Making Time for What Matters

1144 Words
Asher POV Sometime later, I went to the Apothecary shop to buy some herbs. As I walked into the apothecary store, the smell of dried herbs and potions filled my nostrils. The store clerk greeted me with a warm smile as I approached him with my list of needed herbs. "Good afternoon, Asher. What can I help you with today?" he asked kindly. "I need some wolfsbane, mandrake root, and dragon's blood resin," I replied confidently, handing him the list. The clerk nodded and began gathering the herbs for me. As he worked, I couldn't help but think about Noah and the new girl with him at the library earlier. It puzzled me why she was just now learning about magic when we had known it since we were young. Once I had everything I needed, I paid for my purchase and returned to my car. As I drove home, thoughts of the mysterious girl consumed my mind. Why was she only just discovering her magical abilities now? It didn't make sense to me. As soon as I arrived at my doorstep, I reached for my keys and unlocked the door. I walked in and was immediately greeted by my little sister, Aurora. She ran towards me with excitement and jumped on me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "Hey brother, you are finally back?" she exclaimed joyfully. Her contagious happiness made me feel grateful to be back home. As I picked her up, I hugged her and responded, "Yeah, I'm back." I set Aurora down and made my way towards the garden, taking in the familiar sights and sounds of home. The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over everything touched. I could hear birds chirping in the trees nearby and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. As I approached Mom in the garden, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. Being back home surrounded by loved ones and familiar surroundings was good. "Hey, Mom," I said with a smile as I joined her in the herb garden. Mom looked up from her work and returned my smile. Her hands were covered in dirt from tending to the plants, but she seemed content. "Welcome back, Asher. How was your trip?" she asked, wiping her brow with the back of her hand. "It was good," I replied, reaching out to help her with some of the pots. "But it's nice to be back here with you guys." We worked together for a while, chatting about my travels and catching up on all that had happened while I was away. Mom told me how things had been at home and how much she missed having me around. As I walked towards the swings, Avalon noticed me and waved. "Hey there, big brother!" she called out with a grin. "Hey little sis," I replied as I sat down on the swing next to her. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the backyard. The sound of birds chirping in the trees filled the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere. "How was your trip?" Avalon asked curiously as she swung back and forth. "It was good, got a lot done," I answered. "But it's nice to be back home." Avalon nodded understandingly before changing the topic. "Did you bring me anything from your trip?" I chuckled at her question. "Of course, I did. But you'll have to wait until after dinner to find out what it is." Avalon pouted playfully but then smiled. "Okay, fine. But make sure it's something good!" We swung in comfortable silence for a few moments before Mom called us inside for dinner. As we walked back to the house, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my family and the love that surrounded us. As the evening wore on, I found myself lost in my thoughts as I worked to prepare for my classes. The lamp's soft glow illuminated the room, casting a warm and inviting light over my desk. My mind was focused, my hands moving precisely as I checked and rechecked my supplies. It wasn't until Mom called me for dinner that I realized how late it had gotten. Hurrying down the stairs, I could smell the delicious aroma of Mom's cooking wafting through the air. I saw her setting out plates of steaming food on the table as I entered the kitchen. "That looks great!" I exclaimed, taking a seat next to Avalon. Mom smiled warmly at me before sitting down herself. But as we waited for Dad to join us, his empty chair serving as a stark reminder of his absence, Avalon couldn't help but ask where he was. "Well," Mom began, her voice gentle and reassuring, "Daddy said he might be late tonight because of work. We should go ahead and start without him." I couldn't help but roll my eyes internally at Dad's perpetual lateness due to work. He seemed to always put his job before us, leaving us waiting at the dinner table night after night. But instead of voicing my frustration aloud, I kept silent and focused on enjoying the meal before me. As we ate, conversation flowed easily between us, filling the silence left by Dad's absence. As I glanced out the window at the darkening sky outside, a sense of determination washed over me. No matter how busy life got or how often Dad's work kept him away from us, I would always make time for those who were important to me. Because, in the end, the family was everything—even if they were occasionally late for dinner. Time passed, and a week later, I took my sister to the carnival to have some fun. As we arrived, the girl's eyes lit up excitedly. The colorful lights and cheerful music filled the air as we walked through the bustling crowds. I could see the anticipation in their faces as they eagerly looked around at all the rides and games. "We have to go on the Ferris wheel first!" Aurora exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards it. "Alright, but let's get some cotton candy first," I replied with a smile. We made our way to the food stalls, and I bought each of them a massive pink cloud of sugary goodness. They giggled with delight as they devoured their treats, sticky fingers. After satisfying our sweet tooth, we finally reached the Ferris wheel. As we climbed into our brightly colored car, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. Seeing the joy on my sisters' faces was truly priceless. The ride slowly ascended, giving us a breathtaking view of the carnival below. The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over everything in sight.
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