Chapter 11-1

1377 Words

Chapter Eleven “Manota, I need your permission to kill a few members of the circus,” Kev growled out as he walked into the conference room three days later. “If you won’t give me permission, at least look the other way while I do it.” Manota turned from where he was hiding in the large room off the bridge – No, not hiding. Commanding, he growled silently, ...from where I am commanding my warship. He didn’t want to admit it, but he wasn’t positive bringing Walter and the rest of the creatures was such a great idea after all. He would have been better off locking Jo away in his cabin, kidnapping her parents, and heading back to Kassis before anyone knew what happened. As it was, a new report showed they had another unexpected guest. It would appear the law enforcement agent Kev had captu

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