Chapter 4-2

713 Words

Manota heard the slight hesitation in her voice. He knew there was more behind Jo’s desire to return home than what happened this morning. He heard the thread of sadness in her voice. He would do whatever was in his power to make her happy. First, though, first he needed to seal his claim on her. He needed – wanted – there to be no doubt that she belonged to him, with him. He slid his arm under her knees, lifting her up into his arms. He walked back over to the bed. Gently laying her down, he knelt beside her. Touching the soft strands of her hair, he marveled at the beauty of the alien warrior who had captured his heart. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured. His eyes captured her blue gaze, holding it with his own dark one. “You are beautiful on the outside,” he whispered as his fingers

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