Chapter 1-3

808 Words
The figure dropped the bag he was holding and rolled to the side, pulling the short rod up in front of him. With a flick of his wrist, the rod extended several centimeters. The intruder twirled it around before bringing it up in front of him. Manota attacked with cold calculation, not wanting the fight to end too soon. His blood was still flooded with the adrenaline from his dream, his frustration at Tai Tek’s escape, and his s****l frustrations. No, this one will be begging for death before I am ready to grant it, he thought as he lashed out again. The figure countered his blows time after time. Manota’s eyes narrowed as he realized that this opponent was extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat. The intruder was using many of the counter-attacks that his guards used. There was also something very familiar with the way he moved, dodging or repelling blows that should have stopped him. In fact, the intruder was using moves and counterattacks that he had personally trained his elite guards in during the war. The thought that one of his men could be the traitor enraged him as he had handpicked each one. He felt his muscles clench as the staff connected first with his stomach, then across his back, pushing him forward. He swirled, shifting his sword as he watched the figure slowly circle around trying to get closer to the door. “I don’t think so,” Manota growled, striking out with a quick thrust. The figure turned as the blade came at him, elbowing Manota in the mouth before bending in a graceful arc and pushing him away again. Manota snarled as he tasted blood where his lip split from the blow. His eyes flamed with rage at the soft snort that escaped the dark figure as the male moved again, trying to get by him. Manota moved in closer, circling around. He struck out again, only this time when the staff came up to deflect it, he blocked the blow with his other arm. He gritted his teeth against the pain of the blow and swiped his sword across the stomach of the intruder. A loud, pain-filled hiss echoed in the early morning air. A part of Manota noted the sky was beginning to grow lighter. Soon, the dark figure in front of him would not have anywhere to hide. It was time to end this, Manota thought as the figure fell backwards. “Where is Tai Tek hiding?” Manota demanded as he took a menacing step toward the figure that was holding the long staff defensively in front of him. “What were you doing? Who were you meeting?” The figure backed up toward the edge of the roof. The sun’s rays cast his face in shadows as it rose behind him. As soon as the intruder felt the back of the low wall against his legs, he flung the staff at Manota’s head, placed one hand on the low wall and rolled over the side. Manota cursed loudly as he jerked his head to the side so he wouldn’t be hit by the flying rod. He darted forward, looking over the edge as the figure moved with ease down the side of the vine-covered wall. He caught a glimpse as the figure disappeared over the balcony that led to his rooms. “s**t!” he growled out harshly as he sheathed his sword. He rested his hand on the side of the low wall, tossing his leg over. He looked down and froze. His eyes glued to the perfect blood-covered outline of a hand which shone clearly in the early morning light. His eyes darted to the long staff lying on the roof. Pulling his leg back over, he walked numbly over to where it rested. He knelt down and carefully picked up the staff, even as his stomach began to roll with a dark dread. Fresh blood dampened the long, narrow staff as well, showing evidence his blade had struck more than once. Fury built inside him as he grasped the decorative staff and rose to his feet. His eyes scanned the rooftop in the early morning light, picking up the numerous small drops of blood dotting the surface. Twirling as fear built alongside the anger, he sprinted to the entrance to the roof. The door crashed backwards as he ripped it open. Taking the stairs three at a time, he wove his way down to the lower levels. He startled the guard on patrol who turned to confront him as he burst through the inner door. “Call for the healer!” he ordered harshly as he ran past the man. “Where should I tell him to meet you, my lord?” the guard asked as he hurried to catch up as they raced through the corridors. “Lady Jo’s room,” Manota snarled out as he quickly outpaced the guard. If he thought he had felt fear a week ago, it was nothing compared to what he was feeling right now.
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