" She smirked,knowing that I'd say yes in a heartbeat when my hair was being threatened. "Hell yes!" I shouted making my way out the study before any other part of my body would be threatened. I heard my dad sigh in defeat as he started to pass the phone to mom to make the call to Westhill. - Waking up to the first day of school is never fun. I hated how I had to wake up earlier than before, because Westhill was about forty five minutes away when Auburn was a mere fifteen minutes from my room to the school. I was already regretting our little prank. After taking a quick shower I lumbered out of my bathroom to my closet. Mondays were definitely made to curse people. I can vouch for people there I'm sure. My dad’s loud knock vibrated through my room. "Gabi, hurry up." He said, or more like; demanded. He'd always been an early bird. My mother and I never understood it but left him alone. "I'm coming!" I shouted back as I threw my clothes around my room trying to look for a nice outfit for the day. Since it was still hot I decided on wearing a tank top tucked under a skirt, making it look like some sort of dress. I curled my hair real quick as I did my makeup. Grabbing my flats and my bag, I hurriedly made my way out of my room, passing my parents room as I yelled goodbye to my probably still asleep mother and raced down the stairs to be greeted by my impatient father who was standing stiffly below the stairs holding a bagel and my pink Starbucks cup. "Good morning daddy." I smiled tiptoeing to kiss his cheek. "You're three minutes late." He muttered, taking my bag from my shoulders. "Sorry." I apologized, making a face. He walked me out to the garage as he put my bagel, cup and bag inside my Audi. I waved goodbye to him again, only to be shrugged at as he climbed into my car. "Woah. Dad, do you need a ride or something?" I asked, my eyes wide. He looked at me for a good minute before opening my door from the inside. "Get in." He said. "Okay..." I managed to say as I slipped in and stared at him again. "Start the car, Gabi." He instructed, pointing to the keys. I gave him a confused look before staring the car. What was this really? Was he scared that my car would explode or something? "I'm coming with you to school." I hit the break suddenly making the tires shriek "What?!" I snapped my head towards him, a look of disbeliefon my face. This was not happening. "I want to check the place myself." He said, looking unmoved by my actions. "Dad, this is not happening. Besides, you sent about five teams to check the place about twenty times this month!" I reasoned. “I am not and I mean I am not bringing my over protective father to my new school.” "I won't get in your way. I just want to check the perimeter." He explained calmly, like he rehearsed whatever he was saying to me beforehand. Defeated, I pulled out of the garage and started to make my way to the school. My friends, Michael, Josh, Savannah and Castiel, were already on their way as it was. I had to groan when my dad started telling me that he was sending Ryan, one of his high ranking officers, to guard me. He then continued his talk about the probability of being attacked and what to do. We had gone through this more times than I can count. In my defense I was a pretty good fighter, even better than my mother who was about the best female fighter I've ever witnessed, and not to boast but I've had more fights than my father would like me to have had, so I'm covered. I can take on any of these Shadow Fang scum. Nearing the school, my dad told me to pull over so he could get out because he was going to start his perimeter check. With a sigh, I leaned in to peck his cheek goodbye. "Do you need a ride home?" I asked out of habit, not that he ever asked me to pick him up. As expected, he shook his head. "Andy is meeting up with me as well." Andy, my father’s Beta and Castiel and Savannah's dad, was the sweetest, kindest man you could ever meet, but then I've seen him get mad and just like any Blood Howler, it was not a pretty sight. Dad waved good bye to me, waiting for me to enter the front gates of the school before disappearing into the woods. I parked my car near the front out of habit before turning the engine off and stepping out the car with my bag and cup in my hand. So far I was early thanks to my amazing dad. There were barely any cars around and there was little to no one around. I leaned on my car, looking around and waiting for my friends to arrive. I had to say; Westhill wasn't so bad. Auburn, of course, was better, but damn! Westhill had three buildings surrounding a soccer field which had a track and field around it. It made me all excited since I was the star player in my old soccer team. Back in Auburn, we used to burn Westhill so bad at games it kind of made us pity them. The buildings were all connected by glass, tube-like walkways, and the buildings were modern enough. Westhill did not disappoint. It was only when a car parked a hair strand away from my foot did I snap out of my gaze. A platinum blonde exited the pink loser of a car as she flipped her fake blonde hair at me. She was a werewolf I took inher scent as she gave me the most horrible duck face the world had ever created. "Get your car off my cliques parking space, would you?" She said in a high pitched voice that made me cringe at the sound. "Tell your 'clique' to find a different spot because this one is taken." I told her, raising an eyebrow challengingly. She looked at me as if she was sizing me up. "Do you know who you're talking to?" She finally said as she rounded the car, her head held up high and looking down at me. She was about a head taller than me. I rolled my eyes at her tone. "A fake dyed blonde girl? Or were you supposed to be someone else?" Her jaw tightened at that. "Listen new girl. I'm queen bee here and no one, and I mean no one, talks back to me." I scoffed at her, meeting her head on. "Was that supposed to be a threat?" "Who is the cheap looking blonde girl?" Suddenly Savannah was beside me. "I'm sorry, sweetie, this is Westhill, not the wig store." Michael, Josh suddenly showed up laughing at what Savannah just said. Outnumbered, the girl made a humph sound before retreating back towards the schools main doors with a flip of her hair. "Ugh, I love morning squabbles, don't you?" Savannah said with a smile as she fixed the strap of her bra. "I do love witches in the morning." I smiled back at her. Michael and Josh wrapped their arm around each of us as we faced Castiel's approaching car. He parked his car near us and walked towards us, donuts in hand. He handed the box to Josh who yipped happily, opening the box excitedly. Even with their humungous appetites, Michael, Josh and Castiel were still as buffed as models, sothat it made both me and Savannah jealous having to keep our food in check. Castiel hugged me tightly, his warmth engulfing me. "Did you get my text?" He said, and I nodded, a smile on my face as he kissed my forehead. Castiel was the kind of boyfriend who texted you good morning and good evening texts. He was sweet like that and I was more than lucky to have him. I know, I know. It's foolish. We're both mateless werewolves who are bound to find our mates, but it was worth the risk. Castiel was worth the risk. I sometimes wish and hope that we both were mates, but again, I doubted it since what my mother told me about the sparks and and love at first sight; we didn't have that. Well, we did, but it wasn’t not that special. My dad never approved of our relationship, but Castiel was hopeful and didn't stop perusing me and eventually nothing mattered but him. cliché, I know. The daughter of an Alpha with the son of a Beta. Our group made its way towards the front doors to the building and again we were struck by how modern the place looked.Back in Auburn, we used to mock and tease this school for being low class, but there wasn't much difference. I took a long whiff of the place and judging by the smell there weren't a lot of humans in the school, which was cool. Castiel walked with me, his arm draped around my shoulders protectively. Back in Auburn he was the star football player and every girl wanted him, It was cute to say the least and I had to admit, I was a little jealous when girls swooned and cried out to him. On my other side was Josh who was a major swimmer. Before I did soccer, I used to be on the same swimming team as he was. You could see the excitement in his green eyes, as his messy brown hair bounced around. Beside Josh was Savannah; beautiful Savannah. We've been friends for as long as I can remember .We were practically sisters then. Beside her was Michael, the biggest bad boy of the group, the man w***e, and he was proud of it. His dark, ashy brown hair and captivating mud brown eyes always made the girls melt. In no time at all we made it to the office. Some of our fellow pack members were there. As they made way for us I smiled at them. I might be a total witch, but when it came to my pack members I was always nice, because like my dad said, a pack member is like a limb. Plus all of them are very nice, which didn't give us any reason to fight. After receiving our papers we compared them with one another’s and nodded, satisfied. English with Castiel and Michael Art with Savannah History with Michael and Josh Geography with Savannah and Josh Advance Lit with Michael Biology with Josh Math with Savannah and Michael Physical Education with everyone except Castiel Castiel frowned down at our schedules. "I only have one class with Gab." He complained. His comment made everyone laugh as Michael tugged his arm towards the hall to look for our rooms. We ended up splitting up; Michael, Castiel and I to the west wing, while Josh and Savannah went to the east. Students walked hurriedly everywhere, bustling around like ants. We finally arrived at our room and took the chairs in the middle row, me in between Michael and Castiel. It didn't take long before a middle-aged woman came walking in. She wrote in cursive the name ‘Mrs. Morris’ on the white board. We all greeted her until she clapped her hands and said, in the most peachy voice; "Juniors! Very exciting, very exciting indeed! I've just heard that we have five new students today!" All of us froze. not this introduce me again that prank we did is certainly becoming a major problem. "Is there a Gabrielle Bancroft here?" She said already looking at me. All the class turned to look at me, about thirty pairs of eyes taking me in. I shrugged, standing up and walking to the front. I flashed everyone a smile. "Hi! I'm Gabi Bancroft and I transferred here from Auburn high." The werewolves in the room had one thought running in their head and it was that the rumors were true; the daughter of the notorious Alpha was studying at Westhill. The humans were obviously only thinking about Auburn because no one in their right mind would transfer from Auburn to Westhill. None of the wolves met my gaze, then all of them bowed their heads, even though they were Shadow Fangs and what not. Castiel stood next, his charming face making all the girls stare. Maybe I should have been jealous, but then I had to understand that Castiel was worthy to be looked at as he was very handsome. Michael came up next. This time more girls fawned over him as he boasted aboutbeing in the football team which he was only in to get even more girls. Two of others from my pack came up but I tuned them all out. Michael was already fast asleep at his desk, snoring loudly. His lips were open and a pool of drool covered his notebook. Castiel looked as though he was about to pass out from boredom and I probably looked the same. It was when Mrs. Morris started discussing things was I hit by the smell. It was woodsy yet musky and mysterious. I had to stop myself from sniffing the air loudly as I searched the room for the smell. It seemed to be coming from the hall. The smell was so intoxicating that I had to grip the chair to prevent myself from bolting out the room. My wolf was getting so worked up as she wanted more of the smell. A figure passed through the door window but it was too fast to see. I was, needless to say, frustrated. Sexually frustrated for some weird reason, but my wolf said something that made me stop and freeze. "Mate."

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